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  • Initiative category
    Prioritising the places and people that need it the most
  • Basic information
    Planet A
    Planet A - a digital community for and by youths with ADHD
    Planet A - Digital community for and by youth with ADHD. Planet A is an app that makes it possible to understand and master your ADHD through a community. This new network consists of emerging content that is generated by its users. The content exists in a digital uplifting and positive environment that motivates learning about ADHD. The solution is designed to be accessible no matter where or when the user is in the need of an uplift on the journey of ADHD.
    Mainly urban
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As an individual in partnership with other persons
    • First name: Isabella
      Last name: Jin Kjær Jensen
      Gender: Female
      Nationality: Denmark
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Esromgade 4C 4th Floor
      Town: Copenhagen
      Postal code: 2200
      Country: Denmark
      Direct Tel: +45 31 95 50 37
    • First name: Selma
      Last name: Tas
      Gender: Female
      Nationality: Denmark
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: blaagaardsgade 27 4th Floor
      Town: Copenhagen
      Postal code: 2200
      Country: Denmark
      Direct Tel: +45 30 56 56 87
    The Royal Danish Academy
  • Description of the initiative
    According to the World Health Organization, one in eight people lives with a mental challenge. Mental disorders can even lead to 20 years of loss in life expectancy and hereby also impact the socio-economic standards and general quality of life. According to the Rockwool Foundation, untreated ADHD costs Danish society 3 billion DKK pr. Year. When considering the government's initiative to lift Danish psychiatry with around 0,5 billion DKK pr. year, it becomes clear that there is a need for new innovative solutions outside the public resources.

    To change the current mental health gap, it is believed to require operations beyond the health sector through initiating, embedding and facilitating cross-disciplinary collaborations.
    This project aims to shed light on how strategic design can play a role through collaboration and generate concrete solutions within the complex mental health field. The project has been working from the problem statement: How can strategic designers create a digital community for and by youths with ADHD? And, how might the solution enable innovation for information and destigmatising within the mental health field?

    Through research, expert and user inclusion, this project came to the key finding of a general need to learn more about your diagnoses in a positive and uplifting way. Many of the project's informants stated how they felt more sick when being in the physical and digital space of the Danish Psychiatry Departments. However, many felt that ADHD was more of a superpower and an actual disease. This led to the final design of a community app consisting of three different areas of function:

    1. Sensoric Courses
    2. Live Community
    3. Supportive Shop
    Mental Health
    Digital Design
    Social sustainability:
    Individuals “labeled” with ADHD and their next of kin are often confronted with stigmatization and misinformation. This leads to unequal chances and opportunities in
    life. Even though the number of people getting diagnosed with ADHD is rising, the journey of going through the diagnostic assessment procedure has in multiple cases
    shown to be a complex and time consuming journey towards getting the medical or therapeutic treatment. By creating a shared digital platform for the ADHD community this project makes sure everyone with the ADHD diagnosis has equal access to information no matter when or where you might be in need of guidance. By making information accessible the platform reduces the inequality that you experience when having a mental health challenge.
    The title ‘Planet A’ symbolizes the creative foundation of the project such as the Ant communities, ADHD and ADD.

    The word community in the project has an immense influence on the overall concept and the aesthetics of the final solution. Inspired by ‘community’, the project saw an opportunity to use the term to define the storytelling carrying the overall concept. In the search for a metaphor resembling a well functioning community the project came across the ants. The ants are defined as “a small insect that lives in large and well-organized social groups”. It is an underrated entity because of its size, however it is stronger than it looks, it is able to navigate through complex environments and it works together with others in order to sustain a common home. The ant hill is the visual metaphor of what ants are capable of creating together.

    Visual references of the ant hill is a part of the inspiration for the digital design proposal. In order to work with the limitations of a digital space, the visuals of the universe will consist of a real experience that captures the feeling of being present in the space. The visuals contribute to the positive narrative of ADHD. In order to create a tangible experience the use of 3D modeling and color theory has been the main design tools.

    The universe of Planet a is an uplifting space based on 3D nature and hyperreal design. The peer to peer support and the opportunity to learn from lived experiences takes place in an interactive and immersive platform that takes the user far away from the conventional platforms of gaining information about ADHD.
    For this project it was important to create a solution that would be accessible for as many as possible no matter your demographic, social or economic situation. In Denmark there are a lot of great initiatives within mental health however most of the initiatives have the constraints of being physical. This led the project to create a digital platform where you can become a part of the community with your name or anonymously. The universe is offering free support if you are at home or on the go.

    One of the key focus areas for this project was to create a solution that makes it possible to learn through the help of others. This was based on the fact that mental health departments have a lack of resources and therefore do not have the capacity to help the ones in need. This created the focus on using the existing resources in the form of individuals' lived experiences in society. This project included individuals with lived experiences of ADHD to take part of the design process in order to gain insights on real life situations on their ADHD journey. These insights helped shape the design solution and concept.
    The concept of this project is inclusive and considers the following user groups:
    Youths w. ADHD, who already have a diagnosis and those who don't but are interested in discovering and learning about ADHD in a new light. The concept is a user-driven platform with the critical function of delivering information on behalf of the ADHD Association to the ADHD community.
    Collaboration Partner:
    Camilla Louise Ganzhorn, Director of The ADHD Association in Denmark. The ADHD Association is an non-profit organization that for over 40 years has offered advice and tools in order to give people with ADHD and their next of kin the chance to access a solid foundation of expertise. The organization is the biggest in Denmark working with
    ADHD of all ages. By collaborating with this organization, we were able to get the
    insights for our research but also the opportunity to create a design solution for the organization's current UNG+ Platform, a separate website dedicated to support and inform youth w. ADHD.

    Individuals w. Lived experiences of ADHD:
    For this project 11 individuals with ADHD were chosen based on age, gender and location to participate in an interview. The statements shared was a part of scoping down the project and thereby created the foundation for further developing the creative
    Direction. Statements from interviews:

    "Getting the diagnosis is a bit like being born in a wasteland, where you have to learn to grow up without any help." - Individual 1.

    "Going to the psychiatrist made me feel like a sick patient even though in my opinion ADHD is a superpower." - Individual 2.

    From the conducted interviews we found how many information platforms did not consider the abilities of a person with ADHD. This meant that the individuals often had to learn about their ADHD through long written texts.

    Research & Facilitation Experts:
    In order to gain insights to mental health on a structural societal level
    and make sense of the overall process of stigmatization researchers and facilitation experts were included in the design process. In the process of understanding the newest initiatives and research within mental health, the opportunity of participating in the

    REIMAGINE Youth Mental Health Conference
    The conference is a yearly international event for the most prominent scientists, doctors, and
    In this project, the role of strategic design made it possible to create a digital community through the combination of the network and competencies of strategic designers. The solution is redefining how information about ADHD is communicated, which resulted in an innovative way of changing the narrative of ADHD.

    Prototyping the digital design solution has consisted of different design skills and tools, such as:

    Lo-fi Prototyping
    Lo-fi prototyping is a term for low-fidelity production such as rough and rapid sketches used to quickly get an overview of the user experience in the app. The rough sketching allowed the project to accommodate the functions of Sensoric Courses, Live Community and Supportive Shop in correlation to the creative direction. This rough mock-up method was crucial for the project to make the brainstorming process tangible and as a communication tool within the group.

    Hi-fidelity Prototyping
    Hi-fi prototyping is a term for high-fidelity production, such as detailed and realistic visuals. To ensure a great collaboration and the aim of implementing the digital design proposal. The tools used are 3D programmes, such as virtual reality modelling in Gravity Sketch, 3D rendering in Keyshot, Photoshop, Figma and Illustrator. These methods will ensure the closest to a realistic prototype of the proposal when the solution has to be implemented with the help of programmers.
    Sensoric Courses
    In the analysis the project saw the potential in learning about ADHD in alternative ways. The final design proposal of this project will thereby be retaining written material and moving into more tangible ways of receiving information. The solution aims to use senses, visuals, audio and touch in order to create an interactive space that is customized for users with ADHD. The Sensoric Courses will be hosted by experts within the field, taking place in an intuitive digital space.

    Live Community
    Based on the interviews the project conducted there was a general interest in learning from others in the same situation. That is why the shared stories will become a Live Community, where the user has the chance to engage with other people in the same situation. This function serves as a communication tool that does not only go one way, but gives the user the chance to interact with others directly. The topics of the Live Community are determined by the users, as a way to discuss and learn from each other's experiences. This is a great ressource coming from people within the community instead of guiding to only public resources which are already under immense pressure. This Live Community is empowering the users to utilize each other as a resource and a valid support throughout their journey.

    Supportive Shop
    The purpose of the Supportive Shop is to create a space that highlights the qualities of being a creator with ADHD. It is a space made for and by youths. The Supportive Shop has a selection of curated profiles that each has the chance to showcase their unique work and share their entrepreneurial journey. This initiative is an example of the many abilities a young person with ADHD possesses, as a method to highlight the strength and positive sides of ADHD.
    This project emphasizes the use of community and the immense amount of resources that lie within sharing with each other and and hereby learning about yourself through psychoeducation. We believe in creating a digital platform where the overall concepts can be scaled as a whole and be connected to other organizations working with different diagnoses in mental health. As a safety regulation this project believes in the partnership between an organization and the app in order to make sure it is professionals and medical experts behind the content and to make sure the content is monitored by professionals.
    This project emphasises the use of community and the immense amount of resources within sharing and hereby learning about yourself through psychoeducation. We believe in creating a digital platform where the overall concepts can be scaled and connected to other organisations working with different diagnoses in mental health. As a safety regulation, this project believes in the partnership between an organisation and the app to make sure it is professionals and medical experts behind the content and to make sure professionals monitor the content.

    The chosen methods of this project are due to the size and complexity of the topic. It became clear that the process would accumulate and generate substantial data. This is why the design methods selected for this project have aligned with the Double Diamond's four phases from the British Design Council.

    Discover Phase: Desk Research, Interviews & Field Studies, Design for Facilitation.
    Define Phase: Data mapping & Gap Analysis Collaboration Strategy
    Develop Phase: Concept Creation, Visual & Strategic Direction, and Prototyping of the Digital Solution.
    Deliver Phase: Project Plan

    Visual Data Mapping:
    This project used the Actor-Network Theory in Education by Tara Fenwick and Richard Edwards to organise the key takeaways from the discovery phase. This visualises the actors involved in the project and how the actors have been a part of defining the final design solution.
    The strategic design solution is confronting the current status of the global mental health challenge as an answer to the UN Sustainable Development Goal no. 3 Good health and well-being, and target 3.4 Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health.

    ‘The design proposal in this project will, in this case, not solve all the challenges within mental health, as there is no single correct solution. However, there is a need for multiple initiatives, and this proposal will be one of many.
    User Testing Workshop:
    The hi-fi prototype will be used in a workshop facilitated to test the user experience and functions of the app. For this, the interviewees from the discovery phase will be invited to this workshop to participate in the evaluation and final adjustments. The facilitation of the workshop will be designed to ensure that the collected data will resemble an authentic user experience.

    Fundraising and Communication:
    The validation from this workshop will be used as material for fundraising. We will execute the fundraising material in collaboration with the ADHD Association Fundraising and Communication Department.

    Collaboration with developers from DTU:
    For the implementation and realisation of the app, this project will collaborate with app developers from The Technical University of Denmark, DTU. This became an opportunity after meeting and presenting the project to Martin Vigild, Head Consultant and Well-being Expert from The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Vigild is the former Dean of DTU, who, throughout his career, has worked with design for well-being in educational spaces.
    Digital education initiatives - This project is an example of how to create a digital educational tool in a new and interactive format in order to discover information and learn.

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