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  4. Schools 4 nature
  • Initiative category
    Reconnecting with nature
  • Basic information
    Schools 4 nature
    The project aims to trigger a radical process of change in the approach to environmental sustainability and is divided into 3 sub-projects:
    1a.Ride to school
    Encouraging sustainable mobility for the home-to-school journey of high school students and school staff
    The Pedibus project for their primary school pupils to get around on foot
    Peer to peer training among students
    3.Outdoor education
    The project aims to renew teaching by enhancing outdoor education
    Municipality of Fossano
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As a representative of an organization, in partnership with other organisations
    • Name of the organisation(s): I.I.S. "G.Vallauri" - Fossano
      Type of organisation: Other public institution
      First name of representative: Roberto
      Last name of representative: Conte
      Gender: Male
      Nationality: Italy
      Function: Mobility Manager, Teacher
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Via San Michele, 68
      Town: Fossano
      Postal code: 12045
      Country: Italy
      Direct Tel: +39 0172 694969
    New European Bauhaus or European Commission websites
  • Description of the initiative
    The project aims to trigger a radical process of change in the approach to environmental sustainability by the educational institutions of all levels present in the municipality of Fossano by acting on mobility, on the creative training of the new generations by drawing on coaching between peers and to outdoor teaching.
    The project is divided into 3 sub-projects in order to be able to act on all areas and levels of education:
    1a. Ride to School
    The project provides for the promotion of sustainable mobility for the home-school journey of high school students and secondary school staff.
    The minors selected and participating in the initiative will be provided with initial training on road safety for the correct use of two wheels and scooters.
    Users will receive cheap cash back based on the kilometers traveled by bike or on foot in the form of shopping vouchers to spend in local shops.
    1b. Pedibus
    Implementation of the pedibus service by accompanying students to school on foot
    Training activities for the pupils of the school, in collaboration with the local police (traffic education lessons) and with the civil protection
    1.c School streets
    Access roads to schools will be closed to allow children to use urban spaces safely and for moments of socializing and playing
    2. Hack-a-town
    Peer to peer between students aimed at transferring maker skills
    Hack-a-town/makerthon in which groups made up of young people supported by mentors (teachers), starting from the analysis of an environmental problem, devise innovative and effective solutions and create prototypes.
    3. Outdoor education
    Purchase of materials/furniture for setting up the spaces (preschool gardens and educational vegetable gardens).
    environmental sustainability
    smart mobility
    environmental education
    peer to peer education
    safety education and student welfare
    1a. Ride to school
    The aim is to change the bad habits of pupils and their families who prefer highly polluting vehicles for proximity travel.
    By encouraging the use of means such as the bicycle and walking, we want to reduce the consumption of urban land linked to the presence of vehicles, reduce the production of substances
    1b. Pedibus
    The project intends to promote the mobility of primary school pupils on foot on the way home to school with the achievement of the following objectives
    • Defend slow mobility
    • Promote children's autonomy
    • Promote the acquisition of self-esteem
    • Dedicate marked cycle-pedestrian paths for reaching the school in safety
    • Promote respect for the environment.
    • Improve socialization by promoting positive relational dynamics.
    2. Hack-a-town
    Finding innovative solutions to remove the obstacles that contrast with the adoption of virtuous habits and encourage virtuous actions.
    3. Outdoor education
    The specific objective is to raise children's awareness of living, appreciating and respecting the environment in order to educate them from an early age on the importance of a sense of belonging and care for the environment: starting from kindergarten and primary school to educate future citizens aware and sensitive to the issue of sustainability and environmental education.
    Rethinking the external space as a learning and relationship environment also makes it possible to expand the possibilities of psychophysical well-being of children and to open and enhance the network of relationships within the community.
    1a. Ride to school
    - Analyzing school mobility, an excessive use of polluting vehicles also emerged for journeys of less than 5 km
    - From the analyzes of air quality there is a worrying situation
    - During the lock-down period linked to the pandemic, many young people presented various psycho-physical pathologies
    - The number of road accidents is very high
    We want to act to create demand and encourage the use of sustainable means of transport with:
    -improvement of air quality and reduction of proximity movements with polluting vehicles
    -improvement of psycho-physical well-being
    - road safety training
    1b. Pedibus
    A percentage of pupils go to school by car due to the distance between home and school and the feeling of greater security.
    The project therefore proposes some solutions to increase the safety of the journey from school to home and contributes to:
    reduce the concentration of traffic around the school, help reduce air pollution e
    help students regain the pleasure of walking e
    2. Hack-a-town
    Poor interaction between school, citizens and municipal administration in the study and search for solutions to environmental issues. Therefore we want to act on creativity and development of bottom-up solutions.
    3. Outdoor education
    Exploration is the privileged experience of working outdoors and the adult lends itself to the observation of the exploratory game: the teacher should be an accomplice in the children's research.
    With this project we would like to increase the experiences and consequently the learning that can be lived outside.
    1a. Ride to school
    -Increase the student population that will move on the bike to school journey with sustainable means.
    -Increase the sustainable mobility of school staff.
    -Reduction of greenhouse gas and particulate emissions, with consequent improvement of air quality, especially in the vicinity of school facilities
    -Improve the psycho-physical health of students and school staff
    -Create a demand for the construction of infrastructures and routes for sustainable mobility. Pushing the municipal administration to foresee a PUMS and PUMC plan
    - Encourage proximity trade
    -Create a meritocratic process of valorisation of individuals with a smaller ecological footprint
    -Improve training and road safety
    -Create emulations of the good practice in question
    2. Hack-a-town
    Change in habits to be verified through a questionnaire on awareness and practices one year later to be compared with the data that emerged previously
    Provisions adopted by the administrations and possible adoption of the results of the Hack-a-town
    3. Outdoor education
    The development of children's skills, in line with the specific objectives of the school curriculum
    1a. Ride to school
    All participants in the initiative are receiving economic cash back in shopping vouchers to spend in local shops based on how many kilometers they are traveling on foot, by bicycle or by scooter.
    This will create emulation in uninvolved people and will encourage purchases in local shops.
    Furthermore, based on the tracking and evaluation of individual trips managed by the apps, it will be possible to highlight the most used routes and their safety level to the local administration. Thus allowing to be able to act on the infrastructures
    1b. Pedibus
    School children are accompanied on foot by teachers or volunteers in a safe way, rediscovering the territory and socializing. At the end, the classes with the highest number of members will win shopping vouchers to spend in local shops
    2. Hackatown
    The older kids will train the younger kids in order to make them aware of the issues of environmental sustainability. In addition, local issues will be addressed that will make their future behavior responsible
    3. Outdoor education
    School children will be able to have lessons outdoors by taking advantage of the specially furnished outdoor spaces, enhancing contact with nature
    1. Ride to school/pedibus
    The merchants' association was involved in funding the shopping vouchers, while our school provided for the recruitment and selection of pupils and school staff. The ACI (automobile club Italy) has created courses for road safety
    The local administration will improve the road infrastructure based on the reports resulting from the tracking analyses
    2. Hackatown
    The various schools have provided for the purchase of material for the peer training of the students.
    The local administrations provided the starting point for identifying the environmental problems to be solved
    3.Outdoor Education
    The schools have provided for the purchase of the material and the local administrations have provided for the preparation of the spaces
    For the design, knowledge on the study of traffic flows, safety and urban planning, as well as people management and data analysis interacted. The added value was to create a circular economy involving public and private entities and associations.
    The low cost of the initiative was born from the optimization of the resources and skills available. The school has implemented the design, dissemination, promotion and purchase of the most suitable tracking technology available, the merchants' association has provided the funds for the economic cashback and the pedibus prizes through shopping vouchers that will be usable exclusively at local community shops
    1. Ride to school and Pedibus
    No educational institution has ever attempted to create such an initiative. Contrary to those proposed by local administrations or by other schools in Italy, which are based on cashback as a source of impromptu financing or from large-scale retailers, the project aims to create a virtuous circuit which at the end of the two-year experimentation can go up and running and self sustaining. Thanks to the implementation of a collaborative network made up of all schools of all levels in the city of Fossano, local merchants and companies in the area
    2. Hack-a-town
    Peer teaching (inclusive and collaborative), multidisciplinary, peer assessment, challenge-based learning (learning methods based on a challenge), active-learning (active learning linked to the real world), involvement and coordination with bodies and administration representatives schools and venues
    3. Outdoor education
    Another innovative element is the philosophy: the desire to offer quality education that focuses on the enhancement of nature as a learning environment
    Nature is not a source of distraction, but a privileged place to focus attention, allow adequate and complete body development where to bring out the sensitivity of children, where to realize experiences of discovery and construction of knowledge, where to promote the growth of well-being, relationships positive and inclusive.
    All aspects of the initiative can be replicated by any school, institution or private company by creating the circular economy that optimizes costs and creates a win-win process for all the actors involved
    A synergistic approach was created between all the entities involved, so that everyone could provide their knowledge, obtaining the maximum result from the initiative. By involving all the members of the institutions, a critical mass has been created which has activated a virtuous circuit of good practices and benefits for all
    The project addresses:
    - the challenge of climate change by encouraging the use of sustainable means
    - the public health challenge by promoting constant physical activity
    - the challenge of human well-being by enhancing sociability and the correct use of urban spaces
    - the challenge of cooperation between institutions
    - the adaptation policies that each institution will be forced to face
    Currently, after 3 months of activity, 2540,48 kg of CO2 have been saved certified by the tracking app, 18226,78 km traveled on foot, by bicycle or scooter divided into 13011 trips, with 120 active users (80 students and 40 adults) for cash back and 240 for the pedibus. Approximately €1700 in vouchers were disbursed and approximately €170 spent in local shops
    In the coming years we will want to increase users as much as possible by using the incentives and emulation resulting from this activity
    1a. Ride to School
    Sustainable development goals of the 2030 agenda pursued
    Key citizenship competencies
    Key competencies for lifelong learning
    Digital competence
    Personal, social competence and the ability to learn to learn
    Competence in matters of citizenship
    1b. Pedibus
    GOAL 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
    GOAL 7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy services for all.
    Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
    Objective 12 - Responsible use of resources
    GOAL 13.
    2. Hack-a-town
    Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities to make cities and urban settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production to ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns
    Goal 17: Partnership for the Goals to strengthen delivery modalities revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
    3. Outdoor education
    Goal 15 LIFE ON LAND
    Objective 3 - Health and well-being
    Objective 4 - Quality education
    Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
    Objective 12 - Responsible use of resources
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