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  4. A house of rights
  • Initiative category
    Prioritising the places and people that need it the most
  • Basic information
    A house of rights
    Accompany homeless people.
    The primary objective becomes that of responding concretely to a state of loneliness related to the consequences of the lives of homeless people. The specific objectives: to determine greater autonomy in the life path of the subjects involved; promote the acquisition of new social skills; create forms of contrast to social unease.
    Sicilia- Palermo
    Mainly urban
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As a representative of an organisation
    • Name of the organisation(s): Aps Consultorio dei diritti MIF (minori, migranti, famiglie)
      Type of organisation: Non-profit organisation
      First name of representative: Vincenzo
      Last name of representative: D'Amico
      Gender: Male
      Nationality: Italy
      If relevant, please select your other nationality: Italy
      Function: Avvocato
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Via Aragona, 19
      Town: Palermo
      Postal code: 90133
      Country: Italy
      Direct Tel: +39 340 319 1447
    New European Bauhaus or European Commission websites
  • Description of the initiative
    The project activities intend to fit into the current national context, characterized above all by the sense of loneliness, uncertainties and fears of the homeless. Some research has shown the existence of long-term effects due to the infection with the Coronavirus.
    “Covid-19 infection can have important consequences even months after recovery and in young and perfectly healthy people before the disease. Experts call it Long Covid or post Covid syndrome. About a third of Sars-Cov-2 positive patients continue to have symptoms 6 weeks after being negative for the virus. Fatigue and chronic tiredness are the most frequent ailments among former covid patients, to which are added a feeling of shortness of breath, memory loss, concentration difficulties, widespread joint pain, skin rashes, headaches and dizziness, insomnia. Some patients may have depressive symptoms or be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. According to a study coordinated by the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, in fact, around 50% of the Italians interviewed who had direct experience of the covid said they suffered from depressive symptoms while 30% had problems with anxiety, stress and other ailments related to trauma". (Long Covid: research defines the long-term effects of the post Coronavirus syndrome. - ​​National Health Quotidiano)
    Our intervention takes place within an unstable socio-economic context characterized by uncertainty with respect to one's "movements" and relationships, which can cause bewilderment and confusion. Welcoming and listening to the homeless become tools capable of integrating the work of existing territorial services and of developing a sense of community functional to the management of everyday life "crushed" by the pandemic.
    The M.I.F. (Minors, Migrants and Families), in continuity with the current activities carried out (helpdesk), intends to initiate interventions that can concretely improve the quality of life of homeless people who are the recipients of the intervention. The project idea, designed ad hoc for the emergency situation we are experiencing, provides for the articulation of two main activities to be carried out over a period of 6 months: listening and information.
    As far as listening is concerned, in the first phase the professionals will be trained and informed, through moments organized online or in presence, on the dimension of listening and on the methodology to be followed during the activities.
    The unity of access and the user's freedom of choice will be guaranteed through various direct channels such as street activity and indirect contact channels such as the online telephone form already present on the site and Facebook. The listening activity will include, first of all, the reception of spontaneous requests for support, support and information from the homeless. Requests will be handled by listening professionals (counselors, pedagogists and psychologists) who will evaluate the most suitable professional volunteer to resolve the acquired criticality. Secondly, the user will be invited to dialogue directly with this professional through a meeting, a call or a video chat, according to the user's preference.
    The current listening desk is structured as follows: 1. First Contact, which provides for user access through various direct and indirect contact channels such as email, blog, Facebook, telephone, etc.; the dedicated operator prepares an individual listening space to receive the information and collect it both for the purpose of the pre-assessment and for the observatory function that covers the service.
    2. First interview, carried out by the operator by making an appointment. The functions of the first interview are those of orientation (definition of need) and accompaniment, in fact, the operator prepares a special form which the user also signs to continue with a specialist consultancy offered by the professional volunteers of the MIF.
    The helpdesk is inspired by the model of the family counseling centre, based on a process of shared reflection and supervision of the pre-assessment, through the tool of the team meeting. Depending on the complexity of the need analyzed in the first level, the volunteers, through a multidisciplinary exchange functional to the case, field a plurality of different knowledge and resources which thus become information accessible to the user. On the basis of the identified need and its complexity, the answers will be functional to restore to the person the role of agent with social rights and skills and to increase the user's self-determination and knowledge of existing services. An ambitious goal to be achieved through a complex process, which will certainly involve a work of analysis and clarification of user needs.

    The beneficiary target of the project is made up of people aged between 18 and 50 in conditions of significant social marginalization with a chronic nature such as homelessness; people who live
    on the road and/or have the road as their habitual residence and way of relating; Italians and
    foreigners, in a state of social exclusion detectable through the following indicators
    and informants. Among the latter, in particular, the following will be evaluated: the frequency and quality of the
    relationships with the family of origin and/or with other significant figures, with reference to
    ability to establish and maintain meaningful relationships over time; housing situation,
    with reference to the possession or not of a house, to the "housing continuity", to the modality
    residence, to the time elapsed since the last accommodation; socio-sanitary situation, with
    reference to relations with services offered by the local community; work situation, with
    reference to previous work experience, the ability to keep a job, al
    time elapsed since the last work experience; economic situation, with reference
    the resources available to the person and his ability to manage money, methods
    of protection of private life, with reference to the protection of one's own space, of
    own biographical information, characteristics and maintenance of an identity
    personal data, with reference to the possession or loss of identity documents;
    perception of the figure of the social worker as a mediator between user and service
    We will work by integrating public-private resources and professionalism according to a logic of
    shared charge and a specific individual project for and with the beneficiary.
    An integrated team will be set up, in which the bodies involved will be represented in taking charge and, if necessary, invited other subjects to participate.
    Model: case report, need analysis, identification of path to start,
    shared project processing, acceptance, project development, release e
    accompaniment to autonomy. Methodological elements:
    - social and inclusive function of the territorial network: a homeless person inserted in
    apartment needs a real accompaniment to rebuild ties and
    dynamics in the community.
    -continuity of public and private social health services and establish procedures for taking them
    caring for people with mental health problems. The challenge will be to “take charge of
    part of the charge".
    Social impact is an outcome measure net of essential changes, which
    they would have occurred equally without the project, and of those observed but
    attributable to other interventions. The measure of the impact therefore represents the actual
    ability of the project to bring about the expected changes”.
    Social impact measurement will be central to both understanding the rationale
    at the basis of the project, both to analyze and redefine internal activities and objectives, and for
    inform all stakeholders involved, internal and external, about the change that has taken place.
    Therefore, it will have an internal function to identify strategic lines and criteria, factors of
    criticalities and areas to be enhanced and an external function, to communicate the effectiveness of
    own interventions.
    The impact will have a relapse on the macro level (population, services, government); on the level
    meso (community change) and on the micro level (individual change),
    since it is the part of the outcome (change) linked to the activities carried out.
    It will refer not only to the social value created, but also to social improvement
    which it is able to generate.
    The expected impact with respect to the recipients will be linked to:
    - to the transformations of individual behaviors;
    - the improvement of access to care for people in conditions of social poverty;
    - the improvement of external relations;
    - the increase in attendance at the proposed activities
    - knowledge of issues related to health poverty.
    Compared to operators and the network:
    - to cultural and organizational change;
    - the adoption of participatory methodologies
    With respect to services:
    - to activate and enhance existing territorial services and facilities and introduce new ones.
    Compared to the network:
    - the consolidation of links between partners;
    - the implementation of the network with new subjects
    The multiprofessional team will be made up of psychiatrists, social workers,
    psychologists/psychotherapists, social tutors/caregivers, peers, host facility representatives i
    The ownership and responsibility of the organization will be shared, although each actor
    will retain the specificity of particular segments. Each professional figure, integrating
    with the others, it maintains a central role and equal dignity, to enhance the intervention. The
    case manager will be an immediate reference for each taking charge. All actions of the
    process (ITP, integrated interventions, internships, etc.) will be shared in a "clinical record".
    social”, to be understood as a multi-professional and multidisciplinary tool of
    coordination of clinical care processes, integration of the "knowledge" and "skills" of
    all operators.
    The meaning of the project is therefore to be able to
    experiment with greater force the possibility of taking charge and a project with
    the person who sees in the round the answer to often unexpressed needs o
    fragmented over time. The model, Housing first, can be replicated as it has already been tested
    in many parts of Italy and in the world, provides for the possibility of returning an intervention to
    measure of the person involved, the failure stands out, unfortunately constantly
    social and health integration, the focus of this project.
    The project was born from the shared analysis of the need by people without
    residence and in conditions of serious marginalization, between public and private entities that operate
    together for years and to the further need of a taking charge and a relative
    accompaniment to autonomy. The involvement of public bodies aims to establish a
    procedure and a culture in taking charge of homeless people, as well as a
    method in which the home, health, social inclusion and autonomy are essential constituent parts of a person's health.

    For a better organization of the activities, n. 4 phases to be carried out over 6 months:
    1.1 Definition of professionals involved;
    1.2 Planning activities (times and places);
    1.3 Preparation of documents for the start of the activity.
    Minutes, timetable, contracts.
    2.1 Drafting of the calendar of training and supervision meetings;
    2.2 Training and supervision meetings.
    Calendar, minutes.
    3.1 Flyers and digital posters to be published on the channels available to the MIF.
    3.2 Articles to be published on the channels available to the MIF.
    Digital advertising material, photographic material, articles.
    4.1 First level reception/listening
    4.2 Second level listening
    User cards, monitoring tools (graphics).
    The phases of REPORTING (preparation of administrative-accounting documentation) and MONITORING (constant analysis of the process and data collection) are transversal to the entire intervention. There is also a figure who will be responsible for monitoring the activities carried out, by compiling a weekly report with respect to incoming applications and verifying the drafting activity.
    From the principles of Housing first, some elements on which to build can be deduced
    replicability and flexibility:
    Living is a human right
    Damage reduction
    Participants have the right to choose and control
    Active and non-coercive involvement
    Distinction between living and therapeutic treatment
    Person centered design
    Recovery orientation
    Flexible support, for as long as you ne
    1.1 Definition of professionals involved;
    1.2 Planning activities (times and places);
    1.3 Preparation of documents for the start of the activity.
    Minutes, timetable, contracts.
    2.1 Drafting of the calendar of training and supervision meetings;
    2.2 Training and supervision meetings.
    Calendar, minutes.
    3.1 Flyers and digital posters to be published on the channels available to the MIF.
    3.2 Articles to be published on the channels available to the MIF.
    Digital advertising material, photographic material, articles.
    4.1 First level reception/listening
    4.2 Second level listening
    User cards, monitoring tools (graphics).
    The phases of REPORTING (preparation of administrative-accounting documentation) and MONITORING (constant analysis of the process and data collection) are transversal to the entire intervention. There is also a figure who will be responsible for monitoring the activities carried out, by compiling a weekly report with respect to incoming applications and verifying the drafting activity.

    At the moment the working group is set up and operational.
    If we manage to win the tender in question we will be able to extend our activities to the issue of the homeless in Palermo
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