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  • Initiative category
    Regaining a sense of belonging
  • Basic information
    Type: a platform for design in the built environment
    Type is a platform for design in the built environment. Our mission to share knowledge, increase accessibility, and support new insights in the fields of architecture, landscape, urban design, and planning in Ireland. These goals are supported through our online library. This digital repository is open to all, with each membership sustainably financing future projects, allowing for a truly long-term contribution to building a sense of place and belonging to the wider built environment.
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As a representative of an organisation
    • Name of the organisation(s): Type
      Type of organisation: Non-profit organisation
      First name of representative: Michael
      Last name of representative: Hayes
      Gender: Male
      Nationality: Ireland
      Function: Managing Editor
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: 11 Oblate Drive
      Town: Dublin
      Postal code: D08 W4AX
      Country: Ireland
      Direct Tel: +353863491103
  • Description of the initiative
    In his seminal text, ‘Good City Form’ (1981), urban designer and theorist Kevin Lynch writes: ‘There is dogma and there is opinion, but there is no systematic effort to state general relationships between the form of a place and its value. If we have some ground for understanding what cities are, we have practically no rational ground for deciding what they should be, despite a flood of criticism and proposals’.

    In many respects, Lynch’s statement still applies to the present day, and in particular to current debates regarding the discussion of sustainability in relation to architecture, landscape, urban design, and planning in Ireland. While there is much in the way of policy and proposals, there is less critical understanding and discussion of how Irish society and the public at large might engage with, reflect on, and assess whether such projects and practices will impact both individuals and communities across local, regional, and national scales.

    And yet, as the both backdrop and actor within our everyday lives, the design of the built environment is a topic with which many people wish to engage, learn more about, and help shape for the better of all. We see proof of this in the conversations taking place on social media, on the radio, and in print.

    However, reliant as it is on general media landscape that is broad in its focus, discussion regarding the design of the Irish built environment can oftentimes appear sporadic in its dissemination, limited in scope, and lacking in critical insight or evidence-based research.

    In response, Type provides an online platform that engages with expert knowledge, contemporary debates, and real world issues regarding the sustainable design of Ireland’s towns, cities, and rural landscapes.
    Type responds to the pressing need for more sustainable practices in two main ways.

    In providing access to digital and digitised content, the Type online library offers an affordable, low-carbon means of disseminating knowledge, when compared with traditional hard-copy printing and distribution.

    With regard to content and editorial policy, Type in particular supports work that is transdisciplinary in nature and that focuses on how designers can act more sustainably in relation to the built and natural environment. In this vein, Type has published recent articles on the importance of water as resource, the potential re-use of Ireland peat-burning power stations, the need to embed craft in construction practices, and how a more more integrated regional-scale understanding of city and country can help promote a more effective Just Transition.
    A key objective of Type has been to provide an accessible, user-friendly online platform for the widest possible audience.

    In providing online content, Type has increased the accessibly of existing and new publications to those who cannot normally access physical, specialist libraries, either due to travel distance or limited mobility.

    In addition, Type has sought to provide a clear, navigable online interface (for desktop, tablet, and mobile) that also allows for ease of searchability across our range of books, journals, and articles.
    Type comprises an online library of digital publications and articles, structured in terms of short-, medium-, and long-form writing/content. Our article series are published weekly and are free to access. All articles are presented in a clear and accessible format, both graphically and linguistically, and are fully referenced for each of fact-checking or further reading. Contributors are each experts in their field, with Type presenting an opportunity for recent research and knowledge to be shared with a wider public.

    In conjunction, the Type online library provides affordable access to a multidisciplinary range books and journals focused on design in the Irish built environment. In Ireland, there has been a lack of access to digital content in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and planning, with little offered in terms of curated content that offers mid- and long-form online content. Meanwhile, though academic work is often digital, accessibility is typically limited to staff and students of third-level institutions. Type bridges this gap by publishing content that is accessible in terms of form and cost for a largely online audience.

    Both Type editors and contributors include a broad mix of interdisciplinary backgrounds and expertise, whether based in practice, academia or education. With regard to content and editorial policy, Type in particular supports work that is transdisciplinary in nature and that focuses on how designers can act more sustainably in relation to the built and natural environment.
    In the third quarter of 2023, Type aims to launch a public feedback survey in order to help better provide content to the needs of existing and future readers.
    Stakeholders across professional bodies, third-level institutions, and public-facing organisations have each been consulted as part of the development of the Type platform, providing crucial feedback on usability, accessibility and content.

    In addition, Type continues to collaborate with a wide range of organisations in disseminating content, such as professional bodies (e.g. the RIAI), third-level institutions (e.g. TU Dublin, UCD), and public-facing organisations (e.g. the AAI). Type remunerates, on an annual basis, all content providers for each publication featured as part of the Type online library. In this way, Type provide a regular, sustainable source of income for publishers based on content which may otherwise be out-of-print or inaccessible.
    Type covers the fields of architecture, planning, urban design, landscape, geography and construction.

    Representatives from these different disciplines comprise the editorial team and contributors. In working together, a more varied, richer and deeper range of insights into the sustainable design of the built environment has been featured and shared via the Type online platform.
    Type provides an online library which may be accessed by individuals and organisations for an annual subscription fee - although individual may be purchased and downloaded on a once-off basis as well. Currently, such a service does not exist in Ireland, with one result being that – during the pandemic in particular – researchers, practitioner and the general public could not access the vast majority of Irish-based built environment publications. Type is innovative is being the first digital platform in Ireland that provides a centralised, accessible library for research and writing in the fields of architecture, landscape, planning, and urban design.

    In addition, the Type funding model is new to this sector. Based on annual subscriptions from both individuals and organisations, Type is not reliant on external funding, allowing the platform to retain its independence. Rather, Type's main goal is therefore to respond to the needs of our readership and to ensure the library is providing knowledge that is of value to our audience.

    The subscription model also provides a predictable and regular source of income, meaning that we can plan future publications and grow the digital library further - thereby providing additional value for our readers.
    Many aspects of the Type online platform may be replicated to other places and contexts.

    In terms of the technical side of website design and content management, the existing structure and layout could be shared with other groups to create their own national or regional online libraries. This is something we would be happy to support should their be an interest in expanding the initiative to other jurisdictions.

    Regarding the sourcing of digital publications, this may depend on the jurisdiction. In Ireland, books and journals regarding the built environment have tend to be produced by a disparate range of small-scale publishers, resulting in limited access or short-lived series. Type is particularly relevant in this context in that it adds value to this existing knowledge base by collecting and disseminating previously inaccessible work. Should similar conditions exist in other countries, the approach taken by Type may be transferrable.
    Type operates as a collective formed from a broad team of editors with expertise across multiple spatial disciplines. We work together to gather, format, and disseminate new and existing writing on the design of the Irish built environment.
    The global challenges of climate change, resource use, carbon emission, and biodiversity are each subjects dealt with through Type's content publication strategy.

    In terms of Type as an initiative in it's own right, the platform seeks to address international issue of increasing online misinformation (regarding sustainability) by providing expert, resourced, and referenced articles for free to the general public.
    Type was officially launched online in 2022, with the support of the Arts Council (Ireland).

    Over the coming year, our aim is further expand our digital library and to continue the dissemination of our free weekly article series. We also hope to being providing more medium- and long-form content with a new quarterly journal and a book on sustainable housing.
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