Through this project, we strive to set an example which accentuates responsible behavior towards nature, the importance of care for the environment and preservation of natural resources and nurturing positive attitude towards nature and its preservation in an appropriate manner, following children's interests. With these projects, we raise awareness about the importance of composting and sustainability of life in an urban area among the youngest residents of our municipality and beyond.
South and central region of Montenegro
It addresses urban-rural linkages
It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
As a representative of an organisation
Name of the organisation(s): Kindergarten Bambi Tivat Type of organisation: Public authority (European/national/regional/local) First name of representative: Phd Jelena Last name of representative: Perunovic-Samardzic Gender: Female Nationality: Montenegro Function: Director Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: Djacka 3 Town: Tivat Postal code: 85320 Country: Montenegro Direct Tel:+38269094775 Website:
Organic waste (residues from food preparation, garden and green waste) makes up about 65-70% of the total waste that is collected during stay in the kindergarten. Through this initiative, we want to raise awareness about the importance of composting and recycling among children. Not only do children from a very young age acquire knowledge about the importance of healthy, naturally grown food, but they also learn that it takes a lot of effort and daily activities to grow vegetables and other plants in order to make sure that by using those plants, we eat healthily.
At the preschool level, thanks to these initiatives, children become self-confident, aware, engaged in eco garden activities and they critically observe the world around them and see themselves as agents of change. In the same way, children will learn to use tools for vegetable gardening and gardening in general, they will develop perseverance which is necessary for the process of monitoring plant growth, which will guide them to the conclusion that water and sun encourage the growth and development of plants until they are fully grown, healthy fruits, crucial in our diet.
The activities in the Eco garden try to encourage a direct relationship of the child with the nature and they acquire knowledge that the soil is obtained by composting produces fruits which are beneficial for their healthy growth and development. With the activities regarding planting, we try to develop a positive attitude of children towards nature along with the sense of responsibility and care for the plants and the preservation of nature. This initiative will include 8 preschool groups in which there are 320 children aged 5-6, their teachers (16) and members of the kindergarten's Eco team (10 teachers and nurses, 6 people who work in kindergarten's kitchen).
Raising awareness of composting
Learning to separate bio waste disposal
Sustainability of life in an urban area
Importance of waste as a resource
Taking care of the environment
The initiative is very sustainable even after the planned completion because with accomplishing this project (creating the Eco garden and through education received, we get resources to be able to continue with further implementation of the project). Raising awareness of the importance of composting and sustainable living in an urban and semi rural environment along with enabling children to acquire and expand knowledge on taking care of the environment, developing habit of separate bio waste disposal and strengthening ecological awareness of the importance of waste as an important resource are our main goals. These goals will be met through activities such as lectures, artistic activities, various educational games and quizzes, performances, making small composters from different materials, planting vegetables and coastal herbs in our eco garden, daily collection of compost for all kindergarten groups, taking ripe compost and fertilizing seeds in the eco garden, maintenance of the garden, notes and photo stories.
The mere outdoor space of eco garden is envisioned to awaken the feelings of aesthetics and curiosity not only in children but also adults as it serves as a symbol of their work and their responsible behavior towards nature and care for the environment. The maintenance of the garden and outdoor activities along with artistic activities on the topic of environmental protection and exhibitions of children's works also contribute to the aesthetics and quality of experience for children and adults.
Our key objective is not only transformation of outdoor space but also the change of attitude towards environmental issues in our local community. Through workshops and lectures addressing this topic and sharing experiences we want to improve the quality of life and raise awareness about this very important topic. In terms of accessibility, we are always open to learning new things and sharing our own experiences and in regard to that we have great collaboration with local community and NGO department dealing with ecology and environmental protection, Green team from Municipality eco department, our eco team from the kindergarten, biology teachers.
The results of the success and benefits of this initiative will not only be measured by progress of the plants in our eco garden, but also by the knowledge that children will pass on to their family members at home. We also plan to include parents and local community, with whom we have always had wonderful collaboration, in our eco garden project, so that we can share knowledge and experience. Our plan is also to organize lectures on the importance of reconnection with nature and its preservation which will be held by biology teachers and lecturers from the domain of organic production and kindergarten teachers.
We have the support of various stakeholders mainly on local and national level, which include: CEDIS (Montenegrin electricity distribution system), Lustica Bay, Porto Montegro, NGO eco sector and the Municipality of Tivat.
The disciplines that are reflected through this initiative are inclined to develop research and innovative skills and they include knowledge fields from the domain of organic production, biology, ecology and environmental protection, along with artistic disciplines and pragmatic disciplines that our kindergarten teachers and other employees of the kindergarten are enthusiastic to share with both children and their parents.
This initiative is innovative in a sense that no similar initiative has ever been made in our small town. It is beneficial for children and the community because apart from raising awareness on the environmental preservation, it also raises the level of social cohesion, which is much needed nowadays, so that we can understand that we cannot always wait for someone to do something for us and that we have to do certain things ourselves if we want to live in a healthy, pleasant environment.
The initiative itself from start to finish will be presented at the professional meetings of educators in Vrnjacka Banja in 2023. and at the Balkan meetings of educators in 2023. as an example of good practice. We also plan to present various educational games, quizzes, performances, artistic workshops on the subject of composting to elementary school pupils and children in Daily center for children with disabilities.
Our methodology and approach are aimed at strengthening the child's research, curiosity and independence skills through our pragmatic activities (planting vegetables and their maintenance, daily collection of compost for all kindergarten groups, taking ripe compost and fertilizing seeds in the eco garden, garden exploration and using garden tools). Our methodology also includes demonstration, presentation, creative, artistic workshops, educational performances, games, quizzes, lectures, conversation about environment protection and bio waste disposal, taking photos and notes.
In our opinion, raising awareness on the importance of environment protection and composting from a very young age plays a crucial role in forming children's attitude towards nature and our aim is that our eco garden serves as an example of a good practice for other preschool institutions on both local and global level.
We have been working intensively on this idea for the last year and a half and we also received a Prize from CEDIS (Montenegrin national electricity distribution system) for the implementation of this initiative, on the national level and we hope that our idea and efforts will be acknowledged on a global level since it is beneficial for children, communities and educators as well. Our action plan includes lectures and activities which introduce and expand the concept of composting and environment protection, various artistic activities and exhibition of children's works on the topic given, educational games and eco quizzes, viewing and taking photos, making and maintenance of eco garden, making small composters from different materials, planting, using different tools in gardening.
Our initiative contributes to developing skills of sustainability of life in an urban and semi-rural area in terms of providing an example of eco garden which serves as a symbol of Nature's generosity towards us. It also plays an important role in enhancing curiosity and critical and exploratory thinking at a very young age. The initiative itself encourages collective actions which include not only children children and their teachers, but also local community. On the other hand, it has a positive effect on teachers' professional development since the synergy between theoretical and practical knowledge and sharing opinions and experiences on sustainable learning environment is a highlight of our initiative framework.