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  4. UNICA, By Tecno Italy
  • Project category
    Prioritising the places and people that need it the most
  • Basic information
    UNICA, By Tecno Italy
    Unica : the revolutionary "all in one" home workstation !
    Unica, Manufactured by Tecno - Italy. Compact and minimal when closed, it opens up with a motorized mechanism activated through the app by IO.T Solutions, revealing your worktop and monitor that, thanks to a high refresh rate, doesn’t tire your eyes. Unica also features a keyboard with an integrated mouse pad, a multimedia kit for video conferencing and cables and ports to connect your PC and devices with indipendent, Safe and Speed performances.
    North part of Italy, within Lombardy and Piemonte districts.
    Mainly urban
    It refers to a physical transformation of the built environment (hard investment)
    As a representative of an organization, in partnership with other organisations
    • Name of the organisation(s): TECNO ITALY
      Type of organisation: For-profit company
      First name of representative: MARCO
      Last name of representative: COLOMBO
      Gender: Male
      Nationality: Italy
      Function: Quality & Management Systems Coordinator. Product Manager for Public Areas & Transportation.
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: VIA MILANO, n. 22
      Town: MARIANO COMENSE (Como)
      Postal code: 22066
      Country: Italy
      Direct Tel: +39 335 785 4738
    • Name of the organisation(s): TECNO ITALY
      Type of organisation: For-profit company
      First name of representative: STEFANO
      Last name of representative: VIGANO'
      Gender: Male
      Nationality: Italy
      Function: R&D Manager, Tecno SpA
      Address (country of permanent residence for individuals or address of the organisation)<br/>Street and number: VIA MILANO, 22
      Town: Mariano Comense (Como)
      Postal code: 22066
      Country: Italy
      Direct Tel: +39 335 606 4978
  • Description of the project
    Unica is the work+life "ecosystem" designed for smarter working and better living. Compact and minimal when closed, it opens up with a motorized mechanism activated through the app powered by IO.T Solutions, revealing your work top and monitor that, thanks to a high refresh rate, doesn’t tire your eyes. Unica also includes a keyboard with an integrated mouse pad, a multimedia kit for video conferencing and cables and ports to connect your PC and devices.
    The connection to the network is fully independent, safe and with speeds already implemented up to 5G technology, allowing anyone to work without using home or private connection. Anyone can move Unica from one room to another location without having to turn it off, thanks to the integrated emergency battery of up to 15 minutes. Infact, you always have the necessary power supply and don’t need to worry even in the event of a blackout or a voltage drop.
    The station includes a work light that adjust its temperature according to your activities and an ambient light that adapts to different times of the day following the natural cycle.
    Unica is the ultimate solution that makes agile work, whether from home or in the office, a fluid and integrated experience that respects people’s well-being.
    Revolutionary Workstation ;
    Compact and Minimal Design : "All in One" ;
    Home&Office Look&Feel : Independent, Safe and Speed !
    Dinamics Lifestyle to influence people’s well-being ;
    "work+life" design "ecosystem" ;
    All related design and development aspects of the object engineered and manufactured by Tecno Spa, obviously took into account the sustainability of materials and performances, both in terms of environment and safety impact (mainly electrical and related to mechanical handling ) for the benefit of the end user. The physical well-being of the user himself, even with respect to the indoor environment (home or office as it might be nowadays) would like to encourage-with the simplicity of the object itself - a perspective focused on the balances of everyday doing. Addressing the environmental impact of products since its conception - throughout their life cycle -, will hopefully lead to more sustainable, circular and more resource efficient products .
    Tecno is a furniture manufacturer firmly design oriented where aesthetics and quality since its inceptions in 1953 has always been the main direction. Unica product – as almost all our designed product – has been designed on such bases with the aim to minimize as much as possible the impact in the domestic space and/or with surrounding office, with style and design: increasingly minimal spaces, less invasive objects (especially in residential use) and precise concerns in terms of product life cycle were placed as the initial basis of the project, although, not always or not entirely fulfilled.
    Simple design in terms of lines and shapes, functions that keeps the person, his activities, and his well-being at the center, trying to come as close as possible to a minimalist language that a hundred years later is still a reference point. (Peter Behrens / Mies van Der Rohe "Less is More"). The emotion conveyed to user even just during the movement of basic components of Unica (screen and worktop surface) with led lighting color matching is a mash-up of simplicity, functionality and emotional connection that since the initial design idea would like to make the final product hopefully "desirable" to all (“design for all” principles) .
    At the product engineering stage, as well as during the prototyping process all ergonomics data underlying the design were verified, tested, analyzed and met ; Technical and laboratory tests, structural and stability were part of the design & study process ; In addition the entire design and development process, implemented on Unica - has been verified and analyzed during 2021 through an external supervisory body as part of the ongoing company certification as set in Para 8.3 on the IS0 9001:2015 (certification #SQ153862-ICILA by IMQ Group Italy ).
    The usability of the product, due to its truly minimal space requirements and extreme easy portability, generates a widespread facilitation and simplification of activities for every user, including PRM users : as simple as fluid and integrated experience that respects people’s well-being also in a residential environment (silent, inclusive, domestic look&feel … even when the workstation is open)
    = not really applicable = not easy to be direct controlled during design, development, manufacturing and selling process = Not really on initial Tecno project scope =
    Customer Satisfaction sheets has been produced purely for Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation purpose as per Para 9_ISO 9001:2015 requirements. Examples of monitoring impacts & outcomes include customer surveys, customer feedback on delivered products and services, meetings with users/customers, market-share analysis, warranty claims ......
    The origin and progress of the project was made through the collaboration of different stakeholders, starting from each single needs to create a simple product (mostly for remote working) that was flexible, connected, minimal and highly innovative in terms of technology hoping to “”Prioritizing the places and people that need it the most”” .
    The contribution of each partner was of primary importance throughout the duration of the whole project as well as now in case of possible further upgrade.
    Considering the size of each partner, the engagement was mostly a “locally based” effort ; as mentioned in a radius of 300Km from our production plant ; Either from production side as well as from integrated solution the Unica project was born from simple local, nearby collaboration. The fusion of past, present and future generated during the restriction (on a complex pandemic season) provided an object of well-being, technology advanced thanks to the inherent eagerness to do, typical of the manufacturing district where Tecno (and our partners) comes from.
    The Project resulted from the collaboration of companies from different sectors (telecommunications, electronics, furniture, metal working, … ) in order to design and develop a product containing the different know-how and disciplines inherent in the initial brief. The physical transformation of the workplace that the pandemic brought inevitably generated needs for renewal, which with Unica, Tecno Spa pursued and aimed to capture.
    The project in its entire course and during the engineering process has gone through several checks on materials and their elective affinities, also considering new generation materials that can meet criteria of environmental sustainability and well-being product durability, reusability, upgradability some of these are still being developed and improved.

    Other notions were also taken into consideration as for example energy optimization and resource efficiency while fitting some of the “add-on” features into the basic system as well – for example - presence of materials or minor components that inhibit potential circularity or not least the need for long term life cycle.
    The use of the product aims to generate an enhancement in some user-related actions and activities on two basic levels :
    (a) Ergonomic and functional aspect, for which the user can work in an optimal ergonomic and well-being situation, thanks also to the help of tools for monitoring environmental quality, ergonomics and movement, for which the product will return real-time output information to the user himself on the working well-being.
    (b) Possible corporate organizational environment, thanks to the latest generation of user/company connection and interchange tools that are easily upgradable and intuitive.

    Unica was thought to “join together” people from “far apart”, it most easiest and secure way. An inspirational exercise of pleasant & sustainable, project trying to contribute in addressing the needs of each individuals in terms of remote work on simple bases as : design integrity, simplicity, independency, safety and security within for example, also enhanced lighting comfort thanks to the fitting of a work light that changes its temperature according to user activities and an ambient light that adapts to different times of the day following the natural cycle ( app by IO.T Solutions).
    The project presents a completely innovative typological and functional character, hopefully going to meet the new activities and actions regarding the way of work (mostly smart working) that pandemic and post-pandemic season is revolutionizing our way of working. All this with evident functionality and minimalism which focuses to the well-being (also visual) and Life-centered perspective not only for the end-user but for our daily work activity itself. The “all in one” features which we claim to advance since Unica launch does not really have - as far as we know till end 2021 – many comparison in the typical FF&E industry segments.
    A second challenging goal nowadays under consideration relates to a prospective implementation to the product with a potential ‘Digital Product Passports’ to provide information about products’ environmental sustainability to help consumers and businesses to have informed choices when purchasing products, facilitate repairs and recycling hoping to improve transparency about products’ lifecycle impacts on the environment.
    The methodology for progressing the Project lifespan was developed through a “first-level” synergy between the companies promoting the project itself, and a “second-level” interaction through the active collaboration of the main suppliers of materials and technologies who made available their respective professional skills and their local supply chain. The latter model by trying to prioritize economic models with investments of proximity i.e.: by comparing and selecting suppliers based on historical traditions in certain specific areas of each nearby territory ( few kilometers from each partners respective locations) or by evaluating the life style sectors (design & furniture mainly ) or – as well – throughout product entire life cycle, or environmental footprints. Essential requirements considered as part of this activity were for example : functional and performance requirements, information derived from previous similar design or previous development activities, statutory and regulatory requirements, potential consequences of failure or external adequate inputs about design and development purposes.
    = not currently applicable = product is currently under consideration for patent pending enrollment by board & management. Technologies and production process might be easily replicated eventually under licensee agreement. The possible concept / studies during the conceptual brief in 2019 - would be to eventually provide (to third parties licensed partners) from HQ mayor die-casted components or molded components and locally source minor remaining components, of course technology and labor.
    The potential inherent in the project is to support the quality and organization of any type of activity, considered on an individual user basis, but consequently considering a possible network of global interconnections.
    Product has been thought and developed in correspondence and after the Covid-19 pandemic and has now been included as part of Tecno SpA collection. As a consequence of past pandemic issues, the current heavy disruption on external resources, an extreme deferrals and lack on raw material & IT components source, and not last today’s complex world due to Russia's invasion into Ukraine forced Tecno (and the partners) to hold and currently limits the investments for potential "global" challenges forecast.
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