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  4. Dare to thrive
  • Initiative category
    Prioritising the places and people that need it the most
  • Basic information
    Dare to thrive
    Lingua Club: The World of Growth- Dare to thrive
    This initiative was started in order to enrich the educational and recreational offer for children in one of the less developed regions of Serbia (East Serbia) through the programme designed to empower the children's mental strength, resilience, a proactive life approach, goal-orientation, communication skills and foreign language skills. The programme aims at reaching the outcomes through specially designed workshops that consist of game-like activities, drama, craftwork and project work, etc.
    Mostly Eastern Serbia which is one of the poorest regions of Serbia in terms of socio-development and the offer of artistic and recreational programmes.
    Various activities have been conducted within the rural areas of the municipality of Knjaževac in the east of Serbia and the Balkans Mountain ( the Villages of Crni Vrh, Zubetinac, Vlaško Polje.
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to a physical transformation of the built environment (hard investment)
    As a representative of an organisation
    • Name of the organisation(s): Lingua Club- The Association for the Promotion of Languages and Interculturality
      Type of organisation: Non-profit organisation
      First name of representative: Marija
      Last name of representative: Ivanović Božić
      Gender: Female
      Nationality: Serbia
      Function: Legal representative
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Luke Lazarevića 6
      Town: Knjaževac
      Postal code: 19350
      Country: Serbia
      Direct Tel: +381 62 208540
    Social Media
  • Description of the initiative
    Lingua Club-Lanuaging in the Timok Valley- "Thrive united" is an initiative of providing a unique programme for children's personal development and growth aiming at enhancing their self confidence, creativity and resilience through ecological and cultural project activities, gamelike fillers, mindfulness and self-guidance tools.
    It is organised in creative interior or natural surrondings through daily workshops sessions, trainings, trips and camps. In order to make this project more available to more children and other beneficiaries it is intended to adapt a village household in Orešac (eastern Serbia) to make an educational and camping centre where the time travel will take place. The students will learn about traditional and modern eco-friendly activities to nurture the gardens and composting area within the facilities using traditional and modern tools. The composting area will be available to the whole village as a means of fertalising the soil and encouraging organic agriculture. The traditional tools and items used in a houshold will be displayed both in a specialized museum within on of the facilites and all around the Orešac household as exponats.
    an educational, ecological and cultural centre in rural surrounding
    proactive approach ensuring mental strenght and resilience
    goal-orientation and goal setting skills
    a museum of traditional life-style
    a composting pool available to the village
    Key objectives of the initiative are:
    - Displaying efficient eco-friendly practices (a composting pool available to the village farmers, growing small organic gardens, orchards and bee-keeping etc.)
    -Training new educators, trainers and peer educators that will disseminate the programme further
    - Restoring and enhancing children's mental resilience and proactive approach through different farm growing activities
    - Reconnection with nature, sustainable farming skills and organic farm production are promoted.
    - Enlarging the network of governmental and non-governmental environmental institutions to cooperate with
    The initiative Lingua Club-Lanuaging in the Timok Valley-"Thrive united" started by our NGO to build its own educational premises in nature will be exemplary as they not only provide accomodation and unique camping atmosphere but also enable them to be interactive with the surrounding nature and displayed items. This influenes the whole household to be improved and marked by all the visitors as well as the local community which might contribute and benefit to a great deal from the composting area.
    Key benefits in terms of aesthetics and quality of experience for people:
    -More time spent in a natural surrounding arranged with cultivated farm areas and traditonal items and exponats
    -Positive energy and emotions released through various game-like activities,
    -Enjoying the cultural facilties (museum, outside exponats.)
    -Displaying efficient practices to connect to cultural heritiage and traditional values in a creative way (museum workshops- project work, craftwork, labeling the items, presentation panels, enlarging the items thorugh craftwork or collecting traditional items etc.)
    -Enjoying the cultural content ( a museum, references to the past)
    - The museum section will contribute to the overall learning experience and reconnection to the past and nature
    -Using mindset developing tools in a clutural and historical context ;
    -Having comfortable rooms deigned in a rustic modern interior style will make the place attractive in all the seasons;
    -Training new educators, trainers and peer educators that will disseminate the programme further.
    Key objectives of your initiative in terms of inclusion:
    -The children from all the vulnarable groups will be welcomed and they will undertake this programme that is especially intended to support and ecourage such group members
    - The growing number of children from vulnurable groups from Orešac (Roma families, socially incomplete families, etc) and nearby villages will have a unique educational centre to get equipped with successful mindset developing tools (resilience, vision, goal-setting techniques) to help them thrive united in their differences reconnected with both their cultural identity and natural ways.
    -Through carefully designed activities they will contribute to the composting pool, organic production and museum growth.
    -Training new educators, trainers and peer educators that will disseminate the programme further.
    where they can find the necessary support through consulting, farm work

    - ?na šta ovde misliš, da će oni da prodaju sveje poljoprivredne proizvode ili da će da dođu da se bave poljoprivredom? or workshops.
    Lingua Club-Lanuaging in the Timok Valley-"Thrive united" encompasses workshops and project work which entail short-term and long-term initiatives and actions, such as problem-solving workshops, creative decorative craftwork, discussions and debates on various ecological and cultural issues regarding rural areas. Through these practices children learn citizenship-related and activist skills. They become capable of employing critical and creative thinking being able to analyse and synthetize, which are essential skills to create a desired reality. They learn to be socially responsible towards themselves, other citizens, world cultural heritage and the environment. They learn how being united in a positive striving can make the community thrive. E.g. They can brainstorm the solutions to different challenges set before organic production. They can debate small-scale vs. global food production, they can discuss the children's modern and the past lify styles, etc.
    The local municipality supported two initiatives of our association-two festivals- which included the promotion of children's talents and enriching the cultural offer of municipality.
    The idea for this initiative has developed through our organisation's work and experience with children, students and youth on previous and current educational programmes.
    Bearing in mind the feedback and the effects of our camps and outside workshops, there was perceived the need to adapt a unique educational space in the Municipality of Knjaževac, to offer overall united growth through such an educational content that would target multiple ascpects, such as positive mindset development and environmental, cultural and activist awareness together with the reconnection with nature. Relying on the fact that parents seek for opportunities to send their children to spend more time in nature, such a centre addresses the needs of both the local population as well as of wider region of Serbia and abroad.
    As our municiplaity promotes the development of rural and educational tourism, once the educational centre is adapted and finished, its maintenance would be also supported by the Municipality of Knjaževac. Its significance would be that there isn't a similar centre in a rural area that includes not only the accommodation and food but also ethno- cultural, environmental and pedagogical curruculum.
    Compared to traditional institutionalised education, the approch developed within the programme connects the natural environment learning, physical activities, creative and critical thinking through project work and modern mental resilience techniques. It addressed all Gardner's types of intelligences, which cannot be said always for the formal education. It also touches intellectual, emotional, social and adaptation intelligence.
    The methodologies used ( the coaching and educative techniques) and adapted environment could be used for other age groups, not only for kids. It could be used for different seminar groups for adults, for recreational groups (yoga, pilates etc.), for art groups (Art colonies), self-development courses (reiki, theta healing etc.), teambuilding activities etc. It could contribute as a significant physical resource for future projects. A programme suitable to be carried out in other regions and countires could be developed to be applied their surroundings in similar centres.
    The programme consists of a set of workshops and guidebook with motivational and organisational tool for students. The first phase emphasizes the importance of our vision and hope, that is our mental pictures. The second phase consists of setting a goal and action planning. The third phase would include environmental and cultural project work combined with games, physical activity and craftwork.
    The global challenges might refer to the demogical trend in this region and the fact that some villages are desolated as people migrated to the bigger urban cities which means if there was an educational centre, it wouldn't be available all the time as the family members and maintenance workers do not live in this household.
    It could be overcome if the education is organised though schools, kindergartens and other organisations, which entails a very good marketing strategy and contact network to invite a lot of potentally interested groups from Serbia and abroad. Bearing in mind the global challenge of financial crisis, the interest will be increased as there are no costs for external accommodation and facilities compared to previous camps.
    The initiative encompasses various workshops within the designed programme, the camp events and other products of the project work.
    The direct beneficiaries are the children who learn and study through play and project work. Their learning and achievement are addressed through a psychological approach aiming at raising their self-confidence and mental stength first and thus consequently raising their accommplishments. They benefit through learning in a natural surroundings and having the activities organised as a set of physically and mentally engaging activities succeeding one another in such a way that they keep the students' focus and motivation to participate and learn.
    They benefit from being active and engaged in various meaningful activities rather than being passively immersed in social media and gaming.
    The indirect beneficiaries are their parents, teacher, friends, future employers, the whole times if they are motivated to make more situations where they feel self-affirmed and thus strive and thrive more.
    Lingua Club-Lanuaging in the Timok Valley-"Thrive united" supports the concept of integrated life-long and autonomous learning through collaborative, experiential, solution-oriented methods to improve the natural surrounding of this educational complex, find positive eco-friendly circular practices promoting sustainable development (that can be copied world wide) and promote traditional artistic heritage values and promoting learning about the past lifestyles and simpler ways of living and connection with nature without technology and mass media.
    Through interdisciplinary and cross-curricular approach the students will not only improve their 21st century life skills but also upgrade their personal mental strength, stamina, resilience, self-motivation, self-initiative and self-initiative together with social and collaborative skills to overcome any challenges in the turbulent times of the present moment (including epidemics, financial crisis and the war in Ukraine.)
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