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  • Project category
    Prioritising the places and people that need it the most
  • Basic information
    1home1dream (Pirca Project phase 1)
    Self-construction system for disaster/war/low-income zones with waste/local materials with rapid execution time using PIRCA mold producing recycled concrete pieces for housing,
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Ukaraine, Iraq, Indonesia, Syria, develpment countries
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to a physical transformation of the built environment (hard investment)
    As an individual
    • First name: Alejandro
      Last name: Rodriguez
      Gender: Male
      Nationality: Spain
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Avenida Nules nº7
      Town: Burriana
      Postal code: 12530
      Country: Spain
      Direct Tel: +34 618 56 13 68
    New European Bauhaus or European Commission websites
  • Description of the project
    1home1dream was designed for resilience in disaster/war/low-income zones to provide a self-construction system as a solution for climate and humanitarian refugees, using an inexpensive mold set for self-production of concrete pieces (with low amount of cement even NO cement in favor of lime for construction) with high use of local and waste materials (recovered from seas and shores for carbon-negative housing, cost near zero and very low execution time. The mold set has no maintenance so the system means a creator job for poor families producing pieces for other families or selling them with the know-how to others.
    PIRCA mold was inspired by the metallic mold created by Walter Gropius to reconstruct Germany after II Wolrd War.
    The system will be shown at the 48th Innovation Fair of Geneve Apr 26-30/2030 in the Spain zone (1home1dream stand)
    The system was designed to reduce the enviromental impact in housing reducing (even eliminating) the use of Portland in favor of roman concrete (using lime for construction) and high amount of waste materials and no conventional arids (debris, recycled concrete from demolition, plastic and tires with the proper granunlometry, crashed crystals. Sea water can be used in the mix).
    Plastic bottles can be used as pasive fire barrieres or isolation as well in the invisible internal ventilations inside paraments.
    PIRCA mold was inspired by the metallic mold created by Walter Gropius to reconstruct Germany after II Wolrd War.
    The different incremental houses that provides in the webpage of PIRCA Project shows an inexpensive and polyvalent interior spaces for families with different schedules of construction depending on family possibilities and necesesities.
    The design garantee the proper water collection with potential energy to be used later. The house can be constructed semi-burried with the same structure to reach the best energy inertia exploitation and all the flows use Earth gravity.
    According to the UN net World population grow, 200 000 newborns come to life daily, if we resolve their problems with actual construction procedures, we will destroy the planet in less than 50 years. So, we are providing a NO TECH system for the 70% of the population worldwide who live under 5 dollars/day to construct, update or reapir their own house, with tehir own effort in their own countries, avoiding traspass these problems to other continents. Any development country can adopt this system to avoid people running from they own country in order to avoid loose young population with this way to create jobs in the construction industry.
    This project is inclusive, the pieces can be managed for any member of a family. The weitgh of each piece is less than 15 kg so can be produced and collocated by any member of the family no matter age or gender of the constructor.
    Is a simple way to reuse waste materials to produce collective goods. All the family can (maybe the correct word is: must) participate.
    The stakeholder is all people who don't hás the necessary resources to buy a constructor enterprise a traditional house for the family. The humanitarian and ecological NGO´s organization can help to acquire to the stakeholders about the set (around 30 molds:15 euros/each) and provide Internet connectivity to show the know-how and feedback to 1home1dream startup.
    The mold can be sold in bricolage stores.
    We are the owners of the patent.
    The project was designed for global use. No special acknowledgments are necessary to use our system. Certainly the morphology of the pieces provide facility to the inclusion in paraments other disciplines such as electricity, plumbing, isolation, fire extinguishing and air movement from/to the rooms to the exterior and from the bottom to the roof of any construction.
    The possibility to use lime for construction for producing roman concrete revives links with manufactured lime for construction in almost all places (no volcano region) to produce excellent concretes (like roman concrete, still in use for 2000 years). Certainly, all can be produced in place, so, the carbon footprint is reduced effectively worldwide.
    The pieces are produce for the moment in molds impressed in 3d printers, The samples walls are only for probing hardness and sample construction.
    The innovation will be showed in the 48th Inventions Fair of Geneve (26-30/Apr 2023)
    The product does not exist, is a new product, and can be used for the global population, with global results and a global reduction of carbon footprint in housing.
    We are expecting in the future sell the rpoduct in bricolage stores as Ikea, Obramat, etc.
    The innovation is the result of 40 years working in housing in different regions, Central America & Europe mainly.
    The product can be reproduced globally and we are trying to introduce it in Turkey, Indonesia, Chile; Ukaraine, Iraq, and Syria where conflicts and/or natural disasters are common.
    The possibility to use waste materials with propewr granulometry provide to be used worldwide.
    The challenge is global,...., and our innovation is global too.
    Adobe can be used.
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