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  • Initiative category
    Regaining a sense of belonging
  • Basic information
    Composing Green Podcasts
    Composing Green Podcasts -Intercultural know-how sharing for inclusive and sustainable design & arts
    We help make the NEB global and intercultural with multinlingual know-how sharing podcasts engaging communities in Europe and beyond our (mental and cultural) borders. Experiment others' experience through their voice, sounds and differences, and wider the size of the worlds you belong to.
    The green sounds of our podcasts will connect you in new ways to feel part of both local and global communities - one planet many cultures millions of experiences
    • Member State(s), Western Balkans and other countries: Other
    • Member State(s), Western Balkans and other countries: Germany
    • Member State(s), Western Balkans and other countries: Italy
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As a representative of an organisation
    • Name of the organisation(s): culture Solutions Europe
      Type of organisation: Non-profit organisation
      First name of representative: Damien
      Last name of representative: Helly
      Gender: Male
      Nationality: France
      Function: Co-founder and chair of the board
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: 519 RUE DE LA FONDERIE D'OR
      Postal code: 38930
      Country: France
      Direct Tel: +32 489 78 02 96
    Social Media
  • Description of the initiative
    Composing Green Podcasts is a series allowing intercultural dialogue between communities developing concrete initiatives in the fields of sustainability, inclusion and culture. Each episode (round tables, inquries, interviews) will gather community representatives, practitioners, citizens and policy-makers from Europe and other parts of the world (Africa, Americas and Asia in particular) to exchange their experience and know-how on specific sustainably (long-term as well as climate, planet and nature-sensitive) inclusive beautiful practices.
    Inclusion will be looked at through a transnational and comparative prism, avoiding euro-centric and ethno-centric approaches: to what extent have European societies integrated and adopted culturally “foreign” practices in the field of inclusion, sustainability and aesthetics? How is dialogue about the NEB triangle being conducted across borders and across cultures? Are languages an asset or a limitation against more inclusion in that realm? Is the NEB approach potentially universal or culturally labelled as European, with the risks of neocolonial critique?
    The series will address these issues.
    The experiential dimension of innovation and practices developed and presented in the podcasts will be complemented by additional audio-visual and written sources of information, material and references.
    Skills transfer and experience sharing components will be curated and edited along the various categories suggested by the European sustainability competences framework (values, complexity, futures and action).
    Podcasts will all be interdisciplinary and will be scheduled and programmed thematically or geographically (cS podcast #0).
    Geographic diversity and a balance between hard and soft transformations will be sought. Participants and guests to podcasts will come from various societal contexts (rural and urban, working class and highly educated).
    The podcast preparatory research will be ensured by a podcast coordinating team.
    Changing behaviours in the cultural and design sectors is urgent! We all need to learn from others’ innovations. We all need to dream of other attractive worlds, our worlds!

    The objectives of our podcasts are linked to the “Regaining a sense of belonging” globally in times of crisis and conflict:
    It will be accessible to those who cannot see or watch videos or pictures and will thus include vulnerable groups of blind and vision impaired population in Europe and the world. The podcast format is also more easily accessible in areas with limited internet connection for instance in developing countries or among people who do not posess cutting edge internet facilities.
    Sharing and learning about the NEB mindset: to open spaces for intercultural dialogue and know-how sharing on beautiful and inclusive sustainability practices and experience, between New European Bauhaus-related community initiatives and actions taking place or getting their inspiration from outside Europe
    Express the transnational diversity of New Bauhaus-like movements around the world: to give voice and visibility to professionals, young people and other active citizens or organisations to share their experience and know-how in the fields of sustainable and inclusive creation and how they resonate with non-European realities and humanity belonging
    Bring the NEB community together with transnational and global initiatives for wider and deeper impact
    - Provide a wealth of know-how and contacts on sustainability and inclusion to the NEB community and EU international cultural relations stakeholders

    Our podcast will make the NEB global and transnational while avoiding Euro-centrism.

    Recent NEB initiatives to support Ukrainian partners and cities is a first step towards the internationalisation of the NEB and our Composing Green Podcasts will seek to accompany and support this movemen
    Beauty & Emotions through sounds! An emotional connection between the global, the European and the global levels of meaninful behavioural change
    The podcasts will provide a sound experience to listeners, welcoming them in an experiential environment favourable to feel closer to those sharing their know-how and the NEB mindset. The podcast format offers infinite possibilities to develop a sense of belonging and very specific emotions thanks to oral descriptions of beauty, impressions and meaning.
    All creations can be promoted through linguistic expressions - and they can resonate with all other artistic and creative forms in a podcast - When relevant, the audio content will be complemented with other visual and written material on the cS wesbsite and with references to other media.
    The more the podcast series will develop, the deeper our collaborations with sound professionals will grow, including sound engineers, editors, and composers. The intercultural and global feature of the podcast series will open up and connect European audiences to NEB-like action outside their immediate communities: and the podcasts will connect further local communities around a sense of pride related to the publication and transmission of their very local experience.
    Inclusion in Europe, inclusion in the world

    The Composing Green Podcasts sees social inclusion as both an internal and an international matter. Inclusion practices (or the lack thereof, in the case of certain migrant groups, or national immigration legislations and the reinstatement of border controls within Europe) within European societies are relevant sources of engagement and dialogue worldwide - similarly, inclusion practices, experiences and traditions from other parts of the world are valuable sources of inspiration for European societies.

    Intergenerational inclusion practices (rooted in a variety of cultures within and outside European societies), mixed with sustainable design and planning will be part of the scope of the podcasts series.

    Wealth gaps, inequalities in access to beauty and aesthetic satisfaction are issues that are challenging not only in Europe but in other partner countries as well? How have other societies addressed them and can we compare some of their experiences with the one of the NEB mindset?

    Culturally diverse ways of engaging with nature and living creatures have already nourished European designers, artists and activities for centuries. The Composing Green Podcasts will bring an interculturally inclusive dimension to New Bauhaus conversations: how does the concept and the approach resonate with communities of various cultures? How is the New Bauhaus approach perceived by those engaged in decolonising cultural practices, and which common ground can be found?

    All the questions above will be addressed by the podcast series, bringing together doers, thinkers, leaders and all those who have something to share to enhance listeners’ competences and capacities to change their world.
    The involvement of citizens will take place at all stages of the Composing Green podcasts:
    - Background research will identify relevant experiences to be shared and will imply involvement of active citizens and their community representatives
    - The podcast co-design phase will be participatory with the participants
    - The post-production phase will consist of reaching out to listeners and teaching/education communities and collect feedback to improve next episodes

    By the end of the podcast series, culture Solutions will have achieved the following impact:
    followers and audiences from various European and third countries’ communities will have learned and acquired new skills from and about practices from various parts of the world, in interaction and dialogue with NEB-related European initiatives
    podcasts will lead to concrete know-how exchanges by establishing new contacts and informal communities of practice
    the memory of exchanges; learnings and know-how transmission, and related written and audiovisual material will be kept on culture Solutions website and digital platforms and available as commons, i.e. in open access and free of charge
    The podcast series will be developed with a diverse range of partners:
    Arviva, the French network of performing arts organisations and institutions working and training on ecological transitions, will co-design the podcast programme.
    Archimedia Trust network, from Italy, will bring the architectural and cultural heritage angle.
    Grassroot networks, community-based movements, will be invited via European cultural (creative hubs, cultural centres) and environmental (transition cities, urban planning, architectural and design institutions) networks (including NEB award winners) to contribute with their know-how and experience. Mieke Renders will be our advisor on inclusion and links with grassroot networks, community-based cultural centres in cities and rural areas.
    Education (High, secondary level and VET) organisations will be invited to contribute and collaborate - If confirmed, ENSCI (French National Design & Industrial Creation College) will be our entry point.
    Scientific expertise on climate change and biodiversity will be mobilised to contribute to the series - Johanna Leissner, from Fraunhofer, former Chair of the OMC group will be our advisor (also on cultural heritage and climate).
    Other organisations already in touch or in partnership with culture Solutions members will be mobilised and approached: Eurocities, EIT programmes, Horizon Europe programmes, EU Member States cultural institutes (EUNIC network), EU programmes such as the Cultural Relations Platform, Culture Moves Europe or European Lab.
    culture Solutions will play an instrumental role in reaching out to non-EU partners through its existing network in partner countries (EU-ACP, EU Delegations cultural focal points, UNESCO, ASEF, etc.)

    All these diverse stakeholders, by participating and contributing to the podcast series will benefit from their dialogue and exchange, which in turn will enrich and widen their horizon, and pave the way for future international collaborations;
    Since 2018, culture Solutions has been interacting with the partners above and opened spaces for dialogue on various topics related to EU international cultural relations, covering, inter alia: culture and climate, intercultural sensitivity, culture and societal change. This has been done by mixing scientific disciplines and mixing profiles of partners and collaborators: some were architects, designers, musicians, social scientists, cultural managers, civil society leaders, journalists, private sector employees.
    The Composing Green Podcasts series will continue to operate along the same multidisciplinary and intercultural methodological principles.
    Current initiatives are either focused on specific artistic (heritage, design, architecture, music, performing arts) or scientific (climate change, biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaptation) expertise.

    Current initiatives are usually focused on Europe and the EU, with rare opportunities to connect NEB-related activities with partners outside the EU, with the risk of remaining too euro-centric and missing the opportunities of intercultural dialogue around NEB-like action.

    The Composing Green Podcasts will be innovative because they will:
    mix grassroot movements and communities with high-level expertise
    be carbon emission-sensitive as they will develop digitally
    rely on virtual and digital spaces and resources while connecting Europeans and potential partners around the world
    break silos between artistic and scientific communities
    allow cross-fertilisation of experiences and know-how across existing silos
    be multilingual (English, French, Spanish, potentially Arabic, Russian, Chinese and other languages) and open to a diversity of cultural and linguistic perspectives on NEB-like actions
    play the role of a sounding board and institutional memory for EU institutions and EU member states. Partnerships with Europeana and other large scale big data storage or audiovisual archiving institutions can be envisaged in the long term.
    If successful, the Composing Green Podcasts will inspire other like-minded initiatives replicating its concept in the following fields:
    Free access and usage of the podcasts by Education organisations and institutions for their curricula in Europe and beyond - potential partnerships with MOOC and Ed tech platforms can be envisaged in the long term
    inclusion of non-European expertise and skills within NEB-like action and initiatives within Europe
    Enhancement of the recognition of non-European and culturally diverse inputs and inspirations in NEB-like actions and initiatives in Europe
    inclusion of podcast series in EU external action programmes dealing with climate change, biodiversity, the Global Gateway and other cultural cooperation programmes

    The podcasts and related shared material can then inspire the design of larger-scale programmes to be funded by the EU in its international cooperation and global partnerships.

    culture Solutions has already put in place and tested its podcast series methodology. First tested with students at the College of Europe (academic year 2021-2022) and then developed in 2022.

    The podcast series has already been launched in 2023. The first episode dealt with cultural heritage protection in crisis situations, and dedicated some time to climate-related challenges.
    culture Solutions teams have already established a standardised protocol to produce podcasts:
    Podcast creation proposal templates
    Podcast episode script template
    Podcast episode background research template
    Podcast editing template
    Podcast series timeline and annual schedule
    Internal lessons learned and best practices on podcast production, including tools and platforms
    Podcast musical identity composed by a professional musician (the Composing Green Podcasts will have a new a specific musical identity)

    culture Solutions already has a base of around 4000 followers on social media and plans to develop it further thanks to the podcast series, especially by developing joint communication campaigns with its partners.
    The Composing Green Podcasts will make a difference by addressing the following challenges:
    Missing link 1: Connecting local experiments with global awareness and action
    Missing link 2: Climate sensitivity amongst various professional communities
    Missing link 3: Transmission of scientific knowledge to sceptical population and audiences, via hands-on and practical experience in their own language and close to where they live
    Euro-centrism challenge - the series will open up Europe-based NEB initiatives and communities to global and transnational networks

    The scope of progress of the Composing Green Podcasts will be measured along the following criteria:
    width and variety of included audiences (in Europe and beyond) - Target after 18 months: 4000
    quality and depth of feedback and expressions of belonging by audiences as well as by speakers and interviewees in podcast episodes - Target after 18 months: 200 elaborated expressions of belonging
    width of NEB-related topics addressed by the podcast series
    number of podcast episodes
    variety of audiovisual and written material shared and stored / archived side by side with the podcast episodes
    opening to non-European doers and like-minded partners - Target - 50 direct participants (speakers or interviewees) from outside the EU and 1500 followers outside the EU after 18 months

    Once the series will develop, an elaborated Monitoring and Evaluation strategy will be designed, with quantified targets and KPI for outputs and outcomes.
    In that regard, as the podcast series develops, more collaborations with sound designers, engineers and editors will happen.

    Specific audio-related KPI will be considered, such as the power and the experience of sounds in podcasts that contribute to the creation of common belonging and a feeling of unity - beyond linguistic barriers, nationalities and cultural differences

    If the Composing Green Podcasts receives the NEB prize, the podcast series will comprise 36 episodes along 18 months, i.e. one episode per month, lasting approximately 40 minutes each.

    If the Composing Green Podcasts does not receive the NEB prize, the series will first start its development with pro-bono human resources and aims to produce 6 episodes in the next 18 months.
    The Composing Green Podcasts will contribute to developing new competences within the European framework of competences at various levels (see below).

    When designing each podcast of the series, the ways to address some of the 12 competences developed by the European framework will be discussed.

    The podcast series could also contribute to the EU Academy if it meets the Commission’s requirements.

    Level 1: Skills and knowledge enhancement at the level of teachers and scholars, community leaders (youth), managers, policy-makers (local authorities) and trainers.
    The Composing Green Podcasts could be included in the Community of practice launched in 2023 by the Commission, to bring together schools, researchers, public authorities.

    culture Solutions has published and researched extensively on Communities of practice:
    Level 2: Cascade learning used by level 1 beneficiaries to share and transmit competences to learners, apprentices, students, employees, relatives etc.
    Level 3: Development and inclusion of the podcast episodes into educational and VET toolkits, curricula and ed tech platforms and material
    Level 4: Cascade and snowball sharing dynamics on social media and podcast platforms

    In the field of research, through the Composing Green Podcasts, culture Solutions will be available to collaborate with EU institutions and other partners on green education
    Since culture Solutions is already registered in the Erasmus+ system to host trainees, it could also collaborate with Erasmus+ institutions to host trainees to contribute to the Composing Green Podcasts.

    From a methodological perspective, the podcasts however will not replace hands-on experience and experimental learning and this will be one of its limitations.

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