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  4. Tertúlias do Montado
  • Initiative category
    Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking
  • Basic information
    Tertúlias do Montado
    Tertúlias do Montado - connection industry with ecosystems conservation
    Everytime you open a bottle of wine you might have a bit of Montado in your hands. Cork, and other products, are retrieved from this agro-silvo-pastoral system, of extreme importance for Mediterranean livelihood. Yet, 5000 hectares per year of Montado are lost by decreased density or coverage area. In Tertúlias do Montado we bring the specificities of this ecosystem in the overall value chain of its products and collectively define scientifically based action to halt its decline.
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As individual(s) in partnership with organisation(s)
    • First name: Maria Helena
      Last name: Guimarães
      Gender: Female
      Please describe the type of organization(s) you work in partnership with: MED - Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development, is currently the largest national research unit on topics that integrate agriculture and forestry, food, environment and rural development in Mediterranean environment. The institute is based at the University of Évora, with research poles in Beja and Faro. MED has around 323 researchers in total, which includes 179 PhD researchers, 48 PhD students, and several collaborators and technicians.
      Our Mission is to promote ecosystem sustainability and food security as contribution towards territorial cohesion and wellbeing.

      We seek excellence in research, producing solid scientific and technological knowledge, but also solutions for the sustainability of agroecosystems, environment and territories.
      In 2020 we account 259 publications ISI/SCOPUS 2020 - scientific articles/book chapters, 25 participations in National, International and Competence Center Networks, 42 international projects and 79 national projects , managing more than 3 million euros/year
      Nationality: Portugal
      Function: Researcher
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: MED - Pólo da Mitra, Apartado 94
      Town: Évora
      Postal code: 7006-554
      Country: Portugal
      Direct Tel: +351 968 829 544
    shared by fellow researchers
  • Description of the initiative
    Collective actions towards sustainability are urgent. Science production plays a key role and needs to be developed with end users. For such actions to occur we need spaces that change perspectives, open minds and hearts with the rigour of science and the trust that arises from connecting and being connected. Tertúlias do Montado is a space for this. It is focused on sustainable solutions to the current decline of Montado, a high nature value farming system. There is no specific project funding the initiative which is mainly developed with internal resources of the coordinating institute (MED, UE). This gave freedom to the initiative to create its own agenda and rhythm. The genesis of the initiative is the hypothesis that collective actions should be viewed as long term processes that require a dialogue, larger than what financed research projects enable. This dialogue should include individuals and institutions considering all the products' life cycle from those that manage the natural resources (i.e. the Montado) to those responsible for the final disposal. Tertúlias de Montado can be understood as the space where everyone meets before, during and after projects and other initiatives, it is a meeting point. From 2016 up to January 2023 a total of 30 sessions occurred. Indoor and outdoor sessions have been organised and most of the sessions last 3 hours. In the first session a “common agenda” was co-created and is updated whenever it is needed. There is a core-group of researchers, students, entrepreneurs, landowners, land managers, public administration, private companies and non-governmental organisations that frequently participate in the platform. But at the same time there is space to accommodate newcomers. Our contact list includes around 400 contacts. Data collected indicates that the platform is having an impact in sustainability of Montado by inducing changes in actions, behaviours and processes within the overall value chain of Montado products.
    Collective actions
    The Montado is the agro-silvo-pastoral system on the south of Portugal, occupying around 1 million hectares. However, trends of abandonment and intensification are resulting in a loss of 5000 ha per year in extension and tree density. It is a high nature value farming system that includes several Natura 2000 priority habitats and a productive system that combines the forestry, pasture and animal production. These components and a mostly extensive management results in a heterogeneous mosaic that is a unique landscape with high values of biodiversity and heritage. It is well-adapted to high temperatures and lack of water that characterise semi-arid Mediterranean regions. With climate change such conditions will become harsher and there isn't doubt that the Montado is key in facing such future challenges. Yet, current practices in management, in policy making, in science production and in industry need to change so that the Montado can endure.
    In this context, the Tertúlias do Montado are a dialogue platform that aims to:
    Create a cohesive network: essential to find solutions that influence the overall value-chain, since the problem is multidimensional and cannot be solved by simple/sectorial solutions.
    Co-produce Knowledge: The Montado is a multifunctional system and so far, no formal platform that deals with it as such exists. The Tertúlias contribute to fill this gap and the knowledge co-produced is taken by its participants into their everyday work.
    Over the years we have deepened issues related to tree regeneration, the impact of grazing, the importance of a monitoring program and the problems arising from diseases and pests, exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. Given the relevance of policy and business models, we also focus on changes along the value chain of its products so that all ecosystem goods and services of the Montado are recognized and valued.
    The initiative is about people and the ecosystem and we:
    Promote interest in the experience for its own sake
    The Montado is not just a production system, it's a landscape rooted in the cultural identity of the Alentejo region. So we promote visits to the Montado so participants experience and attain the pleasure that arises from being present and appreciate the beauty of this ecosystem. As such, there is a collective emotional uplift by sharing the landscape, it smells and sounds.
    Induce harmony and simplicity
    At specific seasons we promote the sharing of aesthetic experiences where participants see how complex processes work. For example, after the rain, we go to the Montado and search for mushrooms while discussing their benefits for the soil health and overall farming systems. Experience as this induces a sense of harmony and the capacity of learning. When a complex idea is presented in an accessible way, it creates a particularly strong experience of aesthetic pleasure. Familiar stimuli are processed faster than novel stimuli.
    Care for a warm and friendly atmosphere
    In each session the ambience is paramount and prepared to induce healthy human interactions. Tea, cookies and products from the Montado are shared, the room is organised so that everyone feels welcomed. We also organise lunches in beautiful restaurants or picnics in the Montado where participants contribute.
    Invite and accept invitations so that participants are moved by beauty.
    Each participant is motivated to share their own space: we already had food prepared by participants, wine tasting looking at the Montado landscape, visiting expositions, seeing and touching cork directly taken from the tree, among other aesthetic experiences.
    Increase the quality of life of participants of Tertúlias
    Tertúlias are designed to induce aesthetic such experiences as an everyday achievement. The beauty of small things are elevated Tertúlias by being aware of its importance and paying them attention.
    Tertulia is the Portuguese name for a space of socialisation. It is inclusive because we understand the Montado as a common good and this platform is a public service. Everyone is invited, all sessions are free and publicly announced. The same for the information produced that is stored and public in the blog of the initiative. Further our effort is to make knowledge accessible for everyone. Hence we look for the best scientific knowledge available to discuss each topic and make this information publicly available using several formats such as presentations, written briefs, questions and answers, whatsapp groups (80 participants at the moment). Each tertulia is designed using participatory approaches, facilitated by a skilled facilitator and followed up by a report. There are in-door events and out-doors activities that include visits to the Montado farms and industrial facilities. By the combination of these approaches’ participants establish a genuine dialogue among them, nurture critical thinking and are motivated to learn and change ideas and actions that need to be modified. Tertúlias implies that along the process people are taken care of, and that the events are a safe space for everyone to express their perspectives, questions, certainties, uncertainties, beliefs, fears and motivations. Data on the socio-economic profile of the participants shows that although 66% of participants are men, women have a higher participation rate. Further, we have all ages represented from young adults to seniors. The most frequent age range is between 40 and 59 years old. During COVID we started on-line Tertúlias as shorter events to keep everyone connected and supporting the continuation of the dialogue and interrelationships made. Although in 2020 we got back to face to face meetings we maintain this channel of communication for those who are far away or with less availability to participate in personal events. Our contact list at the moment includes 400 contacts.
    In the initiative we are defining actions towards Montado sustainability. The maintenance of this system is a benefit for all citizens because of its economic importance:
    The Montado represents "1/3" of the Portuguese Forest: 34% of the world cork oak forest area is located in Portugal and 46% of world cork production is Portuguese. Portuguese cork exports represent 2% of Portuguese exports and reached a growth of 12% compared to 2020 and 7% compared to 2019. These numbers illustrate the impact that the industry and the management of its natural resources have at local and regional level, including the maintenance of employment in the rural world.
    The Montado is a common good since:
    The Montado plays important environmental roles in soil conservation, water quality and oxygen production (14 million tons of CO2 per year by the cork oak forest). It is a unique Mediterranean ecosystem that is a biodiversity hotspot where you can find 35 species of plants per square metre and more than 120 species of avifauna (some endangered) including the Iberian lynx. There are 36 world sanctuaries of biodiversity, one of which is the Montado.
    Thus, in a territory with low population density and scarce resources, the Montado, with all the productive and non-productive activities it supports, has a strategic weight that must be valued urgently. It is in this context that the Tertúlias operate, functioning as a dialogue platform that aims to create the social capital needed to maintain a Montado that benefits everyone.
    This year the initiative will start activities to increase the amount of young people involved by profiting from its current intergenerational capacity. These activities will continue to count with participants along all the value chain of the Montado products. Walks in the Montado with your family is one the ideas to be put in practice and also stories and fairytales from the Montado around a fire where the older generations take the lead.
    The implementation started with a set of local and regional stakeholders with whom we have a long term relation, but this was just the beginning. Considering the issues in discussion we reached key stakeholders along the value chain of Montado products. The topics, objectives and key stakeholders were the main strategy to reach other stakeholders at different scales. The initiative is issue driven and focused on problem solving; hence institutions at different levels wanted to get involved. The actions discussed in Tertúlias have consequences, an example of this is a tailored training for landowner and land managers about the health of Montado. This year the training will have its 4th edition. Around 300 persons already attended this training that involves a partnership between 10 different institutions: universities, local development organisations, companies, producers organisations and public administration.
    Another example of this multiplier effect is the fact that we are currently working with national policy makers to implement a results-based payment model in Montado under the new Common Agriculture Policy. This not only depends on a partnership between local, regional and national institutions but is also included in a European movement that aims to reform the Common Agricultural policy towards the payment of ecosystem services:
    Further the initiative is an important example of how to implement transdisciplinarity so we are also sharing our experience by being part of a worldwide alliance of inter and transdisciplinarity (ITD), the ITD alliance: The current coordinator of Tertúlias do Montado is part of the leadership board of ITD alliance directly bring the dynamic of the initiative in a worldwide discussion of how to implement more and better ITD.
    The initiative is based on transdisciplinary principles. We have different academic disciplines working together with practitioners (ie, non-academic actors) to solve a real-world problem. The group includes agronomists, conservation biologists, economists, sociologists, engineers, forestry, geographers, business and management, animal production, veterinary, molecular biologist, law and political science. On the practitioners side, most landowners and land managers have high education levels in the fields listed above. We also have landowners in many other fields, such as doctors, designers, architects, public administrators. This group inherited Montado areas and is seeking knowledge and advice as they are currently in charge of management. Data collected in 2019 in a sample of 100 participants shows that 28% have a doctorate, 55% have a degree and 77% of them are related to agriculture and natural resources management. In Tertúlias all of these participants (that also include, public administration, policy makers, private companies, non-governmental organisations) work together in a structured manner. Each sessiion is designed and guided by a skilled facilitator; hence, we follow a sequence of steps to arrive at a specific set of objectives. All the work developed is reported back to the participants in a report publicly available in the blog. Depending on the topic, and the maturity of the collective work done by these participants, a list of actions to be developed is defined. After this, subteams are created to implement what was decided. This subteams work in parallel to the initiative, that continues promoting the dialogue moving into a new topics selected from the common agenda. Examples of actions already implemented are the training course about the Montado health, and the new agri-environmental scheme (i.e. Montado payment by the delivery of environmental results) that this year will start under the new Common Agriculture Policy.
    In the absence of an efficient and cohesive system of extension, few producers have access to validated knowledge. There are no formal mechanisms to ensure exchange between all parties and support sustainable business models for the Montado. Just as there are no mechanisms for incorporating scientific evidence into public policies, or flexibility in monitoring and adaptation. There is no National strategic plan for the Montado, which demonstrates that despite being identified as key for development, there is no consensus regarding the activities that may lead to its future sustainability. The main reason for this is the fact that the Montado combines forestry, agriculture and livestock production. For each sector there are strategies, yet the lack of integration and adaptation to this multifunctional farming system implies conflicts in terms of direction and objectives that ultimately leads to the Montado decline due to unsustainable management options. In this context, the Tertúlias fill several gaps by allowing the dissemination and co-creation of knowledge in a logic of mutual respect, transparency and validity. They are a meeting point designed to establish and reinforce long-lasting relationships of trust between the actors involved in all value-chain of Montado products. And data shows that dynamic networks among participants are being created and consolidated and are based on the implementation of actions co-created by the participants, which mirrors the themes and concerns that they intend to deepen. The typology, format and tools used in the initiative are flexible to allow the inclusion of diversity. In summary, Tertúlias do Montado innovation starts by its transdisciplinary nature. Further, it aims to achieve a circular industrial ecosystem and supports life-cycle thinking. Finally its innovation is also reflected and the combination of participants, the networks it promotes and the resulting actions.
    The Tertúlias do Montado are inspired by a similar initiative called “Tertúlias do Polvo”. Polvo is octopus in Portuguese, an important economic resource for fishing communities in Algarve (south of Portugal). Hence, the initiative itself is already a replication of a model of creation of dialogue platforms. The framework, structure and procedure are fully transferable to other sustainability challenges where transdisciplinarity needs to be implemented. In addition, the policy instrument that is currently being piloted in the Montado is also replicated to other contexts where farming and conservation need to be combined. Regarding the value chain of Montado products we have discussed many technological solutions that allow a zero waste industry mainly in the cork sector. The cork is a renewable resource. After cork extraction, this protection cloak grows back to protect the tree from high temperatures. The transformation of cork in other products, such as stoppers, is an industry where the circulatory loop is closed. Even the cork dust is biomass that feeds the power boiler. Such procedure is being implemented in the largest transformation industries and transferable to smaller ones. Tertúlias do Montado is also contributing to such transference.. The training in Montado soil health is another transferable product and the fact we are in its 4th edition is a proof of that. New proposals are incorporated in each edition, but the framework based on life cycle thinking and systems thinking is the same. Finally, our goal is to further promote linkages between the health of the natural system and the products that derive from the Montado. This learning is also being transferred to many sectors and today we have new advisory services in the existing companies and farmers organisations that focus on promoting soil heath, the ultimate natural resource that supports everything above.
    We follow a circular approach that starts with challenges identified by its participants. After, and using systems and life cycle thinking, the promoters of the initiative define a structure to tackle the challenges. A diversity of methodologies to be implemented in-door as well as out-door are used. In this step we might need to secure the participation of specific elements along the value chain including research & development. As such we ensure knowledge is available to nurture participants' co-production process. Our team of skilled facilitators guide the groups towards the defined objectives, evaluate each interaction moment, reflect about possible adaptation needs and report back to the participants the results they have achieved. Our qualified team of facilitators secures the space and tools participants need to co-produce knowledge, learn and act. At a certain point, a set of actions to develop outside Tertúlias do Montado are defined and appropriated by subteams. These subteams continue working in parallel to the process that Tertúlias is able to secure. At this point, we go back to the first stage of the cycle where participants define how, in Tertúlias do Montado, we can move forward. From here we move into another challenge. Key milestones are: 1) the creation of a common agenda, co-produced by its participants and continuously open for revision. 2) Evaluation done by participants after each interaction moment and after 4 years of activities. Hence in 2019 we undertook the first major evaluation effort that included the participation of 100 of the 200 total participants. This year another evaluation procedure will be implemented. 3) Reflexivity, learning and changing. This initiative does not have precedent, so we need to be able to learn by doing and change following the fast rhythm of change that is occurring in the world.
    We need new pathways for transition to sustainable farming and industry to preserve the planet’s natural resources while achieving food security for a growing population. The scenarios are extremely worrying in the Meditarranean basin. 25% of land in Southern and Eastern Europe was at high or very high risk in 2017 and predictions include an increase of 11% in desertification in 10 years. Several United Nation Sustainability Goals call for a transformative change of agricultural production and industry. In Europe the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy as well as the Biodiversity Strategy, define ambitious goals for such transition. The Montado is an ancient agroforestry system from which we can examine the challenges and strategies to be implemented elsewhere. Despite its decline, the Montado is still the best performing silvopastoral and the most extensive high nature value and cultural agroforestry system in Europe. It provides an effective synergy between climate change adaptation and mitigation, by contributing to the sequestration of greenhouse gases and buffering livelihoods against variability and recurrent drought. The initiative aims to contribute to these global challenges as a springboard of collective actions. It works locally to co-produce knowledge, to empower social actors in finding solutions and implementing them. As such Tertúlias is involved in an ongoing local process of increasing Montado soil healthy and functionality, in maintaining and Mediterranean biodiversity pastures; in promoting the long-term viability of the Montado through the regeneration of cork oaks; and in conserving the Natura 2000 habitats within the Montado (i.e. temporary and permanent Mediterranean ponds, woodlots of Quercineas and Pinus, patches of shrubs, and water lines with riparian galleries). Hence Tertúlias is also contributing to halt the current global challenge of biodiversity loss.
    So far 30 Tertúlias were developed and participated by 200 tertulianos. 30 reports were produced and made publicly available. At this moment we record a total of 35 800 blog visits. This initiative is also a fertile place for science and so far the process used and the data collected allowed the development of 1 book chapter, 1 peer reviewed international article and 1 book in Portuguese available in this link:
    All parallel activities developed by teams of tertulianos are also important impacts:
    3 editions of a training course for farmers on the health of the Montado were organised in consecutive years reaching 300 farmers and advisory technicians.
    And the development of the agro-environmental scheme for the Montado based on environmental results, which is a paradigm shift in the Portuguese agriculture policy.
    The results of the questionnaire applied in 2019, show that the Tertúlias had a positive impact:
    78% consider that the initiative is likely to contribute to the sustainability of Montado.
    45% indicated that in Tertúlias they defined concrete actions taken towards the sustainability of the Montado. 60% of those that indicated concrete actions are farmers.
    90% are satisfied with their participation and 98% would recommend the initiative it to others.
    Frequent participants list more outcomes from their participation, have higher satisfaction levels and better understand the nature of the process.
    The program for the 1st semester of 2023 has already been outlined with the participants, and includes 7 Tertúlias and a new edition of the training course for farmers on the health of the Montado.
    The participation levels in Tertúlias is still increasing and the initiative will continue expanding in quantity and type of participants as well as in parallel activities. Further, the process is being generalised and applied in other cases.
    Finally, the importance of work and evaluation methodologies (online sessions, questionnaires and moments of reflection after the Tertúlias) for the production and dissemination of results is reinforced.
    We believe that Tertúlias fully meet the European competence framework on sustainability. In fact, the regular evaluation that is carried out at the Tertúlias shows that the participants consider this initiative to be a success both in terms of the involvement of the participants and in the transfer of knowledge for the management of the Montado, and reinforce the importance to move this knowledge to the centres of competences (whether scientific knowledge or empirical knowledge). Effectively, the transfer of knowledge is seen as a result and a solution, being pointed out as a way of helping to solve the problems of the Montado, either through the sharing of specialised knowledge, good practices and replicable solutions; either through raising awareness and creating a critical mass for the Montado; or even in the involvement in the discussion of various intervening agents in the territory.
    It should also be noted that in the Common Agenda established by the participants, the topic of sustainability of the Montado is continually revisited and seen as a priority, associated with the need for an integrated management; land use planning and inspection; biodiversity and conservation; digitization and dissemination of the Montado.
    With regard to the implementation of the Tertúlias, the participants call for more activities related to training and sharing of good practices, through mixed sessions (indoor and outdoor), involving producers and managers; technicians and specialists; companies and associations; political power and academia.
    Finally, the importance of work and evaluation methodologies (online sessions, questionnaires and moments of reflection after the Tertúlias) for the production and dissemination of results is reinforced.

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