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  • Concept category
    Regaining a sense of belonging
  • Basic information
    ARTIB, where Art meets Tiburtina
    Regeneration of the territory through the concept of Art in all its forms, intended as a means of expression and identity. Making the area more liveable, making the place evolve and change through the passage and interaction of people. ARTIB represents the desire to promote and provide an identity through Art, that has an intrinsic language, superior to spoken or written one. It becomes a meeting point of different systems, developing a wider one, both for the place and for the people.
    Tiburtina is a district in Rome, Italy.
    ARTIB aims to expand into several cities in Italy and abroad.
    Mainly urban
    It refers to a physical transformation of the built environment (hard investment)
    As an individual in partnership with other persons
    • First name: Adriana
      Last name: Volpe
      Gender: Female
      Age: 24
      Please attach a copy of your national ID/residence card:
      By ticking this box, I certify that the information regarding my age is factually correct. : Yes
      Nationality: Italy
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Viale B. Buozzi 53
      Town: Rome
      Postal code: 00197
      Country: Italy
      Direct Tel: +39 348 892 6045
    • First name: Elena
      Last name: Berardi
      Gender: Female
      Age: 24
      Please attach a copy of your national ID/residence card:
      By ticking this box, I certify that the information regarding my age is factually correct. : Yes
      Nationality: Italy
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Via Franco Sacchetti 12
      Town: Rome
      Postal code: 00137
      Country: Italy
      Direct Tel: +39 388 323 7229
    • First name: Valentina
      Last name: Segnalini
      Gender: Female
      Age: 24
      Please attach a copy of your national ID/residence card:
      By ticking this box, I certify that the information regarding my age is factually correct. : Yes
      Nationality: Italy
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Viale Bruno Buozzi 40
      Town: Castel gandolfo
      Postal code: 00073
      Country: Italy
      Direct Tel: +39 346 316 1840
    • First name: Lidia
      Last name: Catena
      Gender: Female
      Age: 23
      Please attach a copy of your national ID/residence card:
      By ticking this box, I certify that the information regarding my age is factually correct. : Yes
      Nationality: Italy
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Via tor de Schiavi 136
      Town: Rome
      Postal code: 00172
      Country: Italy
      Direct Tel: +39 331 327 1572
    University Isia Roma Design
  • Description of the concept
    ARTIB embraces the concept of art in all its forms that are expressed through the regeneration of the area by making it a place for the people who live there to meet and gather. The system, in addition to restoring identity to the area, is designed so that the facilities are self-sufficient; these are divided into 4 main sectors:
    ARTMIX, includes a multifunctional space suitable for hosting performances of various artistic genres.
    ARTEXPO, in which are located exhibition pavilions, used for displaying artistic elements, and interactive analog structures.
    ARTHUB, in which are part structures used for the enjoyment of small practical and theoretical courses, such as fablab, workshops and talks, to bring large-scale realities closer to the citizen.
    ARTVIVE, includes three elements of the system, those that have a "living" connection with the reality around them.
    The elements are:
    The piezometric tower, the system's cultural heritage and dynamic element, a witness to "ARTIB living." Passive observer by day, active participant by night, thanks to the visualization of data that will be present on its structure through video mapping. However, the collection of visualized data can also be monitored during the day, through ARTIB's website.
    The sound-absorbing wall, which enables the visualization of digital exhibits.
    The piezoelectric pavement, which transforms the energy produced into artistic elements.
    In order for the system and its facilities to be totally self-sufficient, photovoltaic panels and piezometric paving have been included, so that energy can also be produced outside the basic power lines. In addition, ARTIB was created as a green area within an industrial zone, so it becomes an active lung for the area in terms of environmental sustainability.
    Within the project, the entire user experience is designed so that the user can always have cultural and personal growth. All facilities are designed ad hoc, taking into account the area and the facilities already present in the area. There are also spaces for interaction and aggregation that can give emotional engagement. In ARTIB the cultural benefit is constant, providing the opportunity to attend workshops, talks and laboratories and being able to enjoy, in addition, both physical and digital exhibitions. The area of interest is also a green lung, within the urban area, which is why the architectural aesthetic is always related to a green aesthetic.
    The facilities in Artib are accessible to all, also taking into account possible disabilities. The surface near the hubs has been modified to create a slope with a maximum gradient of 8% to facilitate access for all. The amphitheatre, on the other hand, has both steps and a descent that makes it possible for people who require the use of a wheelchair to use it and also serves as a stage backdrop. The web app is also designed to be accessible, presenting high-contrast colours. In addition, thanks to the digital twin and the signage positioned taking into account the various heights, it is easy to find your way around the system and enjoy it to the full.
    ARTIB is positioned within an area of simple transit. After an initial research carried out in the field, interviewing the users of the area, three main points were identified on which to work.
    First was the lack of a reason to experience the area. The second point was the lack of a green area, Tiburtina (the area of interest) being adjacent to a railway station and adjacent to neighbourhoods without parks. And finally, the lack of an identity that differed from that of the station. These three points form the basis of the ARTIB project, which, taking into account the needs of citizens, has developed a system that is variable and replicable throughout the territory, but also outside it.
    In the development of the project, various realities, active at local level, operating in the artistic sector were considered, such as galleries and museums, but also institutions, fablab, collectives and cultural associations. The goal is to create a synergy so that each reality enters the field to make the system alive and dynamic, through the organization of exhibitions, workshops, laboratories and installations. The spaces of ARTIB become, in this way, places to express and give life to different forms of art but also to create a network on the territory. Different stakeholders have a way of becoming an active component of the system and making themselves known through the direct involvement of citizens.
    The design of ARTIB begins with a study of the concept of art and how it can carry different messages and situations. Art includes any human activity that leads to forms of creativity and aesthetic expression. Having both an objective and a subjective value, it is able to increase its value just by contact with other realities.
    Another important point, making contact with different areas of knowledge, is the system's ability to connect with external realities that allow a value addition to the user's experience.
    Art in all its forms is a bonding element that represents the desire to promote, communicate, motivate and provide an identity.
    The innovation of the system stems from using the concept of art as a meeting point of different systems, developing a larger one, both for the place and for the users. Collaboration with local and national authorities favours the expansion of the system. Furthermore, the citizen, by actively participating, learns about small and large realities thanks to their connection with ARTIB.
    Another innovative element of the project is the ARTVIVE part, which is the union of real and digital in the system and which, through visual artefacts and new technologies, shows how the system is experienced by citizens.
    ARTIB is an open system that evolves and changes with the people who actively experience it, developing, in addition, new services according to the scenario where it is to be located.
    Logics such as the presence of exhibition areas, gathering places and spaces dedicated to art are fundamental elements of the replicable system that, by interconnecting with new territorial realities, give added value and a new identity to the area.
    The system adapts to new geographical areas while holding firm to the values of identity, emotion and memory.
    ARTIB responds to the need to restore an identity and value to those places within cities that, over time, have lost their dignity, abandoned in a state of degradation or negligence. Through a process of requalification, these spaces assume a new identity, becoming pivot points of city and community realities, creating meeting and exchange points and developing a sense of belonging. ARTIB also responds to the need to restore green spaces within urban environments, creating places dedicated to citizens where they can enjoy contact with nature.
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