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  4. Medical Mushroom Garden
  • Concept category
    Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking
  • Basic information
    Medical Mushroom Garden
    The Medical Mushroom Garden is a different type of garden and is the first of its kind where young unemployed people are educated on how to grow medical mushrooms in domestic and controlled conditions, using the circular economy model. There will be training on the cultivation of Reishi, Shiitake, Lion's Beard, Maitake, Bukovka. The model is an incubator for mushrooms and it is applicable and replicable - the production can be very easily replicated and implemented in rural areas.
    North Macedonia
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As an individual
    Social Media
  • Description of the concept
    The Medical Mushroom Garden is a different type of garden and is the first of its kind where young unemployed people are educated how to grow medical mushrooms in domestic and controlled conditions, using the circular economy model. There will be training on the cultivation of: Reishi, Shiitake, Lion's Mane, Maitake, Oyster mushrooms. The model is an incubator for mushrooms and it is applicable and replicable - the production can be very easily replicated and implemented in rural areas where there is no possibility of entering another business.

    Our idea includes education and production of various types of mushrooms in controlled conditions, by unemployed young people, who mostly live in rural areas, applying expert knowledge, supplemented by European practices and standards.

    The primary goal is the creation of a motivational atmosphere, in order for people from our target group to start dealing with the organic production of various types of mushrooms, using local organic waste, which would also achieve the secondary goal, environmental protection in our region.

    As a model of work, it can also be applied by other organizations, as long as experts from the relevant field of activity of the organization are included. Introduction of the Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) standard.
    Medical Mushrooms
    Growing mushrooms
    Ganoderma lucidum
    Mushroom cultivation
    Mushroom growing kit
    Application and replication project. Growing mushrooms is the fastest growing crop (Oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus). Utilization of local organic waste for mushroom cultivation.

    In conditions of crisis, food production in our community is extremely important to overcome these problems that are most pronounced in families in rural areas.

    The general goal that we want to achieve is to reduce the unemployment of young people who belong to the target group through the cultivation of different types of mushrooms.

    The short-term goals: Providing professional help and support for the production of different types of mushrooms in the production plant, as a network we will also help in the part of the placement of mushrooms, we will establish a digital mushroom shop , we will provide more information about the nutritional value of mushrooms .

    Long-term goals - Reduction of youth unemployment
    We have been engaged in the production and cultivation of mushrooms for years. We will be the only ones in Macedonia where you can get digital practical instructions and trainings for growing Bukovka and medicinal mushrooms.

    Medical mushrooms in fresh condition are rarely present on the market in Macedonia, they are usually imported from the Far East and are usually offered in the form of capsules.
    Our competitors are mainly focused on growing champignons and oysters, while we will offer several types of medical mushrooms shiitake, reishi, lion's mane and exotic types of oyster mushrooms. New products will be brought to the market which will be unique and have not been seen before. We will prove that even here in Macedonia we can produce fresh medicinal mushrooms that can be used in daily diet without being exported.
    The production of mushrooms is an ideal solution for family work therapy for people who are socially threatened, it will enable them to produce food in crisis conditions, the oyster mushroom gives fruit in just one month from planting, which is the fastest agricultural crop, which brings a quick expected economic return . The medical mushrooms – Shiitake and Reishi, which are anticarcinogenic and can be included as occupational therapy, are especially interesting for cultivation.
    In the conditions of crises like the Covid, growing mushrooms will make a special contribution to the social behavior of vulnerable groups of citizens.

    Since our customers are from rural areas - We will have the greatest growth in the spring and autumn part of the year, when the conditions for growing mushrooms are most favorable. While larger clients who can provide controlled growing conditions, we will work with them year-round.

    As an aronomist, I have the opportunity to produce more types of mushrooms and they will increase depending on market demand and weather conditions, which is a great advantage over competitors.
    We will start with our local market first and then expand to foreign markets.
    Our potential customers are: are intended for the wide consumption of customers such as children, family members, elderly people, and young people. Our primary customers are people who want to strengthen their immune systems, those who want to use the product daily as a dietary supplement, people with health problems, etc.

    PROBLEMS that we are facing is Youth unemployment - Unemployment leads to emigration of young people, they are looking for the future outside this country and Food crisis - High food prices have triggered a global crisis that will drive millions more into extreme poverty, magnifying hunger

    SOLUTIONS - Employment - jobs for young people from vulnerable categories would be in the process of the mushroom growing incubator, harvesting, From waste to food - circular economy and is a green idea, uses waste - does not produce waste,
    Is a green idea, uses waste - produces no waste,
    The spent substrate (similar to briquettes) is burned and the heat is used to thermally prepare (pasteurize) a new substrate for fungi.
    It is an application and replicative project.
    It will be a center for education of interested persons from the Balkans
    Produces food, produces medicine.
    Is competitive and adaptive. At the same time, several types of fungi are grown and depending on the demand, the required type is intensified
    For the production of mushrooms, sawdust (waste biomass) from deciduous trees is needed, which is available in sufficient quantities in Tikvesh region, mostly from sawmills. While with the spent substrate from the fungi, at the end of the turn they will be dried and used as a heat source during the pasteurization process of a new substrate.
    The plastic bags in which the substrate is packed at the end of the tour will be collected and returned to the company from which they were purchased to be recycled and re-manufactured bags.
    A special emphasis will be given to the use of the waste branches from the pruning of the vines, which are in huge quantities in our region, which unfortunately is a widespread practice in Tikvesh region by burning plant residues in the fields and which leads to negative impacts on the environment. and the simultaneous consumption of useful bioresources.
    The purpose of the Medical mushroom garden is to employ young people and people from vulnerable categories through the cultivation of mushrooms of several types using local organic waste, which means higher product quality and environmental protection.

    Growing mushrooms is finding an appropriate solution that channels all the psychological stress and pressure created by the entire situation caused by Covid-19. Growing mushrooms in domestic and controlled conditions is the right way to defy this virus. Let's respond to this dangerous virus with health. Let's learn the lesson that we need to preserve nature much more and nurture it with love. The most important thing in the whole process is that growing mushrooms is a family therapy, in which everyone is involved in this useful occupational therapy.
    By using this waste biomass we will help to solve the problem of waste from the wood industry in an ecological way. For the production of fungi, sawdust (waste biomass) from deciduous trees is needed, which is available in sufficient quantities in Tikvešia, mostly from sawmills. While with the spent substrate from the fungi, at the end of the turn they will be dried and used as a heat source during the pasteurization process of a new substrate.
    The plastic bags in which the substrate is packed at the end of the tour will be collected and returned to the company from which they were purchased to be recycled and re-manufactured bags.
    A special emphasis will be given to the use of the waste branches from the pruning of the vines, which are in huge quantities in our region, which, unfortunately, is a widespread practice in Tikveshia by burning plant residues in the fields and which leads to negative impacts on the wildlife. environment and simultaneous consumption of useful bioresources.
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