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  4. Flowerdrops
  • Project category
    Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking
  • Basic information
    Sustainable communal workshop + auction for good
    A communal art project inviting people to join workshop in making a "flower". Ready flower is attached on ready frame. Each flower matters, as fully flowered lampshade is auctioned to local charity.

    Material used making flowers is recycled: recycled plastic bottles + canisters, collected at schools, restaurants. One may bring their own "rubbish". Recycled material is washed before use. We have instructions to make a quick flower in just 2 min. Or one may spend hours at workshop creating.
    Helsinki Design Week, Helsinki ( Main event indoors)
    International weaving symposium, City of Joensuu
    FIskars summer workshops in Helsinki ( outdoors)
    Turku Culture City program. Workshops in collaboration with Aboa Vetus Ars Nova museum + lampshades exhibited on above a walking bridge in Turku, before the auctions.
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As an individual
    • First name: Outi
      Last name: Puro
      Gender: Female
      Nationality: Finland
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Ketunpesäntie 1
      Town: Lieto
      Postal code: 21350
      Country: Finland
      Direct Tel: +358 50 4450864
    New European Bauhaus or European Commission websites
  • Description of the project
    Creating communal artwork lampshade(s) together with people at workshops arranged around Europe. Collabs with artists, designers, art museums and galleries around Europe.

    Material is recycled plastic bottles, canisters. "Other people's rubbish" is collected locally.

    How to: We organize all the things ready so that one may just come and join the workshop and enjoy. One may follow our easy instruction or create an own "freestyle" flower.

    So far we have had the workshops in Finland. We have artist and designer partners in France ( Giada Ganassin), Spain ( Ricardo Cavolo), Belgium ( Paul Kienhuis, an agent with a great network). With these people we may create workshops around Europe.

    Flowerdrops workshop: Anyone may join workshop for free and make a "flower" from recycled plastic. We provide a ready made steel frame, and flower is attached to this frame. Fully flowerized stunning unique lampshade is ready to serve as a EU standard lampshade on floor or ceiling.. We have arranged workshops on the street or at museums.

    Ready lampshade is auctioned to Charity. Auction is help by a local partner agreed. In Finland we have auctioned 2 lampshades: one to support Youngsters hobbies and studying, and other Youngsters Brain damage organization. The auctions were held in collaboration with other partners from en evening gala to an auction held together with a local rock concert. We have gathered total of 10000euros for the charity for different partners in auctioning the lampshade made together with people. So good is spread and everyone may join.

    Final creation is made together, for good. It is a unique piece of art.
    Sustainability: Recycled materials only and always local
    Local production: in collaboration made lampshade brings people and the good together: "Regaining the sense of belonging#
    Spread love: Ready lampshade is auctioned and agreed with the locals were the auctioned charity is given. We prioritize the people and locality.
    Eco consciousness
    Life cycle, recycle, re-think.
    This project is about sustainability itself. We name the project " Other People's Rubbish" and lift the rubbish in a totally new era. From a ready made lampshade one cannot realizer at first it is made of "rubbish", as it is just such a beautiful unique stunning lampshade. But there is a sustainable story behind. A story which gathers people together, gives a meaning of helping others with making just one simple flower. It is about a shared good.
    Each single flower is a beautiful creation itself, even one may join workshop for just 2 minutes making a simple flower. Or staying for hours.

    A ready final lampshade is a stunningly beautiful art piece and design lampshade creating the most beautiful aesthetic experience mixing the beautiful object with a beautiful story.
    Workshops are open and free and everyone is welcomed. Our work is to organize things so that people may just easily come and join. We just share a story, give people a possibility to join and spend their time for good. Whole workshop' side is to support the thinking of recycle, eco consciousness, minding the people and our environment.
    Collaboration is local and lampshade flowered together with local people. We are here to hear abut our collaboration cities, museums and gallery's ideas too and create on own civil society in making something small and turning it to something bigger in making good.

    We have managed to collaborate with our partners in Finland and spread the invitations by media, press, schools and museum networks.
    Locally people were invited and they came.
    Regionally press was interested, art museums, galleries and art foundations were supporting our project.
    Nationally we arranged auctions where finally ready lampshades were auctioned to Charity, for example with Helsinki Design week.
    European. The is just to come.
    This project is about minding the people and our planet. Reminding of our responsibility as a human being for both others and our shared environment. When we cut a shampoo bottle we give a mould to cut it the way that no rubbish is left from using the rubbish as a material. This is all valued and has got a deeper meaning with caring for our environment and thinking of the materials and rubbish. We recycle with no rubbish left.
    Many happy people who attended our workshop, enjoyed making their own flower and enjoyed to hear finally where the map shade was auctioned for good. They supported our idea and were empowered with the feeling of being part of making something which is helps others in difficult situations, does good to others.

    Also auctions were a great way to bring the story of responsibility visible. A sunning colorful lampshade was noticed by all and it created discussion. The "crown" for the story was it was made in collaboration with people and using recycled material " Other People's Rubbish". Lampshades are in use. One is at an architect office in Helsinki, for example and serves their negotiation room.

    This is a continuous project which may happen anywhere in Europe and always has got a deeper meaning with sustainability and environmental issues, in minding the people and our planet. Workshops are fun to join but also make people think. That's the value in art and design in this project.
    Art and design practicers only in making world a bit better place.
    Actually everything. The package is adjustable and repeatable. People everywhere want to take care of others and our environment.
    Sustainable development and Climate change: Eco consciousness through the special material used for the lampshades.
    Minding the environment by using "Other people's rubbish" to create something meaningfully beautiful, together.
    Democratization: everyone is welcomed to join.
    Heath issues and rich -poor gap: auction supporting publically important issues on population, different resources, minding people.

    • STORY_Helsinki_Designweek_exchibition_and_workshop_Mums_and_Heathnash.jpg
    • FLOWERBALL_2_recycled_plastic_bottles_unique_design_eco_handmade_MUMS_FInland_HR.jpg
    • BOTTLEFORM_colour_lampshade_greendesign_light_greenlight_sustainable_design_HR.jpg
    • Heath Nash-191.jpg
    • Ricardo_Cavolo_interior_rug_carpet_cushion_ethical_design_contemporary_colourful_interior_HR_.jpg
    • MUMs_wallart_Giada_Brinkhalli_turku_low.jpg
    • STORY_Mums_Flowerdrops_Outi_Puro_Design.jpg