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  • Project category
    Reconnecting with nature
  • Basic information
    Food for Earth and communities
    Food for Earth composting communities for climate
    “Food for the Earth” (FfE) builds beautiful climate neutral composting facilities and communities aiming to stop sending bio wastes to landfill, strengthen social cohesion, inclusiveness and input. FfE accelerates the green transition for the households and wide public, contributes to the regeneration of the soil and supporting a climate friendly way of everyday life which ensures a better living together for all.
    Sofia municipality, Vitosha district, Bulgaria
    Bucharest, Romania
    Chirpan Municipality, Bulgaria
    Mainly urban
    It refers to a physical transformation of the built environment (hard investment)
    Climate Community Lab 2020 for the whole project 10 000 Euro
    As a representative of an organisation
    • Name of the organisation(s): Our neighbourhood Association for sustainable practices
      Type of organisation: Non-profit organisation
      First name of representative: Irena
      Last name of representative: Sabewa
      Gender: Female
      Nationality: Bulgaria
      Function: manager
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Div kesten str. 1, fl. 3
      Town: Sofia
      Postal code: 1619
      Country: Bulgaria
      Direct Tel: +359 87 843 2789
    New European Bauhaus or European Commission websites
  • Description of the project
    “Food for the Earth” (FfE) builds a network of beautiful net-zero carbon community composting facilities and does low carbon services on site. FfE applies integrated circular economy and social model. FfE accelerates the green transition for the households and wide public, contributes to the recovery, inclusiveness and supporting a climate friendly way of everyday life which ensures a better living together for all. where the community provides the raw materials and benefits from the end product. It creates spaces for social cohesion, and trans-generational connections – adults, kids and elderly. It empowers local communities and promotes climate friendly behavior with active care for the health of the soils.
    We are partnering and with municipalities with the aim to reach the goals of the Green Deal agenda to harmonize all EU countries for a separate waste collection which is key, to stop landfill and dumps of organics, restoration of the soil and to accelerate a circular economy transition. FfE is aiming to bring a impactful change and to increase the well being oh the inhabitants in the cities.
    FfE builds a network of climate neutral physical places each for 30 direct households beautifully designed and equipped composting facilities for municipalities.
    FfE does bottom-up service for educating, operating and creating climate neutral composting communities. It uses simplicity, functionality, and circularity of materials with a very natural composting process. FfE shows how biodiversity and soil conservation can be respected and promoted through low carbon building and planning. Psychological surveys are conducted with every new place. After 3 successful implementations of FfE in Sofia, Bucharest and Chirpan can be scaled. We plan to build a system of franchising for other municipalities, organisations and people are passionate about the community composting and to implement it in the other cities and villages in Bulgaria and in European countries.
    FfE is a climate neutral human-centered inspiring model which practically connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces in a beautiful, sustainable and inclusive approach.
    FfE builds beauty designed community composting places with active participation of the local people for planting, cleaning, assembling composters, shaping flower garden, ets. Our approach includes public education, community connecting events, workshops etc.
    FfE demonstrates and engages citizens to tangible experience to meet and share how spaces can be used for positive exchanges and community-building for climate, soil and human care towards people. The community composting places are accessible for all the people in a securing way with an access code. Our organization does public education, active support in the first 6 months for maintenance of the process and follow up help when it is necessary.
    Composting on site provides an opportunity for everyone to take responsibility for the solid waste stream with a high social purpose and a low carbon footprint.
    FfE model ensures trans-generational inclusive learning.
    It is about bridging the global challenges with the local solutions to achieve EU climate targets, supporting a broader transformation perspective and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds and souls.
    FfE offers a well designed and beautiful community composting facilities, where the community provides the raw materials and benefits from the end product - compost for their flowers, gardens and public spaces as well. FfE creates spaces for social cohesion, and trans-generational connections – adults, kids and elderly. It empowers local communities and promotes climate friendly behavior with active care for the health of the soil.
    The composting places connects people and supports neighbors to know each other and share a common activity with care for soil, environment and climate. The social live is activated and people gather together for communication and action for better living.
    Over the years FfE model was designed from experts with different expertise: social psychologist and European climate pact ambassador, architect, mayors , municipality administration (Sofia, Bucharest, Chirpan), university expert in developing a psychological survey (Warsaw, Poland), PR expert, engineers, business start-up (Urban Cultor, Romania), mentors on local, regional and European level. The interdisciplinary interactions enriched development of the model and its improvements which led to a more sustainable and working model.
    FfE model includes different knowledge fields: waste management, composting, social psychology, architecture, landscaping, administration and law, education, PR and marketing, event management, financial management.
    The interaction between different representatives created a group dynamic which supported fruitful and meaningful meetings and exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience. Over the time these interactions led to establish partnerships and friendships as well.
    FfE successfully run and operate: 2 compost places in Sofia, 1 in Bucarest (from our partner Urban Cultor), 1 in Chirpan with local volunteers.
    Through participation in different professional events, working groups, communication campaigns, social media groups, a lot of presentations and media broadcasting - interviews, short videos thousands of people were reached and many were inspired for actions. Many people contacted us for more information, meeting, education, transfer of know-how ets.
    FOOD FOR EARTH is pioneer in Bulgaria and builds climate neutral composting facilities and communities for a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls. It highlights the value of simplicity, functionality, and circularity of materials without compromising the need for comfort and attractiveness in our daily lives.
    FfE is directly working with local households through training, communication campaigns, activities, events, everyday Q&A support - FB groups, other platforms. This makes a social innovation in comparison with other actions. Also it works with schools, kindergartens and the wide public.
    FfE mitigates climate change, air pollution, restoration of the soils, creates spaces for human communication, engagement and reconnection with nature and to accelerate the development of a circular economy and society in Europe. The holistic and interdisciplinary approach connecting all these elements is a model FfE is a social innovation.
    FOOD FOR EARTH builds climate neutral composting facilities and communities for a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls. It highlights the value of simplicity, functionality, and circularity of materials without compromising the need for comfort and attractiveness in our daily lives. FfE mitigates climate change, air pollution, restoration of the soils, creates spaces for human communication, engagement and reconnection with nature and to accelerate the development of a circular economy and society in Europe.
    FfE model with 3 different places of replication shows its vitality and capacity for scaling. FfE uses simplicity, functionality, and circularity of materials and it make it easy for adaptation in different contexts.
    FfE is a climate neutral human-centred inspiring model which addresses global challenges with climate crisis, lost of fertile soil layer and air pollution. FfE practically connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces in a beautiful, sustainable and inclusive approach. It demonstrates and engages citizens to tangible experience to meet and share how spaces can be used for positive exchanges and community-building for climate, soil and human care towards people. It is about bridging the global challenges with the local solutions to achieve EU climate targets, supporting a broader transformation perspective and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls.
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