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  4. Merou
  • Concept category
    Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking
  • Basic information
    We change marketing for art and we create new forms of visual art distribution
    We fight against marketing campains, which influence public in a negative way. We use digital billboards to turn marketing into art. With projectors we project visual art in public spaces, which is supposed to lead the general public to a sense of self-satisfaction, better behavior towards our beloved planet and opening their consciousness.
    Mainly urban
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As an individual
    New European Bauhaus or European Commission websites
  • Description of the concept
    The purpose of the Merou project is to open the consciousness of the general public, based on the highlighting of values, ​​that when a person has, feel long-term satisfaction and it is difficult to lose them. The first step towards this goal was implementation In the begining of December 2022 when the project Merou started in Prague. For 2 weeks we ran visual art instead of marketing campaigns on digital billboards. Almost everyday We went to the streets and project videos, that we created together with very successful Czech artists. We used cultural monuments as projection areas, because we want to raise the values ​​of art and the value of the present moment. After a few researches, we decided to use video-synthetizer, which senses the space around and creates mandalas (example in the social media or documentary video) and also distribute it in the public (at the turn of 2022 and 2023), because mandals have a very good influence on the human mind. We don't see borders and want to become an international project, so we decided to travel to Turkey on January 4, where there is a big crisis. We implement our project here and at the same time help individuals and local nature. Our next step is Croatia and France, where we would like to shoot new videos with worldwide Artist and connecte with some bigger companies to spread our concept. We already have a scripts, we are in touch with foreign crews and watching the market of adverts areas.
    Visual art
    Less marketing
    Marketing in general use attributes of the human mind in order to spend their money and make them need more the they have. Big companies distort reality, for example cosmetic companies exploit weaknesses in terms of beauty and create false ideals, companies with unhealtly food or drink makes people feels like there is so much love in these products. Mattering exchanging marketing for ideas that touch deep folk values like the once you can not buy for money and that once that stay for long-term inside of us, we belive that we can wake up people awareness and it would be the first step to make people think about the future of our planet. We want people to understaind the value of present also, because we care of their desicions and we lead them to choose well. We screen the thoughts about better future in our videos and we put them into unusual situation, so they feel more in the present moment.
    In our videos which was create by the team of International artist, we put our message in two layers, visual and text. In the Visual one we worked with metaphor, to give the observer space for their own imagination. We put there also text to make the message clear for the once who are not ready to think about it in the moment. The message of the videos are to self-love, to take care of nature and people we love. We choosed these subtitules based on search and agreement of 23 people.
    We also screen mandalas. Mandalas have been shown in clinical studies to reduce stress and pain, lower blood pressure, promote sleep, ease depression and increase concentration.
    Key objective of Merou is to adrress civil society for whom the video will connect with their thoughts, and we create videos with this intention in mind. Among other things, we address people who are not interested in culture or the onces who cannot afford it and therefore do not seek it out. We show them unussual art in unexpected situation and raise up the culture and their interest.
    At first, we give a civil society chance to see situations in a different point of view. With watching art on the place where is advertisment normally, we letting them know, that someone care of their life. We create hope for a better future in them. If the passersby strugguling with an issue like lose of love in different ways, and they see our work in right space, right time, the results are very effective. For example We found the screening of mandalas very interactive for passersby. They shoot it with their phone, they do random moves in front of them and usually they stay for a while.
    The project is in the begging and it is hard for us to get feedback, because we do not promote a place where they would give us some, we focus on sharing our concept. But we jist started to promote our social media so we hope in some feedback soon. In the same time we finance the project from our own money which limite us in many ways.
    We had a meeting with the owners of advertising areas in Czech, the purpose of which was to agree on cooperation and spread our project.
    We also cooperate with state institutions that manage monuments. Fortunately, both of them were very excited about our concept, they saw potential in it and were happy for the opportunity to get involved. They are open to further cooperation.
    It is a big experienece for us to run our project in the Country with such a different culture like Turkey. We already talked to a few people which we found based on enviromantal social media sites, about building a new community of people who want a better future here. We already connected with some artist in France and told them about our plan. We expect to go to Paris in the begginig of May.
    Our project consists of four people. The author is me, Anita Mihalová. I found the concept and becamed head of communication, I come out with the plan and lead the shooting. I am an director, actress and script writer. In my carier I direct reality show like Survivor or Love Island. I was also part of the shooting for Danish Netflix, UK Amazon prime video and Czech TV project. I did project for Nation Theater in Prague with Ukrainian refugees, I also directed dance company at a charity event against Bečva river pollution. In 2019 I did a project called Relativita, with this project we put art instalation (12m2 concstruction) in the most famous square in Brno with the purpose of educate civili society about our Universe.
    Art Director of Merou is Sasyk Mihal, international graphic designer, who did campaing for example for Google or Apple, TEDex etc. His knowledge of the world of advertising is very beneficial to us, he spreads the ideas of our project into this kind of companies, He started his carier in the Butterfly and Hurricans studio. This studio is founder of mattering and he worked there as Art Director too. Me and him finance the whole project.
    The indispensable part of our team is David Riegler. Yoga master and healer. He was part of project like Save the soil, works with the Red Cross. He help people on the street on daily basis. He help where he can and he spread our idea and help our concept come true.
    The Last one is Anna Daňková. She take care of organisation and implementation shooting of our videos. She worked for the biggest postproduction studio in middle Europe called UPP.
    I'll start with the part of the project that uses digital billboards.
    The normal use of these areas leads the viewer to spend money and they are told that they need something they don't have.
    This project is flexible in many ways. Our project is adaptable to any place, where it is possible to project from a projector and also to any billboard around the world. Since the project is partly built on a new way of distributing videos, whose main purpose is to bring visual art closer to the public and reach more people, then we give a chance for a specific kind of visual art to expand. One of our goals is to spread this idea through video makers around the world. We can screen in front of film universities and studios.
    Our concept reduces the consumerism of society. We believe that at this moment enough material is created so that there is no need to create more and it is about to be recycled. We know that the first step to change must be taken by each individual, that is why we address our project to the public, where it can touch people across the difference of sphere.
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