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  4. I Feel Good
  • Initiative category
    Regaining a sense of belonging
  • Basic information
    I Feel Good
    Students'Well being-Enhance: positive feelings, safety, self-esteem, autonomy, sense of belonging
    ISIS EUROPA became Higher Institute of State Education, whosetraining offer is: Tech Institutefor:Tourism",“Graphics and web design"and vocationalas"Health- care Service” and “Commercial Services".ISIS Europa is Educational Avant-garde INDIRE,movement of innovation that leads the exchange of good practices in the production of digital educational content.The aim is to trigger a sense of belonging in school buildings,help students building good social relations and belonging to school community.
    Our school is located in Pomigliano d'Arco in the neighborhood of Naples in Campania region. We are located in south of Italy
    Mainly urban
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As a representative of an organisation
    • Name of the organisation(s): Isis Europa
      Type of organisation: School/Institute/Educational centre – General education (secondary level)
      First name of representative: Angela
      Last name of representative: Comparone
      Gender: Female
      Nationality: Italy
      Function: legal representative_ Headmistress
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: via fiuggi, 14
      Town: Pomigliano d'Arco
      Postal code: 80013
      Country: Italy
      Direct Tel: +39 081 1870 1846
    Erasmus+ platform
  • Description of the initiative
    The project aim is Well being at school. As many European Commision documents state "Well being at school is a state of mind, it addresses to social and emotional competencies mental health, bullying and violence at school". Starting from this assumption the overarching question is: how to transform the school space into a space full of meaning for students in which they identify and feel it as their own. Well being at school space and nothing else by itself, considering school as the preferred place to spend not only time for school activities but one's own time. Students need to feel themselves confortable at school. Due to the pandemic situation the students were catapulted into a pending time and unfamiliar space to them. Returning to school has meant a reappropriation of their routine but it has meant returning to a meaningless, empty place because they were no longer theirs. The starting point of the project is who is coming to teach, learn, unlearn and relearn? Despite our efforts to reach out all our students there are underperforming students who have technical, financial or motivational issues and they are more likely to miss realising their full potential or completely drop out. There are also high performing students for whom we feel the need to provide better learning experiences.Our effortsare towards both directions. We want to elevate low and high performing students to higher levels.Project we aim to develop skills and competencesof our students in an international context using education as our basis.By providing a wide range of activities we’ll be able to offer a diverse approachtoreach out students,teachers,parents and the community we belong to.We will also contribute to enhanced quality of teaching which will positively affect theoverall profile ofour school.Last but not least, the possibility of accessing the initiatives offered by PNRR regarding the functional redefinition of the internal spaces and labin order to be more efficient.
    Students Engagement
    social inclusion
    learning process
    active citizenship
    The key objective is first about students: "Activating the participation of groups of students into the construction of their space. We have the idea that if they are active actors and actresses they take care of the setting, they recognize as their own space which has to be protected and preserved. The second key objective is about learning process in which "To create a learning community is important to enable students to feel comfortable at school. .
    Here sustainability 'is' the learning community and its environment that have been expressed by using materials and solutions which are particularly caring about the environment and the social community. The learning community means not only students but the people who work into the school such as: students, teachers, administrative staff, the last but not the least the Head of Institute who thanks to the vision and mission of the school leads all the members towards the same goal. In this instance our goalsustainability has been tackled from different point of view: environment with the use of highly recyclable materials, paints, as well as non-toxic, photocatalytic designed to raise the level of quality of life in indoor spaces and capable of absorbing pollutants by neutralizing them (primarily, oxide and nitrogen dioxide). And as learning community which is expressed by an increased capacity of students to plan and to express their willingness to work together. In this case we are teaching our students how plan, organize and put into practice an idea in few words entrepreneurship which will be helpful for them in their future carrier either to improve their position or to be able to active the resilience the capacity to reinvent themselves.
    ISIS EUROPA wants to be a place or non-place in which learners and professors are actors in the mutual creation of knowledge. "I feel good"inacts a process-project of interrelationships whose objective is the creation of an "international" model that welcomes people/ideas/cultures/practices from "melting society" in a physical and metaverse<>virtual space which gives life to a European non-place using infographics, images, colours, shapes, writings and virtual connections.A container of contents where signifier and meaning, form and function coincide and give life to a melting pot of ideas.In terms of aesthetics, colors and logos of Europe are adopted, a representation of the three-dimensional puzzle is re-proposed which will change over time. There will be connecting threads that link future experiences, to past ones with variation of colors.Visual and vision have wide use thanks to four screens which, individually or together, allow the exchange of a multitude of information. Floor, with the representation of a brain with synapses, conveys the information of continuous interconnection and gives life to a "wayfinding" no longer linked to "orientation in space" but rather to the way in which we are able to organize the space built around us.Cultural benefits: "Ifeel good" has among its objectives the self-creation of knowledge, no longer descended from above but sought and strongly desired by the student-learner. Today with internet it is possible toobtainall the "knowledge", the greatest difficulty is to secrete the right portion, the useful one for the learner.How to achieve this goal? Today "Siri" and "Alexa" are forms of cloud-based artificial intelligence thatmanage to interact with human beings.However,the figure of the interlocutor is missing, which bypasses the typical IT coldness.The design idea therefore envisages that the AI is associated with physical contact and a realtutor-teacher with whom to interact. Not a step backwards but rather the completion.
    "I Feel Good" enhance inclusion,disabilityand diversityAs school we need to streghten our efficiency on gifted and fewer opportunities learners. Both need their opportunities to demonstrate themselves that they are able to fulfill their needs and to participate into the school life which is a microoscopic representation of the real world.The starting point is the analysis of the school population and the local district:the former is vital to know social-cultural-economic background of learners to highligh their needs to tackle early school drop, learning disadvantages, low proficiency in basic skills. The latter to understand what district can offer to stakeholders. Isis Europa is located in Pomigliano d’Arco,a district affected by high unemployment rate and large percentage of crime,it hosts many students who did not benefit from the trust of school chances to apply into the labour market.Moreover their levels of incoming and outgoing competences are inadequate and also their lacking perception of self-efficacy caused high rate of early school leaving especially into the first two years. Hence school and the teachers role is to be close to students to achieve knowledge, skills and competences but help themunderstand the importance of learning which lead towards the active citizenship and productive, educated, democratic, inclusive and resilient societies. In addition learners with reduced or impaired motor skills can safely without any obstacle participate and interact in the activities. Having interconnected multi-level spaces using digital devices represents an attempt to re-establish relationships with disability by reducing its specific problematic nature. And even the extreme case of theimpossibility of accessing school spaces by a learner does not constitute a limit where it is the whole activity that provides for an active role for the same learner. The active filter represented by a physical and non-virtual presence, although reachable by means o

    Students participation will be active, motivated, punctual.Active because they will be the ones to ask specific questions and queries which will be answered in real time through the interactive network created.Motivated since they will be the same to request to complete, face a task and/or a problem.Punctual because by networking they will not have the opportunity to digress and/or address unrelated issues.This service learning model can be reproduced on various scales and can also be exported to real-life contexts.we improve soft and technical skills of students so they will be much appealing they take advantages on others in the job market. teachers will also benefict from these experiences they will develop professional satisfaction because they enhance their teaching strategies with better learning outcomes and they will become more flexible and adaptable open to changes more modern. Active participation in this project, we intend to incorporate in our students (and staff) a greater openness andmotivation for technology, guiding training to enhance the technological skills required by the new challenges and the demands of Industry 4.0
    In this process-project there are many stakeholders who are going to benefit:inside and ouside vs local and regional authorities
    The former inside all school community is going to benefit students and teachers together because they share everyday the same rooms and the same space, outside families will benefit from the new environments because students will feel the shared spaces as their own and will find a valid motivation to live in those spaces. The latter since we are a big school we are not allocated into a real school building structure but our school due to serious building shortcomings is located in a building whose initial destination was residential. The project can be perceived by local authorities and regional one as a pain relief. In addition if it is obseved from european point of view -to inact active citizenship- all the stakeholders namely teachers , students school staff and families are involved in a public activity which lead them how to be resilient. This project can be pioneer or a leader which has an effect on others. The others could be schools or any other governmental or non governmental entities which could inspired by "I Feel good".
    In our school context, the collaboration and cooperation of various professionals and skills has been sought since the very first planning phase where each one has identified the pros and cons of the initiative. The idea to participate in this project has been for all the school actors an authentic task. As teachers group in our school we are used to cooperate and collaborate to lead our students and till now we have practiced this technique inside schools to support our students in the learning process, "I feel Good" has been for all of us a challenge to turn into practice, not only a simulation of the real world, what do we do at school. Since the very beginning we deepen our dialogue with all school members because we are firmly convinced that a learning and thinking group is stronger than single learning and thinking person. The added value of the project is to inact the capability to trigger the resilience in students and also in their families. “I feel good ” shows how to be resilient because the project develops the capacity for resilience the students faced with the problem reorganize their way of learning and transform it.
    "I Feel Good" is innovative from a point of view closely linked to the world of school it redesigns the 4 pillars on which the education system is based namely class, classroom, time and the curriculum. Classroom: “I Feel Good” the learners are not linked and relegated in a specific space but in a non-space which coincides with their capacity to be inside and outside school; Class students are virtually connected with classmates to have and give lessons to their pair or to adult outside school in a life long learning process. Time: no time for school as usual but consider flexible time schedule that goes beyond the school time table. Curriculum: teachers and students are involved in a process In which they have to create content and activities to face with issues. It is innovative because for first time students and teachers are competing in a field where there are highly specialized professionals.“I Feel Good” is challenging for all the school community too. Teachers have an impressive threat, they have to teach their disciplines and at the same time students are activate to fulfill a real tasks. This kind of activity works on a double binary from one part learning process which has to be activated on the other part the effort that students and teachers have to "make learning and thinking visible" and you can ask:How the learning process can be visible? Well the result of the project which is based on: output the project produces a remarkable changing as consequence we also obtain an outcome since students and all the school community receive advantages in terms of motivation active participation into public decision. Running the project demonstrate to all stakeholders that students and teachers have contrived together how to reach the goals.
    “I Feel Good” is a pioneer project if we consider schools activities but at the same time for its inner nature it is transferrable and replicable. The idea is to prepare a guide which contains instructions step by step to learn about the findings of the experimentation and give some guidance on how to approach replication. The guide is a description of the work allowing new comers to:
    • follow the planning and piloting of the tested innovative solution
    • analyse their local contexts in order to better understand how “I Feel Good” can be adapted to their situation
    • exchange of knowledge and experience between all the new comers,
    • share critical inputs that can both bring the external perspective and inspire new comers
    • prepared by new comers documentation that can serve them for the future replication of the innovative solution
    • work and cooperate with new comers such as job shadowing, meeting workshop
    • Peer review activities – evaluation of the work done by the new comers allowing everyone to benefit from external critical inputs
    • On-line or off-line workshops/meetings/discussions about the aspects of preparing and implementing the project
    • Visit onsite to better understanding the innovative aspect of “I Feel Good”
    Since the very beginning of each activity we are used to collaborate and to cooperate all together starting from Learning Unit “I Feel Good” is the core topic of the new challenge. Our school has been recognised an avantgard from INDIRE as regard MLTV methology it inacts the learning process thanks to the use of special instruments called Thinking Routines which help to trigger the thinking process and the result of the learning process is tangible because teachers must collect all the students materials and analyze to document the real learning process. I Feel Good the project result is the tangible result of the learning process. Is not only about what they have learned but how they learn and what do they do.I Feel Good LU contains all the methodologies and steps to fulfill tasks and involve students in order to be protagonist of the leaning process. Students are creator a space of multicultural and plurilingual inclusion in which the learning of diversity represents the primary objective declined in some of its various communicative representations.Students activities procedures:1. The phases to be carried out: Perceive:students identify the problem situation. Represent the students search for sources or make experimental observations that allow for in-depth knowledge of the problem Create students devise appropriate solutions to problem questions Sharestudents share their proposed solutions to the problem with other members of the community (school mates, family members, etc…) through maps, lab reports Self-assessment they reflect through a self-assessment grid on the difficulties encountered and the progress achieved thanks to the Learning Unit. As regards methodologies we use: brainstorming from the very beginning, collect former knowledge which the starting point; flipped classroom students have to research about the issue reflect and then discuss in class to share new ideas and construct new contents.

    Globalization has increased economic competition within and between countries and the world’s regions.Since the early years of human history has always been recognized a key role of education system but as time goes on education reforms has become compulsory and it has been justified by the urgent need to increase labor productivity,promote economic development, growth through expanded and improved education. It is assumed that to increase economic competitiveness, citizens must acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for civic success and knowledge. In recent years school are expectedto act a leading accomplishment promote competitiveness prepare students whoshould be ready to be absorbed into the job market. It means they need to acquire specific competences,be able to use their skills, develop problem solving since the real word is too challenging. It worth investing in education because it is the base of society. education significantly contributes to economic development and growthavoiding, unemployment, stagnation and NEET.Study recognizes people as human capital and demonstrates how increased investment in knowledge, skills and health provides future returns to the economy through increases in labor productivitybetter quality education increases average earnings and productivity and reduces the likelihood of social problems that, in turn, are harmful for economic development.The fundamental requirementfor this is that everyone has sufficient knowledge and skills in literacy,numeracy and information and communication technologies.educational change
    knowledge, it seems that many of the ongoing education developmentefforts are not likely to bring the improvements expected a reaction to the overemphasis on knowledge-based teaching and learning developingmore flexible forms of curricul
    Since we start our project from an analysis of all stakeholders such as students and their families background, local district strenght and weakness and aiming to profile teachers too we monitor and measure the progress of all the active actors included into the project as follows: students according to the results of the standard tests, teachers thanks to survey which express how much do they need to enhance their skills what is their lack of competences and skills such as soft skills or needed training to enhance and adapt learning and teaching practices to students from disadvantaged groups. in addition we used in all activities to control and continuous improvements of the process. We Plan all the activities acoording with all the team , Do , Check and Act
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