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  • Initiative category
    Prioritising the places and people that need it the most
  • Basic information
    Digital Inclusion for All (DI4all)
    DI4all aims to improve the key competencies, skills, and learning outcomes of young people in schools by promoting quality improvement, innovation excellence at the educational level and mainstreaming digital inclusion, as well as improving the competencies of teachers and educators to promote digital inclusion and combat disinformation through education and training.
    Mainly urban
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    ERASMUS + program
    As an individual in partnership with other persons
    • First name: Giedre
      Last name: Kvieskiene
      Gender: Female
      Nationality: Lithuania
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Zibuokliu street 44
      Town: Vilnius
      Postal code: LT-11346
      Country: Lithuania
      Direct Tel: +37068544066
    New European Bauhaus or European Commission websites
  • Description of the initiative
    We are currently implementing an on-going two-year project 2022-2024 Digital Inclusion for all learners (DI4all). The project aims to improve the key competencies, skills, and learning outcomes of young people in schools by promoting quality improvement, innovation excellence at the educational level and mainstreaming digital inclusion, as well as improving the competencies of teachers and educators to promote digital inclusion and combat disinformation through education and training.

    The expected outcomes are: training of educators for the implementation of digital inclusion developed based on analyzed results and best practices of teachers and educators in the field of digital inclusion, development of a guide for educators that includes materials from the intellectual results of the project, studies of best practices, and case studies, and the implementation of an online contest for schools that present their best practices for digital inclusion of all learners.

    This project is based on main strategies and influenced by the UNESCO SDG4, and EU programs such as the European Commission EU Digital Agenda, the DigComp2.2, DigCompEdu, the Selfie, My Digiskills. The four priority areas for ERASMUS+ also serve as a basis, such as digital transformation, inclusion, and diversity, green sustainability as well as the overall aim on active citizens for all.
    Active citinzenship
    Digital inclusion
    The United Nation Agenda 2030 is "an action plan for people, planet and prosperity." It includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals are indivisible and include economic, social and environmental dimensions. The UNESCO Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) is the education goal, which aims to "ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all."

    Combating climate change and contributing to long-term sustainable development is the goal of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030, which form the basis for the European Commission's sustainability work. For the Erasmus+ program period 2021-2027, one of the news is that all projects must be environmentally sustainable. This means that as a project promoter, one have to think green consistently when planning and implementing the project. Alternative to physical visits, conferences, exchange programs or other activities abroad is virtual mobility. The advantages are not only lower environmental impact, but also factors such as higher availability and lower costs.
    Project focuses on Creating a sense of belonging through learning in practice, group works. Significant experiences in the project involves designing opportunities for participants to connect with others participants and adapt meaningful practices. This is being achieved by designing learning environments that make people feel valued and understood, by organizing learning activities that align with their every day tasks, interests and goals. Such experiences promote community and shared identity, resulting in increased feelings of belonging. It is expected to improve emotional well-being of participants and their work surroundings, contribute to a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

    DI4ALL activites is based previous activities such as:

    - interdisciplinary initiative ATRASK (en. DISCOVERY). A branch of the Lithuanian College of Democracy – rural day center “Navininkai” for children and families at risk operates in Aukštadvaris, Trakai district. For many years, the visitors of the day center have been interacting with the Aukštadvaris seniors’ club “Aukštadvario žiburiai”, listening to the stories of their elders about the history of their region, participating in various celebrations and education, and baking pies together. From this beautiful friendship was born the idea to create original interactive maps, and the online application, which will help travelers better understand the land with picturesque nature. This is a social entrepreneurship start-up established by “Navininkai” in an association with a branch of temporary foster home “Atsigrezk” – day center “Čižiūnai” for children and youth at risk and local seniors’ community “Aukštadvario žiburiai”.
    The EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 by the European Commission outlines concrete steps, provides guidance, and identifies funding for initiatives that promote inclusion for all. It focuses on multi stakeholder partnerships, including close collaboration with immigrant-led organizations. During all activities project involves key actions:

    ● Inclusive education and training from early childhood through higher education, with a focus on facilitating recognition of qualifications and continued language acquisition;

    ● Improving employment opportunities and recognition of qualifications to fully recognize the contribution of migrant communities, particularly women, and ensure that they are supported to reach their full potential;

    ● Promote access to health services, including mental health care, for people with migrant backgrounds;

    ● Access to adequate and affordable housing, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), the Asylum and Migration Fund (AMF) and Invest EU.
    The target group are all stakeholders within a schools and organizations, such as; students, school staff, schools, other educational providers, public bodies, and national agencies. The Di4all project has sustainability and maintenance activities built in. The project has embedded all four priority areas, such as active citizens, inclusion and diversity, digitalization, and green sustainability, both in its application, but will integrate them even more in its activities, dissemination, and sustainability.
    The way citizens benefiting from ,,Digital Inclusion for all Learners (DI4All)” in different ways. One is participation in organized events and/or taking activities in sub-initiatives.

    ,,Digital Inclusion for all Learners (DI4All)” were presented in various conferences and events, for example: OEW22 7-11 March, 2022; ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2022 will run from 14 March until 14 April 2022; The Festival of the New European Bauhaus, 2022; EDEN Digital Learning Europe 20-22 June 2022; publication in EPALE, 2022; UHR Workshop 5 April 2022 Digital transformation and other.

    Also, the project ,,Digital Inclusion for all Learners (DI4All)” was presented in the “EntreComp for Digital” Virtual Study Visit on 20 September, 2022.

    The EntreComp for Digital Study Visit connected participants with practitioners in the field of digital and entrepreneurial competence development from across Europe. Through interactive sessions with practices, participates it focused on new inspiration for their own work and a better insight into the opportunities offered by the DigComp and EntreComp frameworks. In addition to the interactive presentations of the featured practices, audience were involved in the virtually visit the practices on site through video links and deep-dive break-out sessions, putting the audience in direct contact with the featured practices.
    This project went viral at the national and international levels and could be implemented in different contexts.


    Lithuanian College of Democracy is a member of the global network - Civitas International for about 20 years. This unique network of educators, civil society organizations, educational institutions, and governmental agencies has worked for more than a decade to develop quality civic education curricular materials and training. Many countries in the Civitas network collaborate in unique partnerships using model civic education programs to develop programs that address their specific civic education needs.

    DI4ALL will be disseminated in this network.

    Europe’s People’s Forum invited to jointly present this project at various dissemination events. The best practice of DI4ALL will be presented in a few national and international practical and scientific conferences.


    DI4ALL was presented in the biggest national educational conferences. DI4ALL project will be presented at the international conference in the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania. Moreover, the project Coordinator based on Game-changers project lessons learned prepared a special program for schools called PLIUS (Pozityvaus lavinimo ir ugdymo sistema or Positive Education and Training System) and implemented this program in different Lithuanian schools. The 23 500 students' benefited from this program.


    Vulnerable groups were involved in DI4ALL project by empowering rural day center Navininkai from Aukštadvaris. To ensure the quality of developing project results, professors were invited from Vytautas Magnus University, experts from the Lithuanian Social Pedagogue Association.
    (1) Social sciences: sociology, psychology, and anthropology that provide insights into human behavior and social dynamics, which can inform the design and implementation of initiatives aimed at promoting inclusion, equity, and sustainability. The project focuses on positive socialization, social partnership, inclusion, behavioral algorithms, well-being of children, families, youth.

    (2) Digital transformation - empowering people with limited opportunities or underrepresented groups to participate in the project and introduction of virtual learning.
    The planned activities of the project will respond to the qualitative aspects of education associated with innovativeness, novelty of ideas, creativity, non-standard problem solving. DI4ALL innovative education models are based on 3D: multi-functional, multi-criteria and multi-sector model and the synergy of social communication and leadership. STiM constructed in this way works locally and globally, creates breakthrough directions and reveals new educational opportunities. Harnessing knowledge, innovation, learning, networks and digitality for the greater well-being of the individual and society (community), with rational costs and the probability of sustainability, is based on the leadership of educational institutions and the professionals working in them, managers, often social pedagogues or other professionals.
    (1) Training of educators programs and digital learning platform will be used for future training and can be adapted to various fields and schools
    (2) Guide for educators with materials from the intellectual results of the project will be used for future activities
    (3) Best Practices Study and Case Studies will be used for future activities in Lithuanian schools
    1 phase: building the knowledge. Based upon the existing data and knowledge, the theoretical substantiation of preconditions for digital interaction multicultural society in the context of social equity and inclusion will be established. In this stage the literature review highlighting detailed analyses of the pilot region and expert assessment will be used. The experts will be asked to assess and the scope and the key parameters of digital interaction multicultural society in the context of social equity and inclusion.
    2 phase: participatory action research strategy. This phase will focus on the context of the implementation of digital interaction in a multicultural society. This phase i) will collect the case studies from vulnerable groups (a) migrants; (b) special needs; ii) will explore participatory action research strategy (involving such research methods as individual interviews’ and group discussions; questionnaires’, data analyses and etc.); iii) identify best practices based on the case studies.
    3 phase: pilot study analysis. This phase will help to identify the unique representative from vulnerable groups needs in each case. In association with Stakeholders, DI4All will identify needed changes and focus on their improvements to the interventions.
    4 phase: drawing the results. The analyzes the digital interaction in multicultural society in the discourse of social equality and inclusion will be presented and the results of investigations will be discussed. The digital interaction in a multicultural society as a key element for social equity and inclusion will be established, the experience of respondents based on the pilot study will be highlighted. The results of the investigation will focus on the multi-aspectness of digital interaction, highlighting key element for social equity and inclusion.
    5 phase: sustainability. In order to sustain the DI4Al, the interactive DI4Al map based on the best practice case studies will be created.
    (1) Social equity and inclusion: the project includes all kind of participants, including people disabilities, having health problems, having barriers related to education and training systems, having cultural differences, social barriers, economic barriers, barriers related to discrimination, geographical barriers
    (2) Access to Education and Skills: activities during the project provide access to education and skills to all.
    (1) The project was already started preparation for trainings of educators of digital inclusion, based on the analyzed results and best practices of teachers and educators in the field of digital inclusion.
    (2) The project built collaboration between schools and other research and training institutions targeting digital inclusion by promoting the exchange of best practices and enabling the creation of a network for sharing best practices.
    (3) The project and it's aims were presented in various international and national events and conferences.

    DI4ALL initiates other initiatives such as: DISCOVERY developed by day center Navininkai for children and youth at risk.
    DI4ALL are based on main strategies and influenced by the EU programs such as the European Commisson EU Digital Agenda, the DigComp2.2, DigCompEdu, EntreComp and European competence framework on sustainability. The Digital Competence Framework for Citizen (DigComp) provides a common understanding of what digital competence is [5]. The DigComp framework identifies the key components of digital competences in five areas., which are; (i) Information and data literacy, (ii) Communication and collaboration, (iii) Digital content creation, (iv) safety, and (v) Problem solving.
    The framework is also provided in alignment with the Digital Accessibility Guidelines, as creating accessible digital resources is an important priority today.
    The European Framework for Educators' Digital Literacy (DigCompEdu) is a science-based framework that describes what it means for educators to be digitally literate. It provides a general reference framework to support the development of education-specific digital literacy in Europe. DigCompEdu is aimed at educators at all levels of education, from early childhood to higher and adult education, including general and vocational education, special education, and non-formal learning.
    MyDigiSkills helps to better understand ones level of digital skills based on knowledge, skills and attitudes in each of the five areas of the European Framework of Digital Competences for Citizens, known as DigComp. Educators’ competencies plays an important role in nowadays society, and in one hand it could be described as a formal requirement fulfillment, involving knowledge, skills and values. In another hand, it became a life-long learning process and the synergy between the educators’ professional and pedagogical competencies and learners’ competencies is highlighted. At the same time, it is important to highlight educators' social-emotional competencies (Kvieskienė et al., 2022), especially targeting vulnarable youth.
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