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  4. Inclusion of Roma children in preschool
  • Initiative category
    Prioritising the places and people that need it the most
  • Basic information
    Inclusion of Roma children in preschool
    Inclusion of Roma children in preschool education
    The project aims to improve the inclusion, the school readiness and early childhood development outcomes of Roma children, aged 3-6 in North Macedonia with higher percentage of Roma population for the first semester of 2023/2024 preschool year.
    With this project, we want to initiate social changes in several segments of our society. We want to achieve all these things by reducing the gap between the Roma and non-Roma population. We believe that education is one of the key tools for social inclu
    North Macedonia
    24 municipalities: Chair, Centar, Karposh, Gazi Baba, Debar, Kichevo, Prilep, Bitola, Kumanovo, Veles, Shtip, Kochani, Vinica, Delcevo, Pehcevo, Berovo, Kavadarci, Negotino, Strumica, Kriva Palanka and Radovish, Tetovo, Gostivar and Shuto Orizari
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As a representative of an organisation
    • Name of the organisation(s): Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of North Macedonia
      Type of organisation: Public authority (European/national/regional/local)
      First name of representative: Mabera
      Last name of representative: Kamberi
      Gender: Female
      Nationality: orth Macedonia
      Function: Head of Coordination and Technical Assistance to the Minister of MLSP
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: St. Dame Gruev 14
      Town: Skopje
      Postal code: 1000
      Country: North Macedonia
      Direct Tel: +389 71 379 799
    Social Media
  • Description of the initiative
    This project has been implemented since 2006. Until now, it has been approved by the Roma Educational Fund (REF) 11 times and one time from UNICEF, with a duration of 1-3 years:
    1. September 2006 - August 2008 - 450 Roma children enrolled in Kindergarten (KG) and 15 Roma Teacher Assistants (RTA)
    2. September 2008 - October 2009 - 241 Roma children enrolled in KG and 16 RTA
    3. November 2009 - September 2011 - 582 Roma children enrolled in KG and 17 RTA
    4. September 2011 - February 2013 - 788 Roma children enrolled in KG and 17 RTA
    5. February 2013 - August 2013 - 380 Roma children enrolled in KG and 17 RTA
    6. September 2014 - August 2016 - 515 Roma children enrolled in KG and 20 RTA
    7. September 2016 -August 2017 - 528 Roma children enrolled in KG and 23 RTA
    8. September 2017 - August 2018 - 509 Roma children enrolled in KG and 1 RTA
    9. September 2018 - August 2019 - 274 Roma children enrolled in KG and 1 RTA
    10. September 2019 - August 2020 - 273 Roma children enrolled in KG and 2 RTA
    11. March 2020 - June 2022 - 447 Roma children enrolled in KG and 3 RTA
    12. January 2023 - July 2023 - 517 Roma children enrolled in KG and 2 RTA
    In the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023 (with the UNICEF project), 24 municipalities were covered, which is the largest number since the implementation of the project.
    We want to implement this project for the first semester of the preschool year 2023/2024, where we will include about: 600 Roma children, 2-3 RTAs, 24 mediators and a minimum 300 parents of Roma children.
    MLSP will request that these Roma children be exempted from paying participation fees for kindergarten, which was the practice all previous years
    RTAs will be responsible for providing day care for children.
    Mediators will be a key link of communication between us, the parents and the kindergarten.
    A two-day workshop will be conducted for Mediators and RTA.
    About 144 workshops will be conducted for the parents of Roma children.
    Human rights
    1. Access in the preschool of Roma children (priority 3-6 years) and to support their regular and full day attendance in the kindergarten
    2. Improved legislation and national policy for supporting of preschool education for the Roma children
    3. Improving the Parenting Skills and Practices of Roma Parents
    4. Strengthening the link between parents and preschools
    5. Raising the quality of teaching and learning

    In the domain of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy is the law on social protection, and the law on preschool education is in the domain of the Ministry of Education and Science.
    The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy may submit a proposal to the Government for the need to change the law which is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Science.
    Changing a Law or new amendment: Children coming from Social Welfare Beneficiaries Families to be enrolled in PSI free of charge, and work on that for the START point, after that Children coming from families with one parent and children coming from one employed parent, for the start, and not just Roma children but also non Roma. This will depend on the kindergartens capacity and all development on system of preschool education
    Low socio-economic status of the Roma population is one of the reasons for them to not be able to cover the fee for preschool education and in that way, it affects to low level of preschool education among the Roma population. There are still stereotypes among the kindergarten staff and administration especially when is coming to participation of Roma in kindergarten According to the data for example in many municipalities, we still can find that there is no enrolment of Roma in kindergarten.
    Most of the Roma parents do not have relevant qualification into the labor market. Educational programs for their inclusions into the labor market and the general economic situation are inappropriate. Immigration and bigger fluctuation also are one of the reasons for low level of preschool education at Roma population. Among the Roma population there are opinions that it is not necessary for children to attend kindergarten if there is a person who can take care for the children at home, or if children pass through emotional stress when attend kindergarten for the first time. These are some of the relevant reasons for low rate of preschool attendee. Therefore, the number of Roma children that are not enrolled in primary education is lower than the number of children who are required to attend primary school. Because of the low level of knowledge of the Macedonian language of Roma children, they have difficulties to understand the program in the primary education. Those opinions of one Roma family affect others and contribute for general low awareness for important of the preschool education and for the importance of the ECD.
    When the children start going to kindergarten, they will be able to learn the Macedonian language much more easily in addition to their mother tongue, which in the future will ensure their inclusion in primary, secondary and higher education. With children going to kindergarten, parents will be free to look for work and fit into society. Also with the help of the workshops they will be able to improve their parenting skills.
    With this project, we want to initiate social changes in several segments of our society. We want to achieve all these things by reducing the gap between the Roma and non-Roma population. We believe that education from an early age is one of the key tools for social inclusion in society. The activities in the project are fully correlated with the objectives of priorities of this Call for Proposals.
    Citizens will benefit multiple times from the implementation of this initiative. Roma children and their families will benefit the most. This benefit will further be reflected on the whole society, that is, with the benefit of the individuals, the whole society as a whole will also benefit.
    Children will benefit the most, that is, they will be the direct beneficiaries of the benefits of this initiative. By using the services of this initiative, they will be able to progress physically and mentally. Their access to education will be facilitated and they will be given the opportunity for equal treatment as all other children.
    Parents will also benefit by receiving help for the care and care of their children. They will also be able to dedicate themselves more to their work duties.
    Caregivers and educators will increase their knowledge of early child development, and Mediators will increase their knowledge of communication methods.
    At the central level, the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia will be involved, which through the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy MLSP ie. on their order, he will issue a Decision on the exemption from participation of Roma children in previously mapped municipalities. In this way, the activities will be transferred from the central to the local level.
    With the help of this initiative, we will hire Roma women caregivers who will take care of the Roma children. Also, in each mapped municipality, we will hire a Mediator who will directly provide us with all the information from the field. He will represent a link between the local and central government.
    Also, with the help of the initiative, workshops will be held with the parents of Roma children, which will increase their parental knowledge and skills, as well as their knowledge of caring for their children.
    With this initiative, it is planned to hold trainings for the healers and the mediators.
    This initiative will have a large number of stakeholders. The basic driver of all activities will be the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MLSP). They will submit a request ie. information to the Government about exemption from participation in kindergarten attendance for Roma children, whose parents meet the previously determined criteria. By Decision, the Government obliges the previously mapped Municipalities to send a Decision from the Council of the Municipality, to the directors of Kindergartens, instructing them which Roma children should be exempted from paying participation fees for attending kindergarten. This closes the circle between MLSP-Municipalities- Kindergartens.
    With financial help from the initiative, Mediators will be hired in each of the mapped municipalities, who will be the link between the representatives of the initiative and the MLSP-Municipalities- Kindergartens.
    Also, with the help of the initiative, in a certain number of kindergartens, teachers from the Roma nationality will be hired.
    This initiative has an innovative character in such a way that it achieves multiple benefits, i.e. with one activity, apart from the direct benefit the intended beneficiaries will have, it will be multiplied on the others around them, namely:
    1. By visiting Roma children in kindergarten, in addition to being cared for and educated, their parents will get a chance to look for work
    2. By the fact that the parents would perhaps get a job, their financial power would increase and they would be able to provide themselves and their children with a better future.
    3. By employing the parents, the Government will not need to allocate financial resources for them
    4. By hiring the female workers, they will be able to improve their socio-economic status, that is, they will be temporarily employed. Furthermore, they are given a chance for regular employment, which has been the case in a large number of projects so far
    5. The mediators (who are mostly of Roma nationality) will acquire certain knowledge and skills, which they will be able to use in their professional engagement.
    The "Inclusion of Roma Children in Public Preschool Institutions" project has been implemented since the academic year of 2006/2007. Thus far, the project has been realized for 15 years.
    Depending on the birth rate among the Roma population, it is planned that the project will be expanded by increasing the number of included children and Roma kindergarten teacher assistants, including new municipalities in the project, and engaging local partner organizations. This will enable the replication and the continuation of the successful results and activities of the project.
    Through many years of project implementation, enhanced the awareness of Roma parents about the importance of preschool education which will contribute for increasing the number of Roma children enrolled in preschool education.
    - Participatory approach together with partners in finding the target group
    - Public calls for the recruitment of caregivers, mediators and trainers.
    - Working meetings with mediators and experts
    - Cooperation with the children's parents and improvement of their knowledge.
    - Preparation of reports
    - Preparation of a database in cooperation with the MLSP and exchange of information regarding the key activities of the project
    - Updating data and keeping individual success files for each project participant
    - Evaluation of the results and targeting of the most urgent children within the project
    This active spectrum of global challenges, but some of the more important ones are:
    • One access to care and education for all children, which is one of the basic human rights
    • Inclusion - representation of all members of society in the use of resources, which should be published for all. A fair and equal start for all people in the opportunities for a better life
    • Equality - reduction of differences and inequality between people, ie reduction of the gap between people and a dignified life for all. Democracy and freedom for all people, especially the youth, regardless of their affiliation
    • Employment and poverty - these two things are connected, that is, employment reduces poverty. Everyone should have a chance for a better life. Education also contributes to increasing employment and reducing poverty, especially for marginalized and discriminated categories of citizens.
    1. Access in the preschool of Roma children (priority 3-6 years) and to support their regular and full day attendance in the kindergarten (KG)
    2. Improved legislation and national policy for supporting of preschool education for the Roma children
    3. Improving the Parenting Skills and Practices of Roma Parents
    4. Improving the knowledge and skills of caregivers, educators and mediators

    Output 1: Inclusion of 517 (or more) Roma children in 24 (or more) Local self-government units (LSG) and 24 (or more) KG
    1.1. Signed contract agreements with LSG and KG for preschool year
    1.2. Signed contract agreements with mediators (one in every locality)
    1.3. Signed contract agreements with Roma Teachers Assistant (RTA’s)
    1.4. Implemented internal monitoring in KG
    Output 2: Government decision for exemption of participation for 2023/2024 for Roma children
    2.1. Improved legislation and national policy for supporting of preschool education for pre-school 2023/2024 year
    Output 3: Raising awareness of the importance of early childhood of the parents of Roma children
    3.1. Selected trainers for Parental workshops
    3.2. Parental workshops
    3.3. Minimum 300 Roma parents - participants in the Parental workshops
    3.4. Workshop agendas and lists of participants
    Output 4: Improving the knowledge and skills of early childhood development of caregivers and educators and the knowledge and communications skills for mediators
    4.1. Trained caregivers and educators for early childhood development
    4.2. Trained mediators for communication skills
    Our initiative contributes to the development of new competencies, especially in the context of the European competence framework on sustainability. It covers all four sets of sustainability-related competencies that students of all ages should acquire and all (three) of their subdivisions.
    • In the first group, "Embodying sustainability values" is particularly aimed at supporting fairness.
    • In the second group, "Embracing complexity in sustainability" is particularly focused on problem framing.
    • In the third group, "Acting for sustainability" is particularly focused on political agency.
    • In the fourth group "Envisioning sustainable futures" is especially aimed at supporting futures literacy.
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