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  • Initiative category
    Regaining a sense of belonging
  • Basic information
    Kids:Magika - interactive events for the future
    Kids:Magika is an open space for kids to explore and discover their talents. Events, where they can discover arts, science, body-oriented practices, and circus arts embedded in an interactive theater play with a shared, living story where reality and fantasy blur. Cocreating a story in which children learn about community, sustainability, and inclusion. The goal is to help them to manifest their dreams and find hope to shape their lives with a sustainable vision for their future.
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As a representative of an organisation
    • Name of the organisation(s): Kollektiv Magika, Kunst - und Kulturverein zur Förderung der nachhaltigen Potentialentfaltung
      Type of organisation: Non-profit organisation
      First name of representative: Jan
      Last name of representative: Ernst
      Gender: Male
      Nationality: Austria
      Function: Chairman
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Hockegasse 37/ Haus 4
      Town: Vienna
      Postal code: 1180
      Country: Austria
      Direct Tel: +43 699 11036350
  • Description of the initiative
    Kids:Magika is an educational project for children between 4 - 12 years. Day events, workshop series, summer camps, and festivals are the formats in which new spaces for kids & adults are created. The Kids:Magika events are a participative interactive theater. Through this method, the guests can take on new roles in a playful way. It deals with the following topics:
    Category 1: Sustainability & Nature
    Category 2: Community & Inclusion
    Category 3: Well-Being, Sports & Circus Arts
    Category 4: Arts & Talents
    Within these categories we do these proposed actions:
    Actions in category 1 (Sustainability & Nature): Plant workshops, Gardening Workshops, Nature Clean Ups, Cooking with Herbs Workshops
    Actions in category 2 (Community & Inclusion): Communication Workshops, Introductory games, Vision Board Workshop
    Actions in category 3 (Well-Being, Sports & Circus Arts): Yoga, Aerial Silk Workshops, Circus Workshops, Clown Workshops)
    Actions in category 4 (Arts & Talents): Drawing Workshop, Photography Workshop, Visual Projections Workshops, Musicproduction Workshop, DJ Workshop

    The aim is to connect, explore and experience new ways of education and community. A variety of arts, science, sports, well-being, and circus arts provide a new blend of environment, where the young guests can try out new things, explore and discover their talents and share them with others. They enter a world, in which the reality of everyday life is left behind and dive into a story, in which they can find a new identity.
    The storytelling at Kids:Magika continues from one event to the next one, so the participants can return and find back into their already familiar environment and role, which they got to know at a previous event. The program is every time different and new. The main goal is to offer the guests a space where they feel welcome, safe, and can be just themselves. The goal is that the children go home with an increased sense of belonging to a group of people, a community.
    Self Empowerment
    At Kids:Magika we learn from the indigenous culture about a worldview where all of nature is interconnected, everything affects everything and humans are part of nature and are not separate. We use this ontology of different indigenous cultures including ancient cultures that lived in the territory of Austria and Europe that lived before us. Cultures that had a deeper sense of belonging to their environment. We inspire kids through these stories about how these people used to live to regain a sense of connection with their environment. In this way, the initiative can be a unique source of understanding and connection to nature in new ways.

    Concrete actions:
    1. Nature Clean Ups: Groups of kids clean up a certain area to restore the natural state of that region and properly dispose of waste.
    2. Gardening Workshop: At this workshop, kids are shown how to grow food, herbs & flowers. They can do their first experiments.
    3. Plant Workshop - How to learn to recognize plants & herbs.

    The goal is to teach kids certain tools, which they can use to understand nature better and also to build a stronger connection to plants and animals. We aim to give the the children trust to believe, that their actions make a difference and that the cocreation of a sustainable, healthy society is possible. Most of the time after the events we have noticed increased interaction between kids, joy, higher self-esteem, and motivation to realize their ideas.
    The guests of Kids:Magika are introduced into a storyline through a special stage design, actors wear costumes and the space is arranged in a specific manner. The aesthetics are well chosen, to amplify the experience of all participants. The aim is to introduce all participants to the storyline, in which the educational program is embedded. The kids gain new perceptions. The goal is that the kids get excited to take on their roles in the theater play and also understand the roles of the actors and the other participants. The aim is that they are positively surprised and can open up. Learn and share their emotions.
    Kids:Magika is all about community. The main topic is that all participants feel part of the group, which is present at the events. The main target is that all guests feel welcome, no matter which social and ethnic background they come from. No matter which skin color they have, no matter how rich or poor they are. A social pricing model is designed to also welcome guests, who wouldn't otherwise afford a ticket to the Kids:Magika events. The pricing scale model enables those to join.
    Inclusion also plays a big role in the storytelling of Kids:Magika. Everybody can become part of the story. Costumes, face painting, and fantasy characters facilitate the spirit to truly leave all fears, preconceptions, and doubts behind. The guests get the chance to slip into their new roles, with a fresh way of perceiving all characters openly.
    Concrete actions to accelerate inclusion topics which the event are:
    1. Communication Workshops: Introductions into communication models, how to communicate needs, dreams and goals, problems, etc. within a big group.
    2. Introductory games: Get to know each other playfully, and learn to release prejudices.
    3. Vision Board Workshop
    The goal of Kids:Magika events is to elevate a new sense of perception of how to handle life positively. The aim is that the next generation learns to deal with the big issues of our lives in a playful and fun way. Motivation follows. Civil society not only benefits from the individuals who participate in the events and bring their teachings back to their environments. Also, specific actions are planned to contribute to the greater good on a local level. Nature clean-up - days, repair cafés, panel discussions, workshops, and lectures about themes that occupy the local communities will benefit all. At the events themselves, new solutions to urgent questions are looked for in an experimental playful way. The results can be published and distributed to civil society through videos, photos, press articles, art pieces, and other publications.
    The chosen topics which are embedded in the program at Kids:Magika events are a reflection of the issues from the local, regional, and even the wider international spectrum. The aim is to bring real-life topics to the events, transform them into the storyline and play with them. Experiment solutions. Offer useful tools, with which new ways of interactions can be found.
    Experts from all categories (1.-4.) are addressed and invited to bring in their expertise. Through their input, the curators and art directors create the program and storyline of every interactive theatre play.
    The following disciplines were reflected while designing and implementing our initiative: Sustainability & Nature / Community & Inclusion / Well-Being, Sports & Circus Arts / Arts & Talents. Experts from all these topics worked out their core ideas, of how to tackle and bring their topics to the action field of the Kids:Magika events. 5 meetings, where the art director, curator, and experts met and exchanged their ideas. In this meeting, the screenplay of the interactive theatre was put into form. The stage design, costumes, and the exact program followed. Exchange and participation between all people involved added big value to the process of finalising the Kids:Magika concept.
    The innovative character of Kids:Magika is the combination of arts, science, well-being, and education. The theatrical staging of the story is making the surrounding in which the program of the events is presented unusual and new. The mixture of many diverse art forms is creating a special, inspiring surrounding for kids. Our aim is that the presence of artists, instead of teachers and patronizing adults is liberating and inspiring. Children and adults meet at eye level. They take on new roles, in which adults learn from children and also the other way around. A sense of openness is created by the storyline.
    The approach of a playful way of learning in an unusual space could be replicated and transferred to other places. The developed theatrical storytelling could be copied. The roles of the actors and the whole plot are imagined and after they will be ready to spread locally and internationally. The vision of Kids:Magika tour europe to showcase this new event format to a wider international audience. The goal is to inspire others to do similar projects or take over a new local group in order to start a individuel Kids:Magika event series in their region.
    Every Kids:Magika format (Dayevent/Summer Camp/ Festival) follow the same methodology. The participants are welcomed through actors to the storyline. Through that process, they shed their everyday persona, with their habitual behaviors. At Kids:Magika all participants dive into a new role. An exciting self-image, with new ways of expressing and engaging. In this new mindset, the program is presented. A mix of program elements that address body, mind, and spirit. A blend of yoga, meditation, circus, music classes, painting, creating sculptures, lectures, discussions, theater shows, performances, and stations where they can co-create art, and leave a message behind. Connect with themself. Find peace within and find calmness to clarify and gain new strength. All of this is in the context of the storyline, where all participants can truly take on a new role. Amplified with a costume, a face painting the young and older guests become part of the storyline. They learn, cocreate, express, and share with others, they form a community of like-minded interested people. At the end of the events is the celebration, in which all participants come together, dance, and listen to music. After the celebration follows the official closing of the imaginative world of the storyline. All "magic" beings who were guiding the kids thew the world of Kids:Magika is welcome to leave the space again.
    Kids:Magika is creating a community for adults and children who participate in the Kids:Magika events. In this order, the global issue of separation, which got amplified especially during the recent Covid Pandemic, is addressed. This is the main benefit of the Kids:Magika project. Additionally the main topics of Kids:Magika: Sustainability & Nature / Community & Inclusion / Well-Beeing, Sports & Circus Arts / Arts & Talents are addressed. The goal is to show the children possible solutions, so they get a positive outlook and knowledge about how to implement the solutions in their environment.
    Past projects:

    14.08. 2022 Kids:Magika - day event // Usus am Wasser, Vienna
    17.07. 2022 Kids:Magika - day event // Usus am Wasser, Vienna

    Outlook 2023

    20.05.2023 Kids:Magika / Manner Villa, Vienna
    17.06.2023: Kids:Magika / Zukunftshof, Vienna
    22.07.2023: Kids:Magika / Usus am Wasser, Vienna
    20.-27.08. 2023: Kids:Magika Festival-Camp / Kompasz Kemping, 9181 Novákpuszta, Hungary

    The plan for 2023 is to make 3-day events in Vienna and a week-long Festival Camp in Hungary. The goal is to bring the guests from the city to the rural area and spent a week in nature to deepen the educational program. The aim is to create a community over the summer months to let the project grow organically.
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