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  4. Rhythm of the forest
  • Concept category
    Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking
  • Basic information
    Rhythm of the forest
    Working in a natural rhythm of the forest
    Just like the nature has it's seasons, so could the work providing finances had. Observing natural rhythms, natures wisdoms, we could implement so much our lives the way we live, the way we wok and all other things.
    Great Britain
    Mountain region (Gorenjska)
    It addresses urban-rural linkages
    It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
    As an individual
    New European Bauhaus or European Commission websites
  • Description of the concept
    I am creating a project that I have been developing for about 5 years. It is production workshop in a rhythm of a nature.
    It is important to me that I can make the world more beautiful with my work. Maybe that's why it hasn't been launched yet. But that's why I prefer to focus on solutions, how to deal with the project holistically. From the product that is held in the hands of the customer, to the retail chain that this very product could enrich, to the workers who would contribute to the production of this product and how I can show my respect and gratitude to them, as well as to mother nature, how much do I really need, to make the product happen, and how can I repay it with judicious use of resources, setting up a natural and domestic production environment, right down to the point of waste, so that there is as little as possible, or zero burden. I can help mother nature by turning packaging into useful art.
    Fair trade
    Considering that every human life, has only a certain time, along with the question of the meaning of existence, has an answer hiden in tranquility, that we are here to create the beauty of the world. If only we decide to do so. And it cannot be done by force.
    My vision of sustainable, different production is in moving towards nature. Natural and friendly materials for human and nature, which give both warmth and better well-being.
    And since people need less, we can produce less electricity, food, clothes, in short, everything. I'm not talking here to go back to the minimum. Only at the moment we need too much of everything and as a result we produce too much. Trash, too.
    And nature has such a beautiful and wonderful example. Look at the apple tree. There is no miracle worker who produces apples 40 hours a week, all year round. And precisely because of such production, things are not respected and appreciated. There is no real gratitude. If we were inspired by nature, I believe we could still be well provided for, but we would feel so much more grateful for the goods.
    And just as it is in nature, let the apple tree produce apples. Let quality craftsmanship be respected. I'm in favor of using machines to help each other live better and easier, and I'm in favor of every job being fairly valued and respected, and also fairly paid. And in nature, apple trees, willow, birch, spruce and other shrubs grow very well together. This can also be the case with productions. Each unique and authentic in their own right, but important to this world and comunity.
    Ever since my early childhood, I have been trying to make beautiful things so that I could beautify the lives of my loved ones in this way.
    Beauty, in a fairy-tale way, expressed in the choice of materials during construction, in an old barnhouse style, seems to me, as an artist, to be a friendly environment for creating products. I myself know how a certain environment can affect feelings, so I think that even a beautiful environment, in which a worker spends a significant part of his life, should not be neglected.
    The product itself would enrich the stores with the novelty of combining old, traditional and premium products.
    Through a loving story and play, old and fearful customs can be seen diferently and understood. An old Victorian book, which is also a packaging for chocolate, a game, would enrich both the retailer and the customer with a completely new experience. The book offers the buyer a personal approach to dedicate the book to a loved one or to himself. It allows him and urges him to write the words of his heart in the book on the page dedicated to dedications. My dedication of the book is to nature because it has taught me so many wonderful wisdoms and because it is here for us. In addition to the inspiring story, I also created illustrations and motivational poetry, along with instructions for the chocolate game. It can only be top quality fair trade chocolate, it can be a game, or it can also be of a deeper meaning, personal growth, to dare to let go of old shackles and transform your life into a wonderful fairy tale. And also live it.
    By cooperating with other companies, such as a printing house that prints books, to fair trade chocolate producers, and trade chains, we can thus approach a larger number of people. Since the product is based on the principle of production and manufacturing according to a mold, we can approach the majority of the price so that the product is accessible to them. It's not cheap, but it's not expensive either. Nevertheless, behind the product stands quality manufacturing, dedication and love, as well as innovation in the experience. It could be cheaper, but the quality would be lost, and the product would thus become another piece of consumer junk. With fair trade, everyone is fairly paid for their work, and with the price of the product itself, we ensure that it remains valuable and respected. For the time it is available.
    By being aware of the prudence of production and consumption. Even the product itself has a lot of wisdom that contributes to the well-being of society, starting with individuals.
    Sermons never reach such heights as rollemodels can. I am trying to set up such a working and ethical work model, and perhaps inspire other companies to think about their product prices, employee wages, resource usage, and how much they really need to produce. And with that I can reach the wider society.
    From a European perspective, the printing press in Poland was very responsive and ready. We worked together to design the cover for the press. Definitely, professional design knowledge and prepress consulting.
    Custom chocolate molds, I didn't get an answer in the EU, but I did in America. They are happy to cooperate and create new ideas. I also think the prices themselves are reasonable. They have many years of experience, and figuring out what would work for the chocolate mold and what wouldn't was not necessary for me with them.We found a common and workable solution.
    Illustrating, confectionery, writing, painting, organization, these are the areas I cover myself.
    Printing and graphic design contribute to high-quality and professional production of packaging, books, by a private book pritnting house in Poland.
    Professional mold making in America, combines an easier production process with high quality products.

    Maybe also as an interesting thing, otherwise there are few possibilities for realisation this year, but they still exist. I am also in contact with a company from America that organizes the fair trade production of organic plush toys. The toys are completely organic, organic plush, organic dyes and organic fillings. The workers in India are paid fairly and at the same time the toys are independently tested. This way of cooperation seems extraordinary to me, because in my case, they turn the mascot of the book or the logo, into a plush toy. And with such cooperation, we take care of the end customer, his health, as well as nature, so that we don't burden it with chemicals, as well as the workers, that they are paid fairly and working in a healthy conditions. And this way, everybody does, what he is best of, and with what, he enriches our planet.
    An innovative product that can touch people through fairy tales, stories, food, illustrations or poetry.
    A symphony of art plays out when you allow everything to connect into a remarkable whole.
    A different approach to employees, with the mindset that there is no compulsion, that they should, but because they want to participate, because they want to be part of the comunity of a company, because they love to cocreate beautiful life stories, part of something bigger.
    An operating model, an employment model, could be transferred.
    Definitely, the view that we take care of each other, like brother to brother, and thus consciously chose companies that have a business policy of fair trade.
    Consciously selected organic products and prudent handling of resources. In just about any industry, this moderation could be used.
    The view that we only have one planet. Not because we can't go anywhere else. But because it is so beautiful, because it offers us everything, it takes care of us, and now it's time for us to take care of it. Thanks to Mother Nature, the extraordinary fairy tale of life unfolds every day before our eyes, but only a few see this magic.
    Fair trade, organic and harmonius usage of input and outputs, we can all do that. Only if we decided that this is important to us.
    Going back to simplicity, could resolve quiet some chalanges.
    Regardless of where we are, we have the ability to make extremely powerful decisions.
    With my influence and decision here in Slovenia, I can cause, for example, that workers in India are better and fairly paid, so that they do not endanger their lives, and thus unconsciously communicate to others in their country that there is a better life, that we all deserve it. With my decision, I also cause that we keep nature beautiful, that we improve it with our decisions and not burded it with chemicals. As a result, in the English market, I can make it so that customers will have the option of choosing what to invest their money in, and maybe for the sake of their children, they prefer to choose an organic toy that is completely natural and healthy, so if the child will put a toy in their mouth, it will not do him any harm. And last but not least, even if they bought a toy for health reasons, their consequences would be that the people who made this toy would be paid fairly. A single decision can make a huge difference. It is up to us to consciously decide whether it will be for the better or for the worse. I think the time has come to start building for ourselves, for our fellow man and for our planet, a better today, for a better future.
    By acting locally, it means that my actions provide and make better and fair circumstances and payment for workers in India and for end costumers, to have a choice, to buy from fairtrade chain toys and thus concious making world a better place.
    I think the time has come for toys and gifts, to start pawing ways for other branches of buisness, with gaining ethical, organic and deeper value of the product itself.
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