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  4. La Porta della Bellezza/TheBeauty'sGate
  • Project category
    Regaining a sense of belonging
  • Basic information
    La Porta della Bellezza/TheBeauty'sGate
    Beauty and Knowledge can make a change on both a personal and social level in a disadvantaging area
    Where poverty, crime, disadvantage, drugs, mafia were the dominating factors at Librino, the Artist Antonio Presti realised there "TheBeauty'sGate" as a gift to start the process of creation of a sense of social identity, belonging and vision. It is a land art installation made of millions of terracotta elements made by local students helped by artists. The main theme is the genesis of creation. Librino is a peripheric area in Sicily where are living nearly 75000 people, 15000 of which children.
    Mainly urban
    It refers to a physical transformation of the built environment (hard investment)
    As an individual
    Rosa Anna Argento
  • Description of the project
    Motorway Palermo-Catania, junction Librino. This was the worst and dangerous marginal area in Sicily in terms of crimes, drugs and mafia. At the biggest roundabout, along 500 mt of concrete motorway's passage wall, Master Antonio Presti built in 2009 “The Beauty's Gate” (translation from the original Italian version the “Porta della Bellezza”), which is the biggest land art installation composed by 9000 artefacts/elements terracotta made in a school laboratory by the cooperative contribution of artists, art's student from college, 2000 children and their mums. The“Porta della Bellezza”contains 13 big main art installation and 13 poetries in between. This installation is applied on a cobalt blue wall and the main theme of it is “The Big Mather”. The terra cotta, nature-based material, identifies the circularity and sustainability of this project. So far, neither vandalism or disparaging acts have been perpetrated there. In Librino, periphery and matriarchal land portion in Northern East Sicily with 75000 habitants, women are holding the heavy weight of their family. Since 1990’s, people in Librino have been victim of long-suffering, violence and poverty on a both consciousness and economic level, especially female and kids. The Vision of Antonio Presti is to bring back to women their sacral dimension on a sort of symbolic and metaphoric huge altar, created by the cooperative and intra-generational engagement and exchange of artists, young students and mums. Now, in Librino, new values are raising such as dignity, honesty, vision and kindness. Throughout the love to realize a little piece of terra cotta, each person will respect the value and the beauty of a mum, therefore, respect into the Community and the same for further coming generation. From Antonio Presti's Gift to Librino to a social identity, from a"no-place"with"no-identity" to a home. It’s a symbolic transformation translated into reality. Art is either a therapy to heal a wound and a tool to became free.
    Vision's Genesis
    The Key objectives in terms of sustainability for the "Porta della Bellezza"are:
    -employing sustainable practice and material. The"Porta della Bellezza"transformed the peripheral area of Librino into a community which now knows sustainable practise (such as employing the clay,raw material, in order to create beauty in a spirit of circularity and participation.
    -respecting nature: the grass and the trees nearby the installation are clean and respected.
    -zero fuel emission: in order to prepare the artefacts in terracotta,only nature-based clay, a specific hoven at the Laboratory of a primary school in Librino was employed. This Laboratory is 200 metres far away from the "Porta della Bellezza".
    - increasing life's quality. People is now walking nearby the “Porta della Bellezza”; Artists, Teachers, Students and the whole local community which are now benefitting by the closest, the view and the entropy from this spiritual land art. It's free to get there, accessible and with no barriers.
    -integrating a concrete wall to environment. Thanks to the cobalt blue on the background, the integration with the environment - sky and sea - is met accordingly. --increasing the flat's economic value.
    -social and proximity economy to the overall socioeconomic development thanks to the raising of new services and facilitation for families and special needs.
    -intra-generational engagement and exchange of knowledge.
    Master Antonio Presti, founder of the “Porta Bellezza”, wants to bring back to women their sacral dimension with a sort of artistic huge altar, created by the cooperative and intra-generational engagement and exchange of artists, young students and their mums from Librino. The theme is the Big Mather, the designs of installation regarding The Roots", "The Cornucopia", "Hope", "The Altar", "The Female Giant", "The Door", "The Genesis", "The Beauty is Within Me", "The Eggs", "The 4 Elements", "Matis Matita" and "Cosmic Sublimation".
    The part of poetries in between the above main installations belongs to Dante Alighieri, Oscar Wilde, Emily Dickinson, Giacomo Leopardi, Giorgio Caproni, Johann W. Goethe, Kamlil Gibran, Maria Attanasio, Mario Luzi, Nelo Risi, Vivian La Marque and Radindranath Tagore.
    Around the main theme of the Big Mother, the elements represented belong to Cosmogony, Astronomy, Epic, Genetic, Metaphysic, Philosophy and nature based fields.
    At the “Porta of Bellezza” each person recognizes thyself and the value of a mum throughout the love to realize that little terracotta piece which is part of Librino’s soul, therefore people will bring respect to it and peace within the Community. From Antonio Presti's Art-Gift to Librino to a sort of social identity towards the path of re-construct a "no-place" with no-identity to a home with a renewed strong form.
    This transformation happened in Librino thanks to an exquisite vision so that, throughout creating a participative relationships, creating a terra cotta Art's element and partecipating for it, residents are building a new strong identity.
    Art is either a therapy to heal a wound into Librino's society and a tool to freer from the debt of disadvantaging.
    The “Porta della Bellezza” is a life metaphor for Librino's people, for 2000 mothers and 2000 young students who can now beautifully reflect a page of their life onto that wall, and as them, also others and future generations.
    The Porta della Bellezza is inclusive either on a creation and an accessibility level. Many terracotta elements were made by pupils with a sort of intellectual or physical disability. This wasn’t cause of discrimination but an element of real inclusion. Those young students reversed all their love onto that amazing experience by participating at the laboratory’s activities and expressing their creativity. Therefore, the principles of inclusion at the laboratory is a great example of equity. Furthermore, the opportunity to include all the terracotta artefacts on the same installation on that cobalt blue wall at the "Beauty Gate or Porta della Bellezza" is a pure example of inclusive expression. The “Porta della Bellezza”, is also free to visit, accessible to all, by walk, bicycle, car or bus.
    It is exemplary as its maieutic has protected the Land Art installation from vandalism, acts which are really common in Librino. This is happening as each local person feel to be part of it, identifying his social identity and future with it.
    The Citizens are benefiting from this Land Art Installation because of its entropic impact on the life of people who lives in Librino (75000 habitants); they did not know the value of dignity, beauty, knowledge, no needs to study as mafia will have supported them to pass anyway and towards a side carrier of shootings, drugs, violence, illegality and crimes, really common also amongst pre-teen.
    Now, Librino’s citizen knew a pure variety of values and channels to be a good person and to became successful in a legal path. They know arts, poems, lyrics, music, events to celebrate success, how to made a terra cotta artefact. They understand the sense of a mission in life and the value of their vision for the future. Basically this project has created a truly virtuosos circle. Any external observer can easily verify this, especially if they remember the state of degrade which was controlling Librino.
    All Librino's primary schools are now investing into art (such as giving for free music instruments and opportunity to express themselves on a biggest scene) and laboratory activities.
    Being Librino nearby the airport and a big hospital, this area appear more welcoming to foreigners and new people decide to rent or buy a house there. In the past this option would have be considered out of the blue. Therefore we can all confirm with no doubts the immense positive change in just a decade in terms of life style and appreciation of being from Librino. Also on facebook there is a page called “Io Amo Librino” (I love Librino).
    None of the Politician stakeholders were involved. None of them were engaged. The project, was entirely realized by Antonio Presti and his personal Income.
    The “Porta della Bellezza” is composed by 13 main art installations and 13 poetries around the theme of the “Big Mother - Mother Heart”. The scope is to consecrate women’s sacral dimension in a sort of symbolic and metaphoric huge altar, created by the cooperative and intra-generational engagement and exchange of artists, young students and their mums from Librino along the process of creation the 9000 terra cotta elements along 500 metres of cobalt blue wall at Librino’s Junction.
    The Following are the title for the main installations: "The Roots", "The Cornucopia", "Hope", "The Altar", "The Female Giant", "The Door", "The Genesis", "The Beauty is Within Me", "The Eggs", "The 4 Elements", "Matis Matita" and "Cosmic Sublimation".
    The part of poetries in between the above main installations belongs to Dante Alighieri, Oscar Wilde, Emily Dickinson, Giacomo Leopardi, Giorgio Caproni, Johann W. Goethe, Kamlil Gibran, Maria Attanasio, Mario Luzi, Nelo Risi, Vivian La Marque and Radindranath Tagore.
    Around the main theme of the Big Mother, the elements represented belong to Cosmogony, Astronomy, Epic, History, Literature, Civic Education, Geography, Arts, Metaphysic, Philosophy and nature based fields.
    It’s a symbolic transformation translated into reality, thanks to Antonio's Presti vision about a “to do spirit” and a metaphysic consciousness of Beauty.
    Art is either a therapy to heal a wound and a tool to became free from that degraded debt. The “Porta della Bellezza” is a metaphor to connect to a new identity for Librino's people, for 2000 mothers and 2000 young students. Everyone who participated, directly or also indirectly, will always see a part of their life on that wall.
    “La Porta della Bellezza” or “The Beauty's Gate” is an exquisite Land Art Installation which endorses an Entropic impact on the life of people who lives nearby and around Librino, and infra generation. People is now knowing the value of dignity, beauty, knowledge, respect, kindness, art, by different channels, such as arts, poems, lyrics and music. This project has created a truly virtuosos circle with direct and indirect beneficiaries. Direct into personal dimension and indirect to the around circuite made by the nearest Airport and Hospital which are place saver because of a better neighborhood.
    The methodology applied at the "Porta della Bellezza" is transferable and the outcome could be a pure success as demonstrated in Librino.
    The Innovative character is all into the power of beauty. Bringing exquisite Arts into a periphery is something really innovative, as Antonio Presti started this process in 2000s. The innovation is into a project “en plain air” around a disadvantaging area, by using auric themes, sustainable nature based materials, epic symbolism and families.
    The methodology here applied are metacognitive, cooperative thanks to learning by doing, peer education and tutoring . The Strategy is pure maieutic, inclusive and sacral.
    Antonio Presti has spent his personal income.
    This Project is replicable, adaptable and transferrable to other places and contexts with the same methodology, process, product and learnings.
    Antonio’s Presti Vision is unique. Thanks to his approach, many future communities may benefit from art, a sort of Butterfly effect on a worldwide base.
    The leit motif is to export this project to places/people they need the most. The Art code is absolutely universal.
    The “Porta della Bellezza” is addressed to overcome many global challenges, such as the anxiety towards the future and the denying attitude towards peripheral areas.
    The challenge to overcome the issues created by the modernity such as irresponsible buildings construction of concrete, persistency while ignoring nature's life cycles, anonymous suburbs which are actually a non-place, where, if not criminal you may suffer the sense of absolute loneliness.
    Thanks to The “Porta della Bellezza”, wich is actually a Gate into Beauty, many people learnt to resist, want to exist, overcoming difficulties and transforming their destiny.
    The "Big Mother" is the main theme, which helps to discover the mystery of life, connection with the life cycling, human’s roots, values, vision, mission and with nature.
    Modern societies are living the illusion of a linear time, however this is cause of anxiety and the “Porta della Bellezza” wants to give back to new generations the sense of life cycling world and the value of Female archetype.
    “Beauty will save the world”.
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    • La porta della Bellezza (30).jpg
    • La porta della Bellezza (32).jpg
    • La porta della Bellezza (34).jpg
    • La porta della Bellezza (38).jpg
    • La porta della Bellezza (40).jpg
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    • La porta della Bellezza (147).JPG
    • Dante Alighieri.jpg
    • Emily Dickinson.jpg
    • Giacomo Leopardi.JPG
    • Giorgio Caproni.jpg
    • Johann W. Goethe.jpg
    • Kamlil Gibran.jpg
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    • La porta della Bellezza (234).JPG
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    • La porta della Bellezza (237).JPG
    • La porta della Bellezza (238).JPG
    • Maria Attanasio.JPG
    • Mario Luzi.jpg
    • Nelo Risi.jpg
    • Oscar Wilde.jpg
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    • Radindranath Tagore.jpg
    • Vivian La Marque.jpg