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  • Initiative category
    Prioritising the places and people that need it the most
  • Basic information
    StudyMates by Venislava Ivanova
    Nowadays, when a student applies to high school, at first they experience difficulties with the study material, the teachers and the atmosphere in the new school. That is why I want to create a web platform that connects bigger students from one high school (as mentors) with first year high schoolers from the same high school to help them. It will be for all of the high schools and the little ones will get used to the school and find new friends and the bigger ones will get a lot of experience.
    At first I am going to start in Burgas, Bulgaria and then I am going to include the other towns.
    Mainly urban
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As an individual
    • First name: Venislava
      Last name: Ivanova
      Gender: Female
      Nationality: Bulgaria
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: j. k. Izgrev, bl. 57
      Town: Burgas
      Postal code: 8008
      Country: Bulgaria
      Direct Tel: +359 88 690 1506
    Social Media
  • Description of the initiative
    StudyMates, created by Venislava Ivanova
    When I started high school in Bulgaria (in some schools it is in 5th grade and in others in 8th grade) I was so stressed and I had difficulties with the study material, the teachers and the atmosphere in my new mathematics school. That is why I decided to survey the fifth-graders in my school and it turned out that around 70% of them will feel safer if they know someone from a higher grade. In Burgas there are 17 high schools and this problem is in each one of them.
    Therefore, I decided to create a web system called StudyMates in which the new students will be finding their own mentors from a bigger class to help them with getting used to the school. For the first version of the project I am going to start with my school, but then there will be a subscription for the web system and I will add the other schools. Each one of them will have its own platform so that the kids can choose from a list their own school and sign up for a mentor. I will match the little student with the bigger one based on surveys with the aim that their characters can match and to create the perfect team. In the next version the matching is going to happen with machine learning. The little students will be able to rate their mentors which will be getting a scholarship based on that rating - the higher the rating, the higher the scholarship will be.
    Support new students
    Improve education
    Connect little students with more mature ones
    Make friends
    Overcome new students' problems
    In my idea everyone wins. The mentors will be getting a scholarship form our sponsors and a certificate for participation, the new students will get help with their material and the most important thing is that they will understand what each teacher requires and how to prepare better for their class thanks to their mentor's experience. The sponsors and the investors will earn money form the subscriptions and will be able to find unique interns, they will be able to self-promote with the fact that support the Bulgarian education and we will post their logos on our website and social media. Teachers will benefit from the fact that students will be doing much better and schools will gain prestige and new applicants.
    My idea is to find the perfect match between a new student and a mentor. At first this is going to happen manually by comparing their survey answers. Then the matching will be done with machine learning in order to be automatic. This will create the perfect pair and symbiosis. In addition, the little student will find a new friend who will help them every time they need and will always be there for them.
    My initiative will be accessible to each school by an affordable subscription. Schools will be motivated to subscribe because of the benefits that it gives to their students and the prestige it brings.
    The new students will get mentors by signing in the platform and filling out a survey to determine their character. After that the platform will match them with their perfect mentor who also filled out the same survey. We will select the mentors based on their grades, a teacher recommendation and extracurricular activities. When a team is created, the two students will have meetings every week which will be available online and in person. The bigger one will give tips and tricks on how the little one can do better in each class and will help them with all the questions they have.
    There are not stakeholders that are engaged in my initiative.
    Education and human resources are a big factor in my initiative, because they are both connected to create the perfect environment for students.
    The private lessons from the teachers in the same school are my idea's big competitor, because the students can see the teacher's methods. However, in the web platform the mentors will explain the methods of each teacher to the new students. That is our way to overcome this obstacle.
    The matching system can be later used in universities or even in big companies in order to connect more experienced students or workers with newbies.
    The new students will get mentors by signing in the platform and filling out a survey to determine their character. After that the platform will match them with their perfect mentor who also filled out the same survey. We will select the mentors based on their grades, a teacher recommendation and extracurricular activities. When a team is created, the two students will have meetings every week which will be available online and in person. The bigger one will give tips and tricks on how the little one can do better in each class and will help them with all the questions they have.
    Nowadays, students find it more and more difficult to make friends and feel more anxious when they are in a new environment. My idea solves these problems and in addition improves the education of students and succeeds in preparing them for their life.
    There are several schools and teachers that are interested in the idea and would support it. I reached out to kids who loved the initiative and said they couldn't wait to for it to happen. Within a week I conducted an experiment and connected an older student with a fifth-grader to help them with the difficulties they were experiencing and everyone was fascinated by the result.
    I will promote the idea through school websites and student council social media, and as vice president of the school council of the most prestigious high school in my town, I have access to a large community of students to pitch it to.
    My initiative helps education and training institutions to integrate sustainability into teaching and learning and across all aspects of their operations. Improves young students' knowledge and their confidence.
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