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  4. The egyptian cotton
  • Initiative category
    Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking
  • Basic information
    The egyptian cotton
    Textiel recycling and manufacturing waste and management tasks how to achieve through daily recommendations of fashion and recommendations for environment.
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As an individual
    • First name: Ebraam
      Last name: Elshagie Habib Abdelmalik
      Gender: Male
      Nationality: Egypt
      If relevant, please select your other nationality: Netherlands
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Nieuwe Maanderbuurtweg 262
      Town: Ede
      Postal code: 6717be
      Country: Netherlands
      Direct Tel: +31 6 48631086
    Social Media
  • Description of the initiative
    Textiel recycling industry in small shape to create such raw material for the fashion industry in such sustainability over years just wear recycle repeat. No matter what is the material meant for recycling it can always be recycled into another form for manufacturing.
    The problem was the dying or the color of the fabrics as it remains on the textile for long term but it can wash first to remove such color that recover back from the textile after treatment of the water used for washing such clothes to obtain back the dying material as well regarding its value for our manufacture partners who come ask for our garment that was original some trash in containers some where,inside our factory there's also manufacturing process for basic t-shirts and underwear from our recycling center that we develop to produce more item from our production center that work on clean energy obtain from solar panel installed.human resources as return to basic to reduce some cost like manual washing bath because no need for devices to remove such color only bath for couple of seconds is enough using such manual compressor for release such extra amount of water before settling dry for overnight to be then remove to next part manual cutting and shredding before collecting on last part mincing to create such raw material we used old techniques with new technologies that we have today not big machines not high consumption but output production is enough regarding daily consumption of such material as our product get back to market less usage of electricity and fuel more products inside the market less carbon print as well another chance for work to the people that doesn't have work or student who suffer from less income from such lack of work it covers all aspects regarding such industry with the prospective regarding future.
    C&A,Zara just name brand production is increasing with such consumption rate higher than expected increase daily based on waste material found a lot inside container that are at every supermarket or collection unit,but it is not that harmful material for recycling like the plastic as it eliminate such carbon emmission however recycling such old piece of textile is much more easy you can do it by urself at home either and sell such raw material again for us to reshape it into right form for market usage,so now you can choose how do u want to get rid from your garbage or recycle it on your hand and sell it back to us,we deal with point that later the owner decide either he want to get extra benefits from our new garmet or just take his money back.
    begin in first step how to get the color from your clothes off and recycle it again as well if no color exsist how to get it back into a shape easy to use inside such industries like ours where we receive such form of textile and recreate it again to fit such consumers from just white threat to complete garmet you have the ability to choose what do you want to sell or give for us either shred cotton or fabrik in kilo or donation from big container to small bag we accept all item as well we sell all item all weight from 1 gram to tons of waste are in shape of clothes covering a space from EU as well from the market it is a huge gab inside such industries of recycle that is important as well can open such new oppurtunity for such new trade that disappear gradely from market such supplies also as well ingredients that is worth more than its value in the market material that are all conected to the industrie of clothe and fashion combination even the creator and designer in fashion some times use the old style as refer to such missing piece inside the industry that we represent it here in our project the egyptian cotton.
    half of our methode are clean easy and represent in every place on small scale tools that was used before in largescale for production in our center we begin basic from the rest of the clothes that the goverment want to get rid from it recycling in our manual process to change the structure from garbage to such gold to be sold in kilo or in gram renewable energy as human resourse or solar energy to run more machine upgrade to next level of production on factory scale that begin just idea inside a room in hanger some place with manual tool that upgrade to fit certain production plan even tool manufactering based on museum of fabrick machine that was used in the past the basics to our modifiy made in europe machine that works on solar panel in such clean enviroment for higher production
    it is just industry like any other industry available for student who search for just a work with less stress enviroment like our enviroment where they will engage creating such design for fabrick or machine for home use as will later my student will develope it based to their research inside such institution for clothes recycle as it attract more developer every day under the umbrella of the institution
    free space inside their home as well inside the country by remove such waste and involving it into new item that fit it place inside the econome
    the biggest sector goes to govermnet as it own such waste with small market share regarding recycling it as well there is no such industry exist today for such idea inside the govermnet plan for investement so at end it is just engaged with the people again to recycle such daily waste
    over me i was born in egyptian cotton industry so ho we was recycling it to create such thread color or strength was just matter of egyptian secret that is today choose to discuss how to be treated inside such industry that for goverment it is just a waste that can not be recycle because of color of garmet that can address in such recycle plan to obtain such design and color at end using the normal methode with just upgrade for the speed and output that we look for simpel task simpel design years of experience
    design the need
    how to begin cleaning and recycle your trash we dont take just one piece for one mission we toke a mission to produce such one piece
    back to basic simple
    global challenge is new job oppurtunity connect back with the nature and history to begin
    it is just a project i have 10 years ago trying to begin the right step into it by your support it will be possible focus more on such disaster and the solution provided by me and people want to join
    as i attached some article speak on recycle how they achieve and how i can achieve from just trash wasted and combine it into economic resourse as garment machine recycle manufactering beside my experience and acknowledge that i have to support such small project with big income inside the economy plan
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