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  • Initiative category
    Prioritising the places and people that need it the most
  • Basic information
    Empowering diversity and inclusion
    Empowering diversity, inclusion and equity- Different or alike together we make a whole
    School should be a place where everyone flourishes in the environment which fosters diversity, equity and inclusion. Primary school students are at the most vulnerable age when their attitudes, values and self-esteem develop. For these two reasons Ivo Andric Primary School has developed the initiative to improve the inclusion and equity via: high-quality and inclusive education; professional development for teachers; digital transition, and teacher-student-parent cooperation.
    Rakovica municipality, Belgrade
    Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Hercegovina
    Mainly urban
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    Erasmus plus program, year 2018
    2018-1-RS01-KA101-000228 Empowering diversity and inclusion and equity in our school-Different or alike together we make a whole
    As a representative of an organisation
    • Name of the organisation(s): Ivo Andric Primary School
      Type of organisation: Other public institution
      First name of representative: Bojana
      Last name of representative: Nikic Vujic
      Gender: Female
      Nationality: Serbia
      Function: English language teacher and Educational adviser
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Ivana Micurina 38a
      Town: Belgrade
      Postal code: 11000
      Country: Serbia
      Direct Tel: +381 64 1678095
    Social Media
  • Description of the initiative
    The initiative 'Empowering diversity and inclusion and equity-Different or alike together we make a whole' started as an Erasmus+ project in 2018 with the aim to gain competences to build the environment that fosters diversity, inclusion and equity of all students, especially students with special education needs and students migrants. After the Staff training, various mini projects were undergone, such as adapting the methodology and curriculum, introducing school clubs, involving students actively as bearers of learning process via Student parliament and various projects and workshops designed by and for students, engaging parents in Parents club and workshops, adapting learning environments and introducing new ones, introducing virtual reality and ICT tools, etc. Furhermore, teachers created two seminars for professional development accredited by the Ministry of Education in Serbia and Montenegro, respectively. The seminars are also done in Bosna and Herzegovina thus giving the opportunity to teachers in Serbia and the region to gain the know-how on the topic and further implement the transformation. The school started active cooperation with the municipality of Rakovica and participated in or created numerous projects with the aim to promote creativity, diversity and inclusion. As a result we experienced the positive effects of the transformation and plan to continue with further steps which would include: equipping the classrooms with additional resources for the SEN students; publishing leaflets, posters and guides for celebrating diversities, adding gender equality and equity as new step in the initiative, bringing experts to help the initiative, purchasing additional ICT equipment such as VR glasses and web apps and tools, designing new seminars. We, both teachers and pupils, strongly believe that our initiative brings beneficial changes and transforms the learning experience for all students and other participants of School life.
    Fostering diversity, inclusion and equity
    New interdisciplinary approach and methodology in teaching and learning
    Connecting students' parents, local community and Ministry of Education as support
    Transforming existing and introducing new learning environments
    Introducing ICT web tools and Virtual reality as support
    The initiative started in 2018 is still implemented, developing and influencing the pupils and other participants of school life. The new methodology and curriculum introduced in 2019 is still in use with upgrades based in experience and new knowledge and skills every new school year. Every school new year students and teachers introduce some new students' clubs and the number is only growing. After the trainings the teachers supported the students, especially SEN and migrant students, to take active role in the learning process and as a consequence they formed very active and productive Student parliament. Some of the created projects that are still going on are: We are teacher, too; Fellow student as a mentor; Pink and blue T-shirt days, Autumn feast to celebrate different cultures and customs in Serbia, etc. The parents formed Parents club and support the school life with various projects such as 'Job fair' where they talk about their occupations to the students. The local community and the Ministry recognized and supported the initiative, as well. While the seminar 'Interdisciplinary approach in teaching' was accredited for school teas 2018-2021, the seminar ' Guide through inclusive education' is accredited for the school years 2022-2025. This gives the opportunity to the teachers in the region to develop their capacities in the transformation. Introducing virtual reality and web apps and tools created new learning environment. The teachers and students recognized this aspect of learning as a very useful one and keep introducing new ideas and tools. The whole initiative grows organically, and both teachers and students add new ideas and goals in the transformation. Apart from the existing path of transformation, the new initiative of pursuing the topic of Gender equality emerged. Since that we have a lot of experience, know-how and enthusiasm we strongly believe that the initiative will keep developing in a sustainable way.
    Through initiative we adapted the classrooms to cater for SEN students' needs so they can feel more comfortable and develop their full potential. We introduced smart boards and VR learning environment, adapted seating layout, posters on the walls, and realia. School clubs classrooms have been adapted to cater for the club and students' needs, as well. The school hall has been transformed as a focal point of informal learning with big screen projecting videos about diversity, inclusion and equity. The exhibitions have been displayed celebrating diversity and inclusion, such as Blue T-shirt day celebrating autism awareness day in the hall, too. Furthermore, workshops have been organized in order to celebrate different cultural heritage and customs, such as workshop 'Afghanistan, my homeland' or 'Customs in various regions of Serbia'. Moreover, some informal learning setting for SEN students were incorporated, such as field trips- Going shopping at the local market or visit to cafe 'Big heart' where persons with disabilities work. After filling in the questionnaire both students and parents expressed positive emotions regarding the initiative and are willing to continue to participate in and support the initiative, especially with the regard of SEN students feeling being accepted and appreciated as equal.
    First of all, our initiative focuses on diversity, inclusion and equity of SEN and migrant students and all students, too. We have employed all means to foster the environment which enables every school member to develop their full potential. Therefore, the teachers, students and parents went through seminars and workshops in order to be able to do so as stated above. We have come to the conclusion that the circle teachers- students- parents has proved to be very fruitful. The teachers employ adapted methodology and curriculum, the students are more actively involved in learning process and school life by designing activities and projects for other students, while the parents provide support with the ideas and information about SEN. Being actively involved all feel that they directly contribute to the initiative and feel eager to continue to support it. The local community recognized the importance of the initiative and included the school in many projects, such as Red Cross projects, Creative projects and many more. The initiative was presented to the local municipality in order to disseminate the initiative to other school in the municipality region. Our school staff designed two accredited seminars on the topics of Interdisciplinarity and SEN Education which are recognized by the Ministry of Education in Serbia and Montenegro respectively. Therefore, the teachers in all schools in Serbia and Montenegro have been given the opportunity to develop their competences on the topics and spread the knowledge to their students the influence the transformation of education.
    By educating all teachers and students we built the environment which supports diversity and inclusion. The teachers and students were able to overcome the prejudices and shift the perspective by focusing on be benefits of the inclusive society. The SEN and migrant students have felt the undergone change in various ways. The classrooms were adapted to cater for their needs; the teaching approach, methodology and curriculum was adapted to meet the needs of the students; other students understood better the persons with SEN and have been more actively involved in supporting them; special days celebrating various SEN were organized, they have had school trips with real-life situations, etc. The SEN and migrant students were actively involved in various projects. They have created and delivered workshops, created exhibitions, spoken about their experience at Student parliament meetings. They reported that they feel much more welcome, appreciated and comfortable at school. The parents have noted that the students have prospered both academically and emotionally.
    At local level, local community has helped that other school hear about the initiative and included our school staff and pupils in various projects in order to disseminate the initiative and encourage the transformation.
    At regional and national level, The Ministry of Education and Institute of Education advancement and training supported the initiative by accrediting two seminars on Interdisciplinarity and SEN education for the teachers in order to share the know-how and help the transformation ( and They also published the article about the initiative in the section Examples of good practice. Our teachers delivered workshops on the topic at the conferences of Teacher Associations.
    At international level, the Ministry of Education in Montenegro supported and accredited the above mentioned seminars. EU supported the starting step of the initiative, the Erasmus+ KA1 project by providing the grant. Our project was chosen as exemplary and presented at the Council of Europe Conference in Dijon, France giving the opportunity to disseminate the project results (
    1. Understanding SEN and migrant students needs by exploring the topic
    2. Teaching methodology by introducing new approaches such as CBL, CLIL, Flipped classroom, PBL and adapting the curriculum.
    3. Adapting and creating new learning environments (adapting classrooms and hall, introducing smartboards and VR, outdoor trips, etc.)
    4. Introducing and incorporating interdisciplinary approach
    5. Actively engaging students as bearers of learning process
    6. ICT skills
    7. Citizenship, democracy and equality
    8. Empowering parents to become involved in and support the transformation (adult teaching methodology).

    All above mentioned knowledge fields were developed among teachers, students and parents. They collaborated in lesson designs, projects, workshops and shared their knowledge, skills and enthusiasm which inspired new ideas. Since the approach employed comprehensive and organic symbiosis of the participants and the knowledge and skills it has overcome the expectations, All participants experienced the change and feel inspired to continue with the initiative.
    Most of the projects with the focus on inclusion and SEN employ the approach where the teachers are main and almost only bearers of the process of transformation, while the students are passive recipients and parents are not involved. One of the main innovative features of the initiative was to form a circle teachers- students- parents. Since they all were actively and personally involved they can feel the personal contribution and benefits from the initiative. All participants have contributed with their ideas, projects, workshops and advocated the change. It has become contagious, and more and more teachers, students and parents have shown the interest and become engaged in the transformation. Furthermore, we adopted the approach that the learning process goes on not only in the classroom but everywhere and anytime. We introduced VR and ICT, informal learning settings such as markets, museums, cafes. The students have been given the opportunity to learn in the environments that they feel more comfortable. Moreover, the learning process has not been time and place restricted to school, but continues beyond that framework.
    This was noticed by local authorities and the Ministry which decided to support our initiative.
    The school setting in the Balkan region is very much alike, while if we look at EU setting we can notice a lot of similarities, too. Therefore, we believe that the initiative can be replicated and transferred in most school settings. The Erasmus + project which was used as a starting point is available to all interested parties on The two seminars designed transfer the know-how regarding the whole initiative. Since they are available to all teachers in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina we strongly believe that the initiative can be replicated and transferred at the high rate. The methodology, technology, processes, products in the form of curriculum design, lesson plans and activities, and learning outcomes are described in detail during the seminar workshops. The teaching materials, especially those designed via web apps and tools are public and available for further use to all teachers and students. The School staff delivered numerous presentations at the conferences in Serbia and Balkan region in order to encourage the change and spread the enthusiasm regarding the topic. The public is also informed out the initiative, steps and outcomes through the articles published. The school plans to organize a conference, publish additional materials in order to support the transformation furthermore.
    The first step, after identifying the challenge, was to develop knowledge and understanding about the topic of diversity and inclusion. The main focus has been to change the perspective regarding diversity and inclusion through deep understanding of SEN and migrant students needs. The next step included thorough plan regarding the initiative approach. After needs analysis we used whole-school approach and active learning approach. The key element was that all participants of school life take active role in the initiative and become personally involved in it. Thus, we formed teachers- students- parents circle. Teachers mentors educated other teachers. All teachers educated students and parents. The next step involved students educating other students, while the parents educated other parents. After trainings and workshops they all formed their clubs and have come to various ideas regarding shift in teaching methodology, forming of school students' clubs, students taking the role of teachers and mentors, parents organizing various events and much more. Being equipped with the knowledge and skills they all have felt comfortable to take active roles and contribute to the initiative. New teachers, students and parent contribute with the ideas, keeping the initiative developing and growing. After every school year all three parties fill in the questionnaire which is used as a starting point for a new school year. The meetings are organized on regular bases. Existing learning environments have been adapted to cater for all and SEN students needs. We implemented the use of ICT (VR and web apps) and interdisciplinary approach to create new learning environments. The students learn about certain topic in formal and informal setting (school trips, visits), as well. Apart from activities in the School, we encourage and empower other schools to undergo such a transformation by organizing seminars, conferences, workshops, publishing articles on the topic.
    One of the most challenging issues in education in catering for the needs of the vulnerable groups in the most vulnerable period of life. School life experience shapes a person and influences them through the whole life. Therefore, it is of upmost importance to develop a society which fosters diversity, inclusion and equity especially regarding SEN students and gender equality. School should be aware of the responsibility and influence they have on numerous generations. In most cases the teachers do not have enough knowledge, skills and experience to respond adequately to the students' needs, leaving the students without the opportunity to develop and change the existing situation. Professional and personal development seminars and workshops addressed the issue to provide all teachers, trainers and school leaders with high-quality initial education and professional development opportunities thus leading to applying new methodologies, creating new curricula, adapting and introducing new learning environments, active participation of students in the process of learning and taking the responsibility for personal development and support from parents, local community and the Ministry of Education.
    Moreover, digital education and transformation are one of the global challenges. We live in a digital world and have to respond to the new reality. Therefore, our initiative included digital transformation aspect by creating new learning environments using VR (VR glasses and programs), web app and tools for creating learning and teaching materials and encouraging communication and cooperation.

    Through our initiative we proved that such a transformation is possible and sustainable.
    Since 2018 the initiative of School transformation regarding fostering diversity, inclusion and equity proved to be possible and sustainable. So far, all participants of school life have benefited from the initiative. The new methodology and curricula introduced in 2019 is still in use with upgrades based in experience and new knowledge and skills every new school year. Every school new year students and teachers introduce some new students clubs and the number is only growing. After the trainings the teachers supported the students, especially SEN and migrant students, to take active role in the learning process and as a consequence they formed very active and productive Student parliament. The created projects are still delivered. The parents formed Parents club and support the school life with various projects such as 'Job fair' where they talk about their occupations to the students. We adapted existing learning environments and introduced new ones such as VR and ICT, informal learning settings such as markets, museums, cafes. The accredited seminars are still available to the teachers.
    The plan for the next period involves continuing focus on fostering diversity, inclusion and equity. We will still focus on SEN students by equipping the classrooms with additional resources for the SEN students; publishing leaflets, posters and guides for celebrating diversities, adding gender equality and equity as new step in the initiative, bringing experts to help the initiative, purchasing additional ICT equipment, designing new seminars. We plan to pay special attention to the issue of gender equality and empowering girls. We plan to provide trainings for the teachers, students and parents and to bring experts and role models to give talks on the topic. After that several projects on implementing the initiative will be done and assessed. We expect that the girls will feel equal and have equal opportunities.
    Through the initiative we addressed the following competences:
    1. Improving quality and equity in education and training by creating inclusive learning environments, adapting curricula and approach, actively engaging all participants of school life.
    2. Teachers, trainers and school leaders by providing professional development opportunities for the teacher to develop knowledge and skills on the topic through seminars, workshops and published articles.
    3. Digital education by introducing digital dimension in teaching and learning through creating virtual reality lessons (travelling to Afghanistan with VR glasses). creating teaching and learning materials using web apps and tools (Canva, Wordwall, Quizlet, Liveworksheets, Kahoot, etc.) available to all teachers and students in School and worldwide, and educating the students how to become digitally competent.
    4. The European Education Area in the world by benefiting from Erasmus+ support and trainings at certified EU training centers, by designing seminars and workshops for the teachers in the Balkan region. This initiative led to two new Erasmus+ projects on the topics of Mediation and Digital transformation where we collaborated with schools form Spain, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, and North Macedonia.
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